Maitreya - the coming of the word teacher

For clarity on certain matters, though ... Even the most sophisticated spy satellites and aerial imagery today cannot detect any of the abodes or places of activity of the Great Ones. This is the one Sacrosanct aspect of the relationship between the Christ & the Masters and Humanity. In this sense, we may say that they are guarded from us ... as we work together to again build the Bridge that allows free flow interchange between the Kingdoms.

If we think for a few moments, we will see why this kind of Protection is and MUST be the case. ;)
Unfortunately, it was prophesied (is NOW taking place) that the revelation of the Maitreya from incognito, will also be accompanied by massive earth changes (mainly earthquakes, tsunamis and sea level rising that will likely wipe out millions.
This, coupled with a new World Teacher working on raising mass consciousness and awareness, will shepherd(or scare?) us into a New Age.
What must happen will happen. Earth must cleanse herself, this is not the first time, but perhaps the last.
My money says we will be here all throughout the Aquarian Era, and even well into Capricorn. I don't mean to suggest in any way that we will disappear at that point, or suddenly evolve into something different, regardless as to how much we progress and awaken during Aquarius.

Yet the cycle is one of ~26000 years - and this is but one of many cycles, some being much, much longer. Cosmic evolution, encompassing both the material and the spiritual, can be reckoned - and would be reckoned by Maitreya and Rishis - in terms of hundreds of thousands of years, as well as millions, billions, etc.

Our frame of reference, the time scale that is in most of our heads, just isn't made for these kinds of considerations. That's my best stab at it.

Rather, we are sometimes asked to use Reason and even speculation insight, looking for parallels and whenever possible, real-world illustrations of cosmic principles and macrocosmic events on the Human scale and in terms that make sense to each other from our common human experience.

So although it is perhaps a less glamorous culmination of Piscean mankind's collective spiritual, even material achievement to simply pass the baton all sportsmanlike, this is nevertheless the mode of transition that we might imagine the Hierarchy as trying currently to Work out, doing so through a Human instrument that is increasingly receptive and Responsive to the benefit of new Aquarian energies and stimulation.

There is an old guard, and unfortunately not all of the planet wishes to move forward without a fight. The Teachings I have studied have always recommended to us that we do our best to press onward, acknowledging but not participating in any friction that we may observe between the various groups that compose the One Human Family.

If we happen to observe additional goings-on within the world, or subtle world, I think it falls upon our shoulders to try and do likewise, turning our attention on what we KNOW to be the current phase of the Externalization as best we understand the topic.

While I cannot claim any understanding other than my own ;) ... I can say that I don't feel worried about Human Destiny in the long run. It isn't that we cannot change the future; in one sense, this IS precisely the lesson that we are all struggling to learn here. Yet this is not a new ability, and even our recognition of it is something from long ago in our past - not superseded by more current revelation, but brought into a different light as a result.

We are choosing how we will proceed, but one of the FOREMOST recognitions which I believe the Coming World Teacher will share with us - exactly in some of the same ways as before, others, definitely new and different - will be that of the God within. The term that may make more sense to some would be the Principle of `Essential Divinity.'

This has to do with the innate *worth* of every human being and as an affirmation it opens us to or aligns us with the Law of Spiritual Approach. The Christ, the Buddha Shakyamuni, the Coming One and in fact all spiritual Teachers have illustrated this Law and corresponding Principle in their very person, their example and their instructions to us.

They have also taught us the importance of the Principle of Goodwill, and the Law of Right Human Relations ... the Principle of Unanimity and the Law of Group Endeavor. The New Discipleship is based upon recognition and observance of this last Law and corresponding Principle.

Goodwill, the organization, is located within walking distance of my house, but a newer store has already opening up in recent days or weeks. There are literal, tangible signs of the activities of some of Maitreyas own closest disciples in the world today ... yet the best way to understand this may be to conjure the poetic image of the blossoming of lotuses atop the water to support the Footsteps ~ of the Blessed.

I have been listending for awhile. Is it possible to move within the world in such a way that all we do is benefit the Purpose and Plan, while seeking - and claiming - nothing for the separated self? How simply can we live?
  • How directly would we like to embody our own Soul's Dharma, our own Soul's Holy Purpose?
FutureHumanDestiny (Dale),

The Elder Brothers of Humanity such as Maitreya do NOT do things like make spectacular miracles. Such things are counterproductive to what they are trying to achieve.

