Spiritual Stages Advice?

Yeah... love others AS we also love ourselves.

No no, as if they ARE you.

This is why I have also said "the other is simply another aspect of your true self", it is because as the mind has many characters within it - the many statements of "I am", for instance, "I am a mother", "I am a wife", "I am a daughter", these are usually quite different - so we are each characters in the mind of God, that mind which was in Jesus.

This is something quite important along the spiritual road, the whole purpose is to know that one which resides in all so considering all distinct from you is going to harm your quest. It is more like they are the left hand and you are the right, all is the same body though.
There is no such spiritual growth in Catholic tradition.

Spiritual growth is organized in this way;
First we receive the sacrament of Baptism and the grace bestowed by the sacrament.
After the age of reason, about 7 yrs. of age other Sacraments follow and we receive even more grace.
With sacraments we receive Sanctifying Grace, actual grace, infused virtues, the gifts of the Holy Spirit and the final stage is fruits of the H. Spirit and Beatitudes.

But to reach the final stages we have to go through this:


7. Conversion From Sin
The Psychosomatic Structure
The Struggle Against Sin

8. Progressive Purgation
Purification of the External Senses
Purification of the Internal Senses
Purification of the Passions
Purification of the Intellect
Purification of the Will
Passive Purgations

9. Means of Spiritual Growth
The Sacraments
Meritorious Good Works
Prayer of Petition

10. The Theological Virtues
The Gift of Understanding
The Gift of Knowledge
The Gift of Fear
The Gift of Wisdom

11. The Moral Virtues
The Gift of Counsel
The Gift of Piety
The Gift of Fear
The Gift of Fortitude

12. Grades of Prayer
Vocal Prayer
Affective Prayer
Prayer of Simplicity
Contemplative Prayer
Prayer of Quiet
Prayer of Union
Prayer of Conforming Union
Prayer of Transforming Union

13. Aids to Spiritual Growth
The Presence of God
Examination of Conscience
The Desire for Perfection
Conformity to God's Will
Fidelity to Grace
Plan of Life
Spiritual Reading
Holy Friendships
Spiritual Direction

14. Discernment of Spirits
Types of Spirits
Psychosomatic Phenomena
Extraordinary Mystical Phenomena

I copied this from Spiritual Theology by Jordan Aumann. Basically speaking our spirituality is based on 3 spiritual ages.

[FONT=&quot]"The Fathers and theologians distinguish three stages or states of perfection. These are the states of beginners, the state of progress, and the state of the perfect. These states are also designated “ways”, because they are the ways of God by which souls are guided on the road to heaven." [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Another good book explaining the first stage and the beginning of the second is Introduction to Devout Life by St. Frances de Sales.[/FONT]
Thanks for sharing this, I'll look more into it.
Unless they, like Jesus, "descend below all things so that they may raise others up."

The word of God is spirit, light & truth... which can only be discerned through:
1. Thought
2. Feeling
3. Courage to experience it for yourself (faith without works is dead)

The word of God is not just the words of other imperfect human beings who lived centuries ago. The word of God is any symbol that helps us resonate with & get closer to God, or that which is GOoD.

Truly, I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God without being born from above." No one can enter the kingdom of God without being born of water and Spirit. Flesh makes flesh, spirit makes spirit. Do not be surprised that I tell you, you must all be born from above.

The hour is coming, and is now here, when genuine worshipers will worship the Lord in spirit and truth, for the Lord seeks such worshipers. For God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship Him in spirit and in truth.

Thus says the Lord who sent me;

"They shall be my people and I will be their God. One heart and one way is what I will give them, so that they will fear me always for there own good and the good of their children after them.

My spirit which is upon you and my words which I have put into your mouth shall never leave your mouth nor the mouth of your children, nor the mouth of your childrens children, from now on and forever.

Only in the Lord are just deeds and power."

That's the word of the Lord who sent me. I do nothing on my own I only say what the Lord has taught me for the One who sent me is with me He has not deserted me because i always do what pleases Him. I am the way the truth and the life no one comes to the Lord except by me.
those who worship him must worship Him in spirit and in truth.

