Fear of God

Bhaktajan said:

Oh if only you mad sense were false, what a wonderful world it would be.

If you allude to me as a representative of the conjunction of the nomenclatures, brahma-arcarya-viryam in conjunction with the injunctions to protect from harm and promote the welfare of mother earth incarnate, the cow . . . then you are correct, for those traits, yes indeed, I am most admirable.

Wellwishes from the only Hare Krishna Devotee that you know,

Lunitik, naively posts:

Originally Posted by bhaktajan: I am most admirable.
This is ego.

Is being admirable in others eyes more important than truth?

Find out who has watched the ego say this.

WHEREAS, Bhaktajan stated, "If you allude to me as a representative . . . to protect from harm . . . mother earth incarnate, the cow . . . then you are correct"

Lunitk do you eat Mother Cow?
Lunitk do you eat Mother Cow?

Do not bring this nonsense to me, do you even understand why cows are considered representative of the divine? It is because of their acceptance, their lack of busy-ness, their calmness - these are all meditative attributes, and the cow exhibits many more too. To say the cow is something actually divine is just stupidity though. Without eating, we will die, yet everything we eat contains Brahman, I simply am grateful to all that has given its life to support mine - and yes, that includes cows. What difference is there between the seed and the cow though? Nuts could have produced life which provides our oxygen, the cow is responsible for much pollution. There is no basis for glorifying the cow, in fact there are too many in the world.

Again, you show your blind acceptance of idiocy though, yet you claim you are a genius. You show again my statement that your only basis for being admirable is your belief system, without it you are nothing. When your virtues are nothing but imaginings, can you really say they are something though? Respect has no benefit at all, morals and ethics are nothing, all this you are basing on things others have said to you, things you have accepted from others. Everything about you is just borrowed...

Find something authentically yours, that is the only respectable thing.
Originally Posted by bhaktajan
Lunitk do you eat Mother Cow?

So you Do!(?)
Do you prefer the male or female flesh?
Do you prefer the old or the younglings?
Do you care if they were retarted, maimed, drugged-up, or insane?
Do you care who the butchers are; ie, ex-cons, fugitive, non-union labor?
Do you already have a treatment plan aggreed upon when polyps are to be removed?
I bet you a sausage man. Maybe that's presumptuous of me to ask.
Surely, you're a worldly man. You've probably have tasted the whole spectrum of beasts: from critters, air & marine scavangers to Gorillas and maybe even a Shark's Fin?

Anyway, we souls in the material world are free to ignore the very specific injuctions of the Vedas for the reat of time ---if that's the best you think of doing.

Do not bring this nonsense to me, Find something authentically yours, that is the only respectable thing.

You are a MUDHA INCARNATE #1. Don't take my advise look it up, mudha.

do you even understand why cows are considered representative of the divine?

Yes, Ask me I tell you volumes, our dear Mudha.

To say the cow is something actually divine is just stupidity though.

Yep. Ganga-din, I think I heard you right.
Squerrel season just around the bend Jethro!

You think you can expouse about Karma, samsara, Atma, brahman, Krishna, Advaita, Dharma when you are an OUTSIDER?

Did you read my post about you?
I will repeat:
"Lunitik, you are out of your league & out of your element when addressing Higher Spiritual Realisations and the Teaching of authentic doctrines.

Killing and blood lust by any other name is still blood lust.

Mudha Busters Ltd,
Bhaktajan Ash-son

PS: remember "You do not exist". See? I learnt something from you!
So you Do!(?)
Do you prefer the male or female flesh?
Do you prefer the old or the younglings?
Do you care if they were retarted, maimed, drugged-up, or insane?
Do you care who the butchers are; ie, ex-cons, fugitive, non-union labor?
Do you already have a treatment plan aggreed upon when polyps are to be removed?
I bet you a sausage man. Maybe that's presumptuous of me to ask.
Surely, you're a worldly man. You've probably have tasted the whole spectrum of beasts: from critters, air & marine scavangers to Gorillas and maybe even a Shark's Fin?

Anyway, we souls in the material world are free to ignore the very specific injuctions of the Vedas for the reat of time ---if that's the best you think of doing.