Yes, there will be great earthquakes and floods before the reappearance of Maitreya (the Messiah), but there is no reason to think this will be the last time this kind of thing will happen on earth. I think the earth has to go through several mores such cycles before we are finished. There is no reason to think Maitreya will be the last Buddha to appear.
the Coming World Teacher will share with us - exactly in some of the same ways as before, others, definitely new and different - will be that of the God within. The term that may make more sense to some would be the Principle of `Essential Divinity.'

From "Animal Farm" to "The Jungle" as I was informed by my grade school nuns, until today as I write to you, Andrew good brother, I tell you world peace and advanced spiritual wakening among mankind requires: "Cow Protection".

Mother Cow is the bulwark of agraian economics since time immemorial.
Milk alone produces varieties of foodstuffs. Her urine is medicinal, her stool is fuel.

Her husband is the most reliable beast of burden, aka the Bull.

The taking of Her milk and then the eating of her flesh is the pinnacle of hard-hearted bestiality amongst mankind naive insipid propensities.

The grand irony of western culture is Cow-slaughter houses ---it is the common denouminator of mass karmic payback.

The whole twentieth century is a closed case study of mundane functions & calculations of KARMA: Kd=Kp, Karma done = karmic payback.

The irony of "samsara" is: there is no hiding or running from past karma; just it's judicious effiecientcy. . . . exceedingly fine.

BTW, as per the Vedas, for raising for slaughter, killing, transporting, cooking, serving & eating the the cow ---on takes a birth for each hair on the body of the cow. The dividens of karmic payback trickle down the stratum of networks interconnecting the web of actions of all parties ---without the consent of said parties.

Ironically, as usually can be suspected, all parties conceed, "It tasted great at the time".

Remember, fire burns, the electrics plug will shock & look both ways while crossing the street.
Damn good story, and I tend to favor the advice in the final line - being a big Deputy Dan fan myself (no really).

Just stopping by, also, to direct folks to Terence Trent D'Arby on Wiki for some outside reading (very light-spirited) ... on the thread topic. ;) :)

What if Humanity is on the verge of self destruction, but the Spiritual Hierarchy has decided that we have demonstrated enough goodwill to warrant protection from nuclear disaster and the huge step backward we would be taking in our evolution of consciousness?

The "Church" should be where society turns for moral direction. What if the current "Church", with its ridiculous warnings of eternal torture for those who oppose it, has rendered itself useless as a spiritual compass due to its corruption through political machinations?

What if the cosmic energies of Aquarius are driving us to a community of synthesis?

What if Benjamin Creme's Maitreya is the real deal? What about Alice Bailey's prediction of a third messenger (herself and Blavatsky being the first two) who was to appear after 1975 and utilize the radio (remember that the Internet did not exist at the time, or anything even close to it) as a medium of communication? Who is number 3 if not Mr. Creme who became known just after 1975?
Who is the 3rd? There are several possible candidates. My best guess so far is that we have not yet seen her work on as large a scale as that of HPB and AAB. Not to say, however, that these books may not already be on the shelf in your local library or bookstore. I think it's here that the Intuition of the student is called into play.

Another possibility, and just food for thought, is that the 3rd installment of Teachings can and will only be found by those who have at least consciously set foot upon the path of Aspiration and Discipleship. That is in no way exclusive, but rather, an indication of just the opposite. I would not be surprised to learn, sooner or later, that the Teachings have somehow been here all along. Just not as Creme's work. ;)

The Tibetan Master does indicate that direct Divine Intervention took place toward the end of WWII. This most definitely involved what I would figure as some kind of stay on the part of the Planetary Logos, perhaps acting from even greater position of authority.

One set of Teachings indicates that another Cosmic Group entirely has been partially brought into interrelation [hence co-relation] with that to which Humanity, and the other planetary evolutions of this (and possibly other) Solar System(s) belong. The idea of an Ashram of Synthesis is something I believe in wholeheartedly, as its inception - at the request of Buddha Shakyamuni - is discussed in some detail in one of the Tibetan Master's writings (again, toward the end of the war, after our planet's moment of great tribulation was behind her).

I do not accept Creme as in any way the herald of Maitreya, except that at least his information is not 99% bunk as perhaps that of a Harold Camp or the Heaven's Gate people. Nor do I think it sensible to reject such notions as flying saucers, as long as we are not swept away in the glamour, or caught up in tendencies to demonize or over-angelicize this simple, natural and timely phenomenon.