Note that it doesn't say mind.

"They shall be my people and I will be their God. One heart and one way is what I will give them, so that they will fear me always for there own good and the good of their children after them.

This makes me somewhat suspicious, was there some arrangement that decided he is the creator? Is there some choice available for who your God is? God is all pervasive, so this doesn't make sense.

I too speak on that one heart and one way, however, but how can fear enter the heart? How can fear possibly benefit anyone, for it is fear which is central to suffering. Again a little strange...

Fear kills love, this has to be understood.
Note that it doesn't say mind.

This makes me somewhat suspicious, was there some arrangement that decided he is the creator? Is there some choice available for who your God is? God is all pervasive, so this doesn't make sense.

I too speak on that one heart and one way, however, but how can fear enter the heart? How can fear possibly benefit anyone, for it is fear which is central to suffering. Again a little strange...

Fear kills love, this has to be understood.

Your own wickedness chastises you, your own infidelities punish you. Know then, and see, how evil and bitter you are in forsaking the Lord, your God, And showing no fear of me, says the Lord, the GOD of hosts.

The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life. Those who fear the Lord walk uprightly. The upright will abide in the land the blameless will remain in it. The words of the Lord are upright and all his works are truthful, He loves justice and right.The fear of the Lord prolongs life, but the years of the wicked are brief.Those in the west shall fear the name of the Lord, and those in the east, his glory.

You have defied me in word, says the Lord, yet you ask, "What have we spoken against you?"
You have said, "It is vain to serve God, and what do we profit by keeping his command, And going about in penitential dress in awe of the Lord of hosts?
Rather must we call the proud blessed; for indeed evildoers prosper, and even tempt God with impunity." Then they who fear the Lord spoke with one another, and the Lord listened attentively; And a record book was written before him of those who fear the Lord and trust in his name.
And they shall be mine, says the Lord of hosts, my own special possession, on the day I take action. And I will have compassion on them, as a man has compassion on his son who serves him.
Then you will again see the distinction between the just and the wicked; Between him who serves God, and him who does not serve him.

You think like man not like God. This is why you must be born from above. I belong to what is above you belong to what is below.

The reason you do not hear is you are not my sheep. My sheep hear my voice , I know them and they follow me, I give them eternal life and they will never perish.
If fear is commanded rather than love, he is not my God.

In 1 John 4:8 it says "God is love", why will you fear love? It is absurd.

I belong to neither the above nor below, for these are a duality, I serve only that oneness... and that oneness is the true life. In that place, you can do nothing but serve God, you can only act righteously - but righteousness is no more a firm line in the sand between right and wrong... righteousness is the deed which stems from God, any deed, even that of service, done from the individual can be nothing but sin.

Sin means to miss, if you have not yet returned to God you are perpetually in sin, even if the ego identifies with religion it is still the ego. Repent means to return, to be transformed in God. Now you do not need a book to tell you what to say, for now you respond with the mind of Christ, not with your own.

This is religiousness, and it has never been found in the church or in a book, it is in the experience.

You are why the world is moving away from God, this absurdity which you call belief, it is poisonous. God is a loving God, you speak from a place of hate.
God speaks and you reply through what you believe is his word, you cannot recognize because of your vanity. Do not identify with God or Jesus, for all identification is of the ego, you must hate your own life, you must drop your own will - both merely say to kill the ego.

Now you partake of His spirit, now you share His mind... you only need rely on the words of a book when you are not born from above, when you have not been baptized by fire. When truth is revealed, you become that truth, your every word is of the Logos, yet you do not see. What has changed in you? You are the same, you simply believe that you will be rewarded for saying these things.

If the words come from a place of truth, the words are the reward.
Please understand, I know that place of passion from which you speak, as the person which was born of this body I too felt it for a time. You must transcend this, you must allow it to settle, then it will become compassion.

Grow in love, you have said you have tasted divine love, but your words say nothing of it. Who are you? I do not sense that you know.