You are a MUDHA INCARNATE #1. Don't take my advise look it up, mudha.

Yes, Ask me I tell you volumes, our dear Mudha.

Yep. Ganga-din, I think I heard you right.
Squerrel season just around the bend Jethro!

You think you can expouse about Karma, samsara, Atma, brahman, Krishna, Advaita, Dharma when you are an OUTSIDER?

Did you read my post about you?
I will repeat:
"Lunitik, you are out of your league & out of your element when addressing Higher Spiritual Realisations and the Teaching of authentic doctrines.

Killing and blood lust by any other name is still blood lust.

Mudha Busters Ltd,
Bhaktajan Ash-son

PS: remember "You do not exist". See? I learnt something from you!

Certainly I am an outsider, because I do not adhere to nonsense.

I use your terminology that you might understand, but please do not mistake me for a Hindu, I am not that stupid. Then, I would ask whether you think Krishna was a Brahmin, which was the Hindu religion he was born into? Certainly not, else you would not be following him, he would have been just following Manu, he would have offered nothing new to earn any devotion.

Yet, needing laws to create barriers in life, retaining a basic need for structure, the Hindu's have not understood the freedom of Krishna. Still the Hindu's have basically missed him, without Hindu eyes, I can look at him directly, this is my benefit.
Certainly I am an outsider, because I do not adhere to nonsense.
I use your terminology that you might understand, but please do not mistake me for a Hindu, I am not that stupid.


Wow! You confess!
Well I have been saying it all along.

It's so heart warming when a Mudha confesses that he is a bonefide mudha and no better. He knows it and he face-up to the truth.

your an honest mudha,
Jain koan... "if you do not exist but you eat flesh do you still have to atone?"

Lets not get into the Jaina's, else I will have to raise the point that they do not believe in toilets or cleaning themselves. Mahavir has been absolutely omniscient in their eyes, but has not discussed the need for hygiene, their monks simply find it a luxury and they must do absolutely without. As for toilets, he has said do not relieve yourself in water, and there is water in the toilet. They will do their stuff in a bucket and throw it into the village...

The housekeepers of Mahavir and the Indian money people, similar stereotypes to the Jews in the West. I must respect Mahavir in one respect because after finding truth he has simply starved himself to death - the courage of it is astounding. With him it is beautiful, but his followers go on in a similar vain, they are absolute ascetics and Mahatma Ghandi spent much time with them in a rather disgusting ashram.

Every religion is basically retarded at this point, the entire world over, because they are so much divorced from any founder but do not look for any new truths or even course corrections related to the old.
Jain koan... "if you do not exist but you eat flesh do you still have to atone?"

Oooohhh! Good One!

Heary Heary!
Now anyone who thinks he knows better [no names mentioned] can confess that they DO NOT EXIST.

Wow! You confess!
Well I have been saying it all along.

It's so heart warming when a Mudha confesses that he is a bonefide mudha and no better. He knows it and he face-up to the truth.

your an honest mudha,

You call me a mudha, yet you believe a cow is the Divine Mother incarnate... this is just ironic.

First of all, there is no such thing as Divine Mother, it is the female aspect of Brahman yet now we enter duality, which is false. Secondly, its a cow.

You have accepted absurdities because it is part of your religion, you cannot even look at it for the idiotic thing it is... yet you think it is some kind of victory because I say I am certainly distinct from century old stupidity and imaginings. Be my guest, I have never claimed to be a Hindu though, I have only said I have read all the Vedas, Upanishads and Gita, and I hold them in no higher esteem than any other text such as the Bible, Quran, Guru Granth Sahib, Gullivers Travels.

Scripture is nothing, just words on a page, you only uphold their stupidities because you have no authentic truth of your own.
Jain koan... "if you do not exist but you eat flesh do you still have to atone?"

To answer the Koan...

It is disrespectful not to show gratitude for its giving its life to you.

This is the foolishness of these people, it is one thing not to buy beef, but if you put it on their plate they still will not eat it. It is just disrespectful, because now it will end up in the trash. It has given its life and you cannot even be thankful, you cannot give it the dignity of not letting this go to waste... it is just hypocritical.