The Roerichs witnessed ufo's when traveling in Tibet, and the Lamas assured them that they were most fortunate to have witnessed these signs, indicating their protection at the hand of Rigden Jyepo.

So I think we have to be ready to consider some things within context, and mine tells me:
Stay clear of Elizabeth Clare Prophets and Benjamin Cremes, largely for the very same reason(s)! :cool:

Be cool.
They are trying to prepare humanity for the externalization of the spiritual Hierarchy, especially the return of Christ. Maitreya, as presented by Benjamin Creme is EXACTLY what we should be looking for and expecting at this point in time. It is going to be hard enough dealing with the reaction of the ignorant masses when these INEVITABLE events take shape on the physical plane. We as disciples know what to expect (or should) and to quibble over a few years on a cosmic calendar is ridiculous and spiritually irresponsible. If you lend a hand to the emergence project being spearheaded by Mr. Creme and Share International, do you think it will be held against you by the Karmic Overseers if his story turns out to be inaccurate? Hierarchy needs all of the help available from any part of Humanity willing to step up. I admit that Mr. Creme's claims are borderline absurd when it comes to Christ being interviewed on numerous occasions in multiple countries. But this point in Cosmic history is unprecedented, so maybe miracles are happening associated with Maitreya already. The bottom line is to serve selflessly. That is the only thing ever worth doing, unless you are happy living in the world of illusion, where everything and everyone are separated from each other. Go out on a limb and make yourself useful to the Masters. Spread the word about the Reappearance of Christ and the Masters. Or you can mock them with your myopic opinions that do nothing but make Their job more difficult.
They are trying to prepare humanity for the externalization of the spiritual Hierarchy, especially the return of Christ. Maitreya, as presented by Benjamin Creme is EXACTLY what we should be looking for and expecting at this point in time. It is going to be hard enough dealing with the reaction of the ignorant masses when these INEVITABLE events take shape on the physical plane. We as disciples know what to expect (or should) and to quibble over a few years on a cosmic calendar is ridiculous and spiritually irresponsible. If you lend a hand to the emergence project being spearheaded by Mr. Creme and Share International, do you think it will be held against you by the Karmic Overseers if his story turns out to be inaccurate? Hierarchy needs all of the help available from any part of Humanity willing to step up. I admit that Mr. Creme's claims are borderline absurd when it comes to Christ being interviewed on numerous occasions in multiple countries. But this point in Cosmic history is unprecedented, so maybe miracles are happening associated with Maitreya already. The bottom line is to serve selflessly. That is the only thing ever worth doing, unless you are happy living in the world of illusion, where everything and everyone are separated from each other. Go out on a limb and make yourself useful to the Masters. Spread the word about the Reappearance of Christ and the Masters. Or you can mock them with your myopic opinions that do nothing but make Their job more difficult.
Perhaps your intuition tells you something different regarding Benjamin Creme. Not everyone sees it that way. Nick the Pilot is a Theosophist, yet his views and mine will differ considerably on this subject. And what of it?

I think the point you raise is a valid one, and that is that as we are motivated to serve, we should do so. But why follow a false prophet? Especially those whose very names make a mockery of the reality?

Elizabeth CLEAR PROPHET ... I was into that for awhile. I also like to think it is up to the individual disciple, or aspirant, to discern [viveka, intuition] what is glamour, what is maya, what is illusion and what is the Path of Service.

Divisiveness and separativeness are obstacles to the Christ's Reappearance, yes. The Tibetan Master wrote a piece on "The Inertia of the Average Spiritually-Minded Man." Why not direct us to *THIS piece* ... and let folks make up their own mind about Creme, Alice Bailey or Theosophy? After all, the Buddhist and Hindu traditions have spoken *specifically* about Maitreya for millennia. Other traditions can also be shown as having similar prophecies, if you accept that Maitreya is also the Imam, Saoshyant, Messiah, Christos, etc.

Notice that Baha'i's may not look for the World Teacher to come in the immediate future, but that does not stop THEM from preparing the Way, nonetheless. Could Baha'u'llah have been the World Teacher, or perhaps a Forerunner, an Avatar? What about Nick the Pilot, the only person here at Interfaith who's a Theosophist, that I know of? He doesn't expect the World Teacher for several centuries or more. Are his efforts fruitless and pointless, because he doesn't believe in Creme, or doesn't agree with me on these minor points you bring up ... ???

