Sometimes, it's best - or okay - to
let things stand. The reason is, others may be able to say what we ourselves already know, and why get involved, so long as errors do not creep in, or so long as the Truth is realized?
In this Way, the Buddha taught much without opening his mouth at all. Christ, being one and the same as Maitreya, did likewise. Each of these Great Teachers was able to allow the Bhikkus, the Apostles, to provide much of the instruction which originates from God, and also comes to
roost within us all. Only occasionally was it necessary, in some instances, for the Master to intervene ...
Adopting the
name, nickname or moniker of someone Great is admirable. Seeking to put words in that Teacher's mouth, when we ourselves are the ones doing the interpolation, however, is not admirable ... although it is understandable, and quite forgivable.
In this case, I must now step in to correct a few of your mistakes, whoever you are. These arise at the personality level, and do not emanate from the Soul plane. They do not represent or characterize the Wisdom and the Love of the Master of Masters, Lord of Lords, the Bodhisattva
Maitreya. But the Soul itself will not make these mistakes, as you are beginning to make.
Again, I will clarify that the only reason this becomes necessary is that the Truth is accessible, and will be known by all of us, at some point (in this, or a future incarnation,
certainly in the
Devachan experience - to some considerable degree) ... but when we presume to Teach
FOR or
in lieu of such an one as Maitreya, or Buddha, or
a Mahatma, we create errors, and we can also jeopardize individual['s] karma - by misinformation. This is what you are now beginning to do, and I will not simply watch it occur, assuming that people here are aware of your errors.
TO wit:
One does not
simply meditate in solitude in order to
find Maitreya. The Soul is already incarnate within the human heart. This much is true. Otherwise, there would be no incarnation. Additionally, the Antaskarana, or Antahkarana, is the
`Rainbow Bridge' ... or Consciousness Thread, anchored within the head. We are able to strengthen and `widen' that path, that bridge, during Meditation. This much is true.
However, it is not simply
meditation in solitude which leads to this. Here, you need to take what
I have to share into your own,
solitary meditations, and then you may be able to return with further
advice [which I would seek to avoid, as it also jeopardizes your own karma, in addition to possibly causing harm or karmic indebtedness to those you
First of all, Meditation is but one of
`Three Pillars' which every sincere esotericist KNOWS to be part of `Maggo,'
The Way. Buddhists, are familiar with this term. I use it, as an esotericist (with Theosophical background) to illustrate the Study, Meditation
and Service which lead us along the Path of spiritual progress. Study corresponds with the Knowledge petals of the Solar Lotus.
Meditation corresponds with the LOVE petals, and it
is also practiced as Prayer. In the more advanced stages it is Contemplation - true Communion with the Higher worlds, or
Inner planes - upon which the Soul exists, and where the Ashram of the Master is also centered.
Service corresponds with the Sacrifice petals, the third tier.
Yet study, meditation and service can also be said to
correspond with these nine petals in the following way: Each of the three worlds - physical/etheric, astral and lower mental - has a
set of one each of these petals: knowledge, love and sacrifice. Thus, Study as one of these esoteric pillars can be associated with the
physical plane [etheric] petals, Meditation corresponds with
the astral set, and Service corresponds with
the mental set of petals.
Additionally, Meditation occurs in GROUP FORMAT. The very NATURE of Initiation has changed during the early part of this Age of Aquarius. Now, quite unlike a prior time in our history, Initiation occurs in GROUP FORMAT. This is simply THE WAY, or
The NATURE of the esoteric, spiritual Path for the Soul's advance - during Aquarius. In short, Aquarius IS THE AGE of
Group Consciousness.
Meditation can and should certainly continue to be an individual effort, yet it also occurs - and IMPORTANTLY SO - upon the physical plane, as well as within the astral and mental worlds,
and in the World of the Soul [higher Mind, Buddhic and Atmic worlds] ...
in group formation. This I knew well some 25 years ago. And even in the EARLY part of the 20th Century, when the Tibetan Teacher had his foundational
Seed Groups, the Aquarian style of Group Meditation, leading to GROUP Initiation, was well underway.
For all of these reasons, it is inaccurate to emphasize, as you have done, the focus upon
individual, or `solitary meditation.' If anything, for those who are making
definite contact with their OWN Soul, which is the
natural outcome, goal and result OF meditation, it becomes
of extreme importance that such students find their way TO an esoteric service group. These will, almost uniformly, involve the student in SAFE meditation in
Group format, as well as including an appropriate avenue of
group study for the individuals in question.
Such groups formed a part of my experience from the age of ~18 onward. Over time, I have participated in several esoteric groups, all with similar - though slightly varying - formats. And all were directly involved with the esoteric Work which seeks to bring about the
Reappearance of the Christ, in the physical and objective, as well as subjective worlds of human affairs. Soul alignment, as well as Group Meditation, remains a
definite and crucial aspect of the work of these groups, and the acceptance of the
astrological motif as being helpful for most esoteric students is also key. The fact that `Full Moon meditations' occur
regularly - with especial emphasis during the months of March, April, and May - should be enough to help queue the student as to the true significance and relationship between esotericism and the
Life of Maitreya, the Christ - which even the path of exoteric Christianity emphasizes, at certain points.
Astrology is also something which comes - fairly naturally - to many students of esoteric teachings. It does not appeal to everyone, but if you knew
much at all about Maitreya, you would not make such obvious errors as this. Again, your suggestion that we should avoid such a study, and such a pursuit, MAY be well-founded, yet it is erroneous, spurious and misleading.
One of the modern communications
from the true Christ, the Bodhisattva, Maitreya Buddha happens to
originate - in its published form - in a book written by one of the greatest astrologers of the 20th Century. This is, in fact, the ONLY message I know about which contains a DIRECT ADDRESS of the Christ to the public, at large ... keeping in mind that it became necessary only after his
`erstwhile medium,' Jiddu Krishnamurti, became unable to further serve in that capacity [by his own choosing, and also because he
took initiations along the Deva line, which sent his own spiritual evolution in a different direction than would have been necessary for his work with Maitreya to continue].
In all candor, there is more
glamorous OATMEAL out there, most of it
pure glop, purporting to come from
The Christ, Maitreya ... or one of the Masters ... than any sincere student should
ever accidentally step his proverbial, seeking foot into. I cannot say that everything you're spouting is such glop. But you are
on the wrong track, and there is NO ONE here at Interfaith who is misled or deluded into believing that
YOU are somehow `The Maitreya' - any more than
I do. They know that
I am not this Teacher of Teachers, and they would not believe it if I said it.
To mean well is Noble. And I admire your effort. I would have said nothing further in another year of your posting,
if it were on-track. And to be certain, there are points wher
e I, too, need a bit of correcting. Yet in this case, it was only a matter of time. Believe me, this is much, much easier. You certainly mean well, but we need to be honest about who we are, what we are, and
who and what we are not.
I encourage, no
I urge you, to switch to this more HONEST, OPEN approach. That way, we can all get to know you, and
you can enjoy the liberty of