They are trying to prepare humanity for the externalization of the spiritual Hierarchy, especially the return of Christ. Maitreya, as presented by Benjamin Creme is EXACTLY what we should be looking for and expecting at this point in time. It is going to be hard enough dealing with the reaction of the ignorant masses when these INEVITABLE events take shape on the physical plane. We as disciples know what to expect (or should) and to quibble over a few years on a cosmic calendar is ridiculous and spiritually irresponsible. If you lend a hand to the emergence project being spearheaded by Mr. Creme and Share International, do you think it will be held against you by the Karmic Overseers if his story turns out to be inaccurate? Hierarchy needs all of the help available from any part of Humanity willing to step up. I admit that Mr. Creme's claims are borderline absurd when it comes to Christ being interviewed on numerous occasions in multiple countries. But this point in Cosmic history is unprecedented, so maybe miracles are happening associated with Maitreya already. The bottom line is to serve selflessly. That is the only thing ever worth doing, unless you are happy living in the world of illusion, where everything and everyone are separated from each other. Go out on a limb and make yourself useful to the Masters. Spread the word about the Reappearance of Christ and the Masters. Or you can mock them with your myopic opinions that do nothing but make Their job more difficult.
Perhaps your intuition tells you something different regarding Benjamin Creme. Not everyone sees it that way. Nick the Pilot is a Theosophist, yet his views and mine will differ considerably on this subject. And what of it?
I think the point you raise is a valid one, and that is that
as we are motivated to serve, we should do so. But why follow a false prophet? Especially those whose very names make a mockery of the reality?
Elizabeth CLEAR PROPHET ... I was into that for awhile. I also like to think it is up to the individual disciple, or aspirant, to discern [viveka, intuition] what is glamour, what is maya, what is illusion and what is
the Path of Service.
Divisiveness and separativeness are obstacles to the Christ's Reappearance, yes. The Tibetan Master wrote a piece on "
The Inertia of the Average Spiritually-Minded Man." Why not direct us to *
THIS piece* ... and let folks make up their own mind about Creme, Alice Bailey or Theosophy? After all, the Buddhist and Hindu traditions have spoken *specifically* about Maitreya for millennia. Other traditions can also be shown as having similar prophecies, if you accept that Maitreya is also the Imam, Saoshyant, Messiah, Christos, etc.
Notice that Baha'i's may not look for the World Teacher to come in the immediate future, but that does not stop THEM from preparing the Way, nonetheless. Could Baha'u'llah have been the World Teacher, or perhaps a Forerunner, an Avatar? What about Nick the Pilot, the only person here at Interfaith who's a Theosophist, that I know of? He doesn't expect the World Teacher for several centuries or more. Are his efforts fruitless and pointless, because he doesn't believe in Creme, or doesn't agree with me on these minor points you bring up ... ???
I should think not.
Yesterday, we celebrated St. Patrick's Day. The idea that the Christ already holds the etheric body of St. Patrick, as well as the higher vehicles of Shakyamuni Buddha ("bequeathed" unto him for use in the New Era) is something I wholeheartedly believe in. But will it even make sense to a lot of folks? Of course not. And again, what of it?
So yeah, I agree, we should be practicing the Dharma, which only sometimes involves talking about it, or seeing where we agree and disagree. I'm not afraid of disagreement, however, or even friendly debate. When discord does *not* produce harmony ... then we have a problem.
Right now there are so many parallel or quasi-parallel threads at Interfaith, on precisely the topics that *I* think we should all be discussing (and
LIVING) ... that I can't see for the life of me where the problem is. This is absolutely AWESOME, now that I pause, smile, and take proper awareness.
Maitreya doesn't need an Amen Corner. And I don't think Creme is doing us any great favors, either. One Master points out that the general exposure to the ideas is certainly a good thing. But look what happened with Krishnamurti! When things went awry, many followers were disheartened, and the Christ Himself was motivated to issue a statement ... hoping to clarify matters, at least for those with an open mind, open heart and as we have said, an EAGERNESS TO SERVE.
Allow me to quote, if I may, from what
I believe are the actual words of the Christ, published in 1932:
"Henceforth I come not solely through groups with recognized officials, through organizations rendering me what is often no more than lip-service in their assumptions of Brotherhood; I come to each and all who love me, no matter of what race, class or creed. The greatness of their need of me, the strength of their desire to see me, shall be the measure of their power to see me. The peasant in the Swiss mountains; the scientist in his laboratory; the artist dreaming of his creation; the mystic and the psychologist; the spiritualist and the musician--to these and many others I come if their intuition, their inner vision be true enough to recognize me, if there be in their hearts That which responds to the Love which eternally flows forth to them from mine.
Verily has it been proclaimed throughout the ages that God is Love--Love the very essence of the Absolute ...
Therefore by this Power which I hold, this Power of Almighty Love, seek I to draw the hearts of men into unity with that Good, that Happiness, which is for all men the goal, no matter what name they ascribe to it, no matter under what guise and seeming it appears to them. The ways of search be manifold, but on each of these I am ready to meet my own.
And through these my own will I speak, will I walk amongst men when the hour strikes; not confined to one recognized medium or vehicle, but where-ever the light of aspiration is kindled within a heart, there is my medium, there my vehicle."
There are today MANY esoteric groups around the world which seek to assist with the Externalization of the Hierarchy and the Reappearance of the Christ. I know of several, directly, and perhaps a dozen by association. Briefly, yes, we did have a member of one group speak to us and make an appeal regarding Benjamin Creme and Share International. It was as unpleasant as the time I got hooked into the Summit Univ. and `I AM business.' I don't hold Creme responsible for what was said, yet it did not *resonate*. In short, it derailed our group - but only temporarily.
When individual detractors come along and try to make waves like this, shooing people along to their ways of thinking, or their particular take on things, they don't usually last long. If in their hearts the desire to serve is *strong* and not just a passing fascination or growth spurt, they will find the way ... and even if they don't fully agree, they will cooperate with the Group and allow Greater Purpose to dictate. Then, if the time comes, it may be possible to take a closer look at individual contributions.
I think you will need to accept, for the moment, that one can be FULLY dedicated to the Reappearance and Externalization, serving in a number of capacities ... and not have the slightest interest whatsoever in Creme, or half the other stuff I've posted on this thread (or related threads, on the Masters of the Wisdom). If you believe the words above, one need not have ever even
heart of these topics, or be religious in the conventional sense ... as sometimes even Initiates are born without awareness of their advanced spiritual status. After all, how does this automatically help us, to know of such things?
my humble opinion, the writings of Cyril Scott and David Anrias, among *many others* ... are more or less GOSPEL. Does that mean that YOU must also accept it, in order to be in some kind of
special league or "in group" with Maitreya and the gang?
I'll bet not.