I should think not.

Yesterday, we celebrated St. Patrick's Day. The idea that the Christ already holds the etheric body of St. Patrick, as well as the higher vehicles of Shakyamuni Buddha ("bequeathed" unto him for use in the New Era) is something I wholeheartedly believe in. But will it even make sense to a lot of folks? Of course not. And again, what of it?

So yeah, I agree, we should be practicing the Dharma, which only sometimes involves talking about it, or seeing where we agree and disagree. I'm not afraid of disagreement, however, or even friendly debate. When discord does *not* produce harmony ... then we have a problem.

Right now there are so many parallel or quasi-parallel threads at Interfaith, on precisely the topics that *I* think we should all be discussing (and LIVING) ... that I can't see for the life of me where the problem is. This is absolutely AWESOME, now that I pause, smile, and take proper awareness. :)

Maitreya doesn't need an Amen Corner. And I don't think Creme is doing us any great favors, either. One Master points out that the general exposure to the ideas is certainly a good thing. But look what happened with Krishnamurti! When things went awry, many followers were disheartened, and the Christ Himself was motivated to issue a statement ... hoping to clarify matters, at least for those with an open mind, open heart and as we have said, an EAGERNESS TO SERVE.

Allow me to quote, if I may, from what I believe are the actual words of the Christ, published in 1932:

"Henceforth I come not solely through groups with recognized officials, through organizations rendering me what is often no more than lip-service in their assumptions of Brotherhood; I come to each and all who love me, no matter of what race, class or creed. The greatness of their need of me, the strength of their desire to see me, shall be the measure of their power to see me. The peasant in the Swiss mountains; the scientist in his laboratory; the artist dreaming of his creation; the mystic and the psychologist; the spiritualist and the musician--to these and many others I come if their intuition, their inner vision be true enough to recognize me, if there be in their hearts That which responds to the Love which eternally flows forth to them from mine.

Verily has it been proclaimed throughout the ages that God is Love--Love the very essence of the Absolute ...

Therefore by this Power which I hold, this Power of Almighty Love, seek I to draw the hearts of men into unity with that Good, that Happiness, which is for all men the goal, no matter what name they ascribe to it, no matter under what guise and seeming it appears to them. The ways of search be manifold, but on each of these I am ready to meet my own.

And through these my own will I speak, will I walk amongst men when the hour strikes; not confined to one recognized medium or vehicle, but where-ever the light of aspiration is kindled within a heart, there is my medium, there my vehicle."

There are today MANY esoteric groups around the world which seek to assist with the Externalization of the Hierarchy and the Reappearance of the Christ. I know of several, directly, and perhaps a dozen by association. Briefly, yes, we did have a member of one group speak to us and make an appeal regarding Benjamin Creme and Share International. It was as unpleasant as the time I got hooked into the Summit Univ. and `I AM business.' I don't hold Creme responsible for what was said, yet it did not *resonate*. In short, it derailed our group - but only temporarily.

When individual detractors come along and try to make waves like this, shooing people along to their ways of thinking, or their particular take on things, they don't usually last long. If in their hearts the desire to serve is *strong* and not just a passing fascination or growth spurt, they will find the way ... and even if they don't fully agree, they will cooperate with the Group and allow Greater Purpose to dictate. Then, if the time comes, it may be possible to take a closer look at individual contributions. :)

I think you will need to accept, for the moment, that one can be FULLY dedicated to the Reappearance and Externalization, serving in a number of capacities ... and not have the slightest interest whatsoever in Creme, or half the other stuff I've posted on this thread (or related threads, on the Masters of the Wisdom). If you believe the words above, one need not have ever even heart of these topics, or be religious in the conventional sense ... as sometimes even Initiates are born without awareness of their advanced spiritual status. After all, how does this automatically help us, to know of such things?