It makes it hard to bring people towards God when others speak as you do, I am literally crying right now wondering why this is even permitted on the road. This is not something of truth, but it has caused many to turn their backs. Can you not understand that you are not conveying God in what you say? Is there anything of that melting in love showing in your statement? Please stop this absurdity, it is the reason for war, yet religion is about finding inner peace.

Read my words from the heart and you might understand, I hope you can, I do not believe in the devil, but I understand why others do when I see such words.
Rise in love, burn so hotly that it melts you, that you dissolve into it. Let your concepts and ideas all add fuel to the fire, let nothing remain as you are devoured by the heat.

Only then, else still ego remains.
You cannot hate your own life, yet desire it eternally.

Jesus says such a person cannot be his disciple.

Offer your life to God, for it is all you truly have to give.

Then truth is found.
What remains is eternal, this is the only salvation.

The wicked refuse correction but the son reveres the Lord and serves Him by doing what is right and just.

Keep the commandments of the Lord by walking in His ways and fearing Him.

Keep the ways of the Lord by doing what is right and just.

By your words you'll be forgiven or by your words you'll be condemned.

The Lord is righteous; he loves righteous works; the upright shall behold his face".

When a man fears the Lord, He will teach him the way he should choose. He will abide in prosperity, and his descendants shall inherit the land. The friendship of the Lord is with those who fear him, and he makes his covenant known to them.

That's the word of the Lord who lives in me and I in Him.
"My justice will remain forever and my salvation for all generations."
No no, as if they ARE you.
You are not like everyone else.
If I loved you as if you were me... I might say, do or give you things that would not mean love to you.
Real love is based on understanding, which takes time & work.

This is why I have also said "the other is simply another aspect of your true self", it is because as the mind has many characters within it - the many statements of "I am", for instance, "I am a mother", "I am a wife", "I am a daughter", these are usually quite different - so we are each characters in the mind of God, that mind which was in Jesus.

This is something quite important along the spiritual road, the whole purpose is to know that one which resides in all so considering all distinct from you is going to harm your quest. It is more like they are the left hand and you are the right, all is the same body though.
If I understand you correctly, I agree with you, that humanity is in us all. So, every person expresses potential we have.
And when we overreact, like when someone "pushes our buttons" - it's often because they reminded us of an aspect of our humanity that we don't like. Of course, there are times when anger is justified... IE: Martin Luther King Jr. had a good reason for his anger & expressed it in productive ways.

In practical, ever-day dealings with others... there must be boundaries, though, Lunitik. I can realize that we are all of the same essence, & part of the same body, as you mentioned... while still asserting what is best for me when others try to impose what they think is best for them infringing on what's best for me.
No one can enter the kingdom of God without being born of water and Spirit.
How were you & I & every single person in this world born of? WATER!
More specifically called Amniotic Fluid from out mother's womb.

Gospel = Good news, being born again into new perspectives...
Why would Jesus, who "spake not except in parables" teach us about his birth? Parable!
Mary went into labor... which I know is TOUGH!... but then she forgot the pain for joy that a child was born. That birth is symbolic for our spiritual births, which hopefully happen again & again throughout our lives. The pain is symbolic for the pain of leaving behind old beliefs that don't work for us anymore (like the parable of the old & new wine bottles).

... I am the way the truth and the life no one comes to the Lord except by me.
Who is I AM? GOD! (Remember Moses... I AM that I AM?)
How do we experience God?
Jesus taught:
"The kingdom of God cometh not with observation. The kingdom of God is within you." -Luke 17:20,21

IMO, Baptism is a beautiful symbolic ritual of being born (both in this life & spiritually).
Yet, I see it similar to how Jesus regarded Sabbath rituals... "The sabbath is made for man, not man for the sabbath." -Mark 2:27
Baptism, & other religious rituals are spiritual tools, not spirituality themselves.
You are not like everyone else.
If I loved you as if you were me... I might say, do or give you things that would not mean love to you.
Real love is based on understanding, which takes time & work.

What is important is that these things are done in love, whether the other can accept that expression or not is irrelevant. Never allow your love to be dependent on the other, simply continue sharing it with no regard for its outcome. Gradually, you will find that love returns to you many times more than what you have put out, you will find it difficult to continue being miserly with it. It is not like money, where the more you spend the less you have, it is utterly opposite to this, it is that the more you put out the more you receive - this is a law.

I agree that love is based on an understanding, but understanding of what? Ordinarily, the concepts of love people have are utterly false, you will have to know what the real thing is, that love which is not directed or focused on the other but rather grows in you. It is strange that all are seeking love, yet they have never created it within themselves - now they will go into marriage thinking this one has love, and both are thinking the same, but in reality both find they have been tricked and thus divorce happens.

If I understand you correctly, I agree with you, that humanity is in us all. So, every person expresses potential we have.
And when we overreact, like when someone "pushes our buttons" - it's often because they reminded us of an aspect of our humanity that we don't like. Of course, there are times when anger is justified... IE: Martin Luther King Jr. had a good reason for his anger & expressed it in productive ways.

The Bible states that God is within us all, and I agree with this. Realizing this, encountering that part within us which is God brings us to the peak of human potential: 'know ye not that ye are divine?'

What is the nature of 'pushing our buttons'? It means the ego has felt it is being threatened in some way. That which is your true self can look upon this reaction and analyze it utterly detached, it can see the foolishness of this response. Usually it only observes after the fact though, because most remain slaves to the mind, they react entirely on the thought without looking first at its validity.

For me, anger is never justified, MLK has actually shown this is superb ways, he has remained utterly level headed and focused on his target exactly because he has not reacted with anger. The Black Panthers were diametrically opposite, their every deed seemed to be based in anger, and they have accomplished comparatively little.

In practical, ever-day dealings with others... there must be boundaries, though, Lunitik. I can realize that we are all of the same essence, & part of the same body, as you mentioned... while still asserting what is best for me when others try to impose what they think is best for them infringing on what's best for me.

This is the trouble, the self enjoys the illusion of privacy, and thus puts up boundaries. Certainly, you must always act on what you feel is the best course in a given moment, but again I will draw on the Bible as an example, for it says God watches your every action and thought - again I agree with the statement - but then what meaning can privacy really have?

No, hiding things from those around you merely creates a burden on your heart, this is why we have psychologists and the like - they are essentially professional listeners, their sole purpose being to provide an outlet for all that you have bottled up trying to remain private.
What remains is eternal, this is the only salvation.
From an eternal perspective, I'd say yes. :p

But from a every-day practical approach, I'd say salvation is correcting our thinking, which will correct our feelings & behavior.
Although we need spiritual tools/crutches, especially each other (in body & spirit), to help in this, ultimately it's up to us.
The friendship of the Lord is with those who fear him.
I love the scriptures - they've been my friend in my darkest & happiest times.
There are so many beautiful messages in them!
Yet, they've been through many corrupt hands, like Constatine & others who twisted words to keep the common people fearful, shamed & submissive to political powers.

"Perfect love caseth out all fear."
"God is love."
From an eternal perspective, I'd say yes. :p

But from a every-day practical approach, I'd say salvation is correcting our thinking, which will correct our feelings & behavior.
Although we need spiritual tools/crutches, especially each other (in body & spirit), to help in this, ultimately it's up to us.

I agree in a sense, yet it is my experience that in true rebirth what remains needs no correction. That which remains is pure love, as 1 John 4:8 says God is love. This rebirth aligns you with the mind which is in Christ, that which arises out of it is perfect as the father is perfect - it is the removal of all separation.

Only that which is eternal can never die, it is the purpose of human existence to find and re-merge with our eternal and infinite Source. As the Church Fathers have said: God has become man so that man can become God, and yet in truth God has been all there is the entire time - we are here to experience that, to know it beyond doubt. When you also can know you are the Alpha and Omega, how can fear arise in you? You understand your essence is immortal, all else is leading to this understanding.
"Perfect love casteth out all fear."

I love this, thank you for sharing, for I have not come across it myself in the Bible before :)

For others reference, it is 1 John 4:18 - the entire verse is just beautiful!