Beautifully put!What is important is that these things are done in love, whether the other can accept that expression or not is irrelevant. Never allow your love to be dependent on the other, simply continue sharing it with no regard for its outcome. Gradually, you will find that love returns to you many times more than what you have put out, you will find it difficult to continue being miserly with it. It is not like money, where the more you spend the less you have, it is utterly opposite to this, it is that the more you put out the more you receive - this is a law.
Understanding (to our best ability) of what is best for ourselves & of those we love.I agree that love is based on an understanding, but understanding of what?
IE: A group was trying to show love to a village in an economically poor country by shipping out gently used shirts. Sounds loving right? Well, this put local clothing shops out of business because they couldn't compete with "free."
I agree, Lunitik.Ordinarily, the concepts of love people have are utterly false, you will have to know what the real thing is, that love which is not directed or focused on the other but rather grows in you. It is strange that all are seeking love, yet they have never created it within themselves - now they will go into marriage thinking this one has love, and both are thinking the same, but in reality both find they have been tricked and thus divorce happens.
Only recently have I realized this though.
I used to depend on guys for my self-esteem, & of course marriage was a disappointment because nobody can give us self-esteem but our selves.
Intellectually, I realize that when I love someone, it should come from my heart with no strings attached, just like a dance for the joy of it. Yet emotionally, I feel like there has to be reciprocity. I'm still learning how to apply this in a way that is loving to myself & others in harmony.
Isn't that intriguing!The Bible states that God is within us all, and I agree with this. Realizing this, encountering that part within us which is God brings us to the peak of human potential: 'know ye not that ye are divine?'
I can't help but wonder what potential we have!
...For healing ourselves & others in mind, body & spirit!
What do you think?
Today my buttons got pushed pretty good, by the button creator herself, my mom.What is the nature of 'pushing our buttons'? It means the ego has felt it is being threatened in some way. That which is your true self can look upon this reaction and analyze it utterly detached, it can see the foolishness of this response. Usually it only observes after the fact though, because most remain slaves to the mind, they react entirely on the thought without looking first at its validity.
I exploded (pms & an argument with my husband earlier contributed)... but it was much of her actions too. I needed to assert myself because she kept disrespecting me. After a cooling off time, we discussed it again calmly & finally she respected me. Yeah, I probably said some things I shouldn't have, but our relationship is better overall, than if I would've just been quiet.
It's like Aristotle taught, "Anybody can become angry - that is easy, but to be angry with the right person and to the right degree and at the right time and for the right purpose, and in the right way - that is not within everybody's power and is not easy."For me, anger is never justified, MLK has actually shown this is superb ways, he has remained utterly level headed and focused on his target exactly because he has not reacted with anger. The Black Panthers were diametrically opposite, their every deed seemed to be based in anger, and they have accomplished comparatively little.
I think we want to have privacy because we feel safer that way...This is the trouble, the self enjoys the illusion of privacy, and thus puts up boundaries. Certainly, you must always act on what you feel is the best course in a given moment, but again I will draw on the Bible as an example, for it says God watches your ever action and thought - again I agree with the statement - but then what meaning can privacy really have?
No, hiding things from those around you merely creates a burden on your heart, this is why we have psychologists and the like - they are essentially professional listeners, their sole purpose being to provide an outlet for all that you have bottled up trying to remain private.
I'm very private, partly because I seem to have some nosey, gossipy neighbors & I don't like to be gossiped about. I live in an area permeated with the Mormon cult. I don't trust most people around me, including family. So, I create privacy to feel safe... I'll open up the second someone shows I can trust them... Like with you, I hardly know you, but I've opened up to you because you're open.
Most people are very private, & would rather pay someone to listen than go through the risk of finding friends to be open to. Still, what you mentioned about how God knows all... & what we've discussed about the humanity in us all... it may be better to "be the change I want to see in the world."