In my humble opinion, the writings of Cyril Scott and David Anrias, among *many others* ... are more or less GOSPEL. Does that mean that YOU must also accept it, in order to be in some kind of special league or "in group" with Maitreya and the gang? ;)

I'll bet not. :D
I like to add/offer this insight perhaps. The Hierarchy invisibly "manages things and they have been at it (successfully, I might add for centuries). They allow certain "bad things" to happen if those are facilitating mankind's advance spiritually and otherwise. My understanding, and this is definitely mine alone (am part of no school) that this last one will be final as mankind will catch up and progress to where we are supposed to be on the Cosmic :timeline:
The Hierarchy allowed the mongol invasion, Hitler, Pol Pot, Mao, Stalin, Industrial Revolution etc. because it was necessary and in a way "bad" events also beget something good...
They "allow" a global warming as there are unsustainable amount of peeps craws this earth and Mother Earth is dying in their swarm. The estimate is that perhaps half or 2/3 will be gone before the final days start. That will make mankind ripe and ready to change. Those perished will reincarnate immediately on a different planet, where they already advanced beyond the physical realm and their mode of existence is entirely in the astral - this is, by the way why NASA cannot seem to find "intelligent" life - they are looking at the wrong place.
It is said Maitreya will be the next Buddha. This makes a lot of sense to me. I would not say he will incorporate the consciousness of Jesus, Buddha, etc., but that he will incorporate their teachings.

when this is the case, how do you predict that orthodox scholars in those traditions (christian, buddhic, hindu, etc.) will reply to his claims to have incorporated those traditions?
I like to add/offer this insight perhaps. The Hierarchy invisibly "manages things and they have been at it (successfully, I might add for centuries).

since the hierarchy manages things on a large scale, why would you guess Maitreya will work with people in small groups? i'm not challenging your view; i'm just hoping that you will connect your ideas together in a way that's coherent for me.

The hierarchy and the World Teacher are two different things. The reason of the Maitreya's return is to "wrap things" up so to speak, during and post apocalyptic world. I am not sure if these encounters will only be in "small groups" but that will be ONE way he can gather followers and "foot soldiers" to help with a transition. Pre-return, small groups can meditate and the effort of a group action can be a beacon for the Maitreya to find these groups. Even in Astral body he is not omnipresent and can only be in one place at the time.
Sometime ago my teacher alluded to the fact that he could multiply his astral form so my prior statement has caveats. Despite our falling out I pretty much follow my teacher's words to the letter as they are not only logical but a certain way, a sounding board of a divine providence. (My teacher (now 77) was a disciple of an Agni Yoga teacher and hermetic Guru who could heal the sick - he had cases that doctors gave up on time and time again...)
since the hierarchy manages things on a large scale, why would you guess Maitreya will work with people in small groups? i'm not challenging your view; i'm just hoping that you will connect your ideas together in a way that's coherent for me.

I feel like i am wasting my time and energy trying to convince people who don't want to be convinced that we should take advantage of this unique opportunity we have right now. Whether Christ is here now in the form of Maitreya or He will appear in 2026 as Someone Else is immaterial. The Christ consciousness is gaining strength and will one day be strong enough to produce drastic change on this wonderful planet. To support Benjamin Creme and Share International can only be judged as a noble effort if your intent is to ultimately "let light and love and power restore the Plan on Earth." What harm will come from you lending your voice and energy to the efforts of Benjamin Creme as he works and dedicates his life to encouraging millions of tormented souls that relief is right around the corner. If you cared about those who suffer, you would grasp at any opportunity to help them. If you, or someone you loved dearly, were in a position where only someone like Maitreya could help, you would do everything in your power to assist with that Mission, even if it made you appear to others to be tilting at windmills. To embrace Maitreya is to embrace LOVE, no matter the outcome. Arguing with people like you is like arguing with Atheists. At any rate, my words (and these will be my last) are directed at people who listen with their hearts. You guys are just way more intelligent than I ever hope to be.
I feel like i am wasting my time and energy trying to convince people who don't want to be convinced that we should take advantage of this unique opportunity we have right now.
Perhaps your energy should find a more direct, straight-into-action expression ... ?

Tommylama said:
To support Benjamin Creme and Share International can only be judged as a noble effort if your intent is to ultimately "let light and love and power restore the Plan on Earth."
Not to support Creme is also perfectly okay. In fact, my argument is that Creme's a fraud. If we disagree, then prove me wrong by keeping your own feet on the Path ... and a few more paces down the road I have a feeling our paths will cross again. Who knows what will happen at that juncture. Getting worked up over it right now, however, is not profitable for *anyone*. See?

Tommylama said:
What harm will come from you lending your voice and energy to the efforts of Benjamin Creme as he works and dedicates his life to encouraging millions of tormented souls that relief is right around the corner.
Creme's a fraud. He repeats the Teachings of those before him. In this, he does help spread the word, raising public awareness. That is where his service to the Coming One ends, however, because he also misleads. Case in point: Tommylama. We all have to get to know a Sexy Sadie or two. It is part of the road to better discrimination ... and I say, what harm can possibly come from traveling the straight & narrow, leaving the glamoured and deluded disciples to work out their own Salvation, with diligence?

I assure you, their situation is not a lost cause. More advanced Disciples and Initiates than Benjamin Creme are well aware of the problem. They will tend to him; don't fret over spilt milk. Our task is to not get sidetracked. I think you are, because you clearly have the agenda here - already - of making a bunch of Creme converts. That's subversive, and it's not what is needed. I say, share your experiences, TELL US what you have learned by your exposure to Creme. Don't waste your breath asking us to beat a path to his front door, however. ;)

Yet I challenge you to present non-glamourized, useful advice or information that originates with Creme, rather than being something he has watered down - or in some cases, simply reprinted. I'm not even saying that Creme is fully aware of what he is doing. After all, do much of our shortcoming is due to nescience ...

Try not to make, or take things personally. Let people discover the teachings of Creme on their own, if you have confidence in their veracity. If they discover them to be useful, they will gravitate toward his teaching & example, and it will become clear what his usefulness is or has been. I still say, Creme can be credited with seeking to assist in the One Work. Make a guru out of him, and you will meet only with disappointment. This may take years, however, to realize ... and the disillusionment can sometimes derail us from our spiritual path for even longer. In some cases, people have a falling away for the remainder of a lifetime.

Needless to say, this is terrible lost opportunity to serve for everyone ...

Tommylama said:
If you cared about those who suffer, you would grasp at any opportunity to help them.
... OR, you would continue doing all the same things you were already doing to serve, and you might even seek for additional guidance in the way or ways that already work.

Try not to miss the obvious, or assume that we all *need* a Benjamin Creme, or ANYONE standing up and PROCLAIMING here is the Christ, there is the Christ ... to guide us. Christ comes to us from within, and can also be recognized without ~ in many guises or manifestations. Let's not miss the point.

I think you're a bit too roped in ... and that's just what's dangerous. We are taught, early on, to practice detachment on the spiritual path. How's yours coming along? :eek:

Tommylama said:
If you cared about those who suffer, you would grasp at any opportunity to help them. If you, or someone you loved dearly, were in a position where only someone like Maitreya could help, you would do everything in your power to assist with that Mission, even if it made you appear to others to be tilting at windmills.
You would also, however, strive with equanimity to seek to meet ALL people on the level of the Soul ... serving them from and upon THAT level, and not primarily upon that of the personality. Do you know what this indicates, Tommylama? What does it mean to you? And what is meant by *equanimity*?

Tommylama said:
Arguing with people like you is like arguing with Atheists. At any rate, my words (and these will be my last) are directed at people who listen with their hearts. You guys are just way more intelligent than I ever hope to be.
"There is no human problem that cannot be solved by Intelligence and Love."

We need both.

"Be ye therefore wise, as serpents, and harmless, as doves."

Every bird needs TWO wings to fly.

...who is arguing with you? Theosophy, Agni Yoga groups etc they all have their own ideas and concept of the Return. Why should anyone jump lock stock and barrel to the Creme "train" when and if it makes no sense to them?
I feel like i am wasting my time and energy trying to convince people who don't want to be convinced that we should take advantage of this unique opportunity we have right now. Whether Christ is here now in the form of Maitreya or He will appear in 2026 as Someone Else is immaterial. The Christ consciousness is gaining strength and will one day be strong enough to produce drastic change on this wonderful planet. To support Benjamin Creme and Share International can only be judged as a noble effort if your intent is to ultimately "let light and love and power restore the Plan on Earth." What harm will come from you lending your voice and energy to the efforts of Benjamin Creme as he works and dedicates his life to encouraging millions of tormented souls that relief is right around the corner. If you cared about those who suffer, you would grasp at any opportunity to help them. If you, or someone you loved dearly, were in a position where only someone like Maitreya could help, you would do everything in your power to assist with that Mission, even if it made you appear to others to be tilting at windmills. To embrace Maitreya is to embrace LOVE, no matter the outcome. Arguing with people like you is like arguing with Atheists. At any rate, my words (and these will be my last) are directed at people who listen with their hearts. You guys are just way more intelligent than I ever hope to be.