It takes a little awareness to see, but if you cut out all things which contain God from your diet, you will not be able to eat at all... you will starve to death as the Jaina patriarch has. I cannot agree with any faith which is so anti-life. It is again displayed in burning of bodies, it is a refusal to allow your own body to be given back to nature after you have taken so much from it.
I have only said I have read all the Vedas, Upanishads and Gita

Now How in the world could this be true?

You call me a mudha, yet you believe a cow is the Divine Mother incarnate...

From now on I will honor your NON-Existent Status.

BTW, I do not call you a mudha. I apply Krishna's definition of Mudha.
I know a mudha when I have met a mudha, because, I know Krishna's definition of Mudha from Krishna's Bhagavad-gita.
You will only avoid experiencing life as the ocean, its sheer vastness, its total power, it is available to you. First you must cease life as the drop, you must surrender what you are now to know what you have always been.

You are the alpha and omega, yet you are convinced it is not so.

Satnaam(Truth is His name).
You call me a mudha, yet you believe a cow is the Divine Mother incarnate... this is just ironic.

First of all, there is no such thing as Divine Mother, it is the female aspect of Brahman yet now we enter duality, which is false. Secondly, its a cow.

You have accepted absurdities because it is part of your religion, you cannot even look at it for the idiotic thing it is... yet you think it is some kind of victory because I say I am certainly distinct from century old stupidity and imaginings. Be my guest, I have never claimed to be a Hindu though, I have only said I have read all the Vedas, Upanishads and Gita, and I hold them in no higher esteem than any other text such as the Bible, Quran, Guru Granth Sahib, Gullivers Travels.

Scripture is nothing, just words on a page, you only uphold their stupidities because you have no authentic truth of your own.

Satnaam(Truth is His Name)

If you study Guru Granth Sahib Ji, you'll understand that the principles it teaches are True. It is not the paper that is Guru(teacher), it is the Truth principles it teaches to be applied to our daily lives.

One of the first teachings Guru Nanak bestowed upon the world was that there is 'No Hindu, No Muslim' i.e no religion- no segregation. Truth cannot be confined to a religion- Sikh simply means student. We are students of the everpresent, All pervading Truth(Sat). It existed during the Satyug- it has Always existed.

Guru Granth Sahib stresses that Truth must be lived, the real Truth practitioners do not simply read scriptures over and over- they apply the Truth throughout their lives, never stopping- through good karmas and bad- they bring the Truth reality alive around them- it takes on the maya. Application of the Truth means 100% surrender of the mind(we are asked to give our heads on this neverending path(it is Inifinite, just like Truth) of Truth)- it is our hearts that applies the gyan, for the Truth is beyond logic(mind is confined to illusion).

The Gurus were incarnated on earth to teach the Puran Sat- Pure Truth to the masses- as many of the previous teachings of Great souls like Jesus had been corrupted by many people and scholars who applied too much logic to the Truth Discoveries of the Great Souls.

The application of the gyan(divine knowledge discovered in the hearts of the Gurus) to our daily natural lives leads us further and further into Truth(Into the True heart which is also His heart i.e the entire creation and beyond)- and as we apply, the discoveries become our own- we begin to actually experience and discover the Truth for ourselves and understand what we've been taught 1st hand- for the Truth is the same and will remain the same..

The Truth seeker accepts the will of God(hukam) at all times, learning as and when He wills it- not on our own terms with wants and bargaining, and lives by the laws of Nirboah and Nirvair(Fearlessness and being All loving beyond measure).

Being Nirboah means accepting God as everything no matter how controversial He may appear to us- whether he beats us, slanders us or tortures us through negative karmas- we accept that it's all Truth- All is always As deserved.

Being Nirvair means to be All Loving Beyond Measure. We love Him in every form He takes and beyond. Nirboah and Nirvair go hand in hand- to be Truly fearless is to be All loving and to be All loving, we must be fearless. It is a pure love that opens the heart to be able to Truly accept all as His will- it is Beyond the shackles of logic/the mind(the root of the 5 theives of ego, anger, lust, greed and attachment).

Throughout All, we speak Truth, Serve Truth, Deliver Truth and Die Truth(as Jesus did when He embraced Martyrdom). Acceptance of God's will is True love.

God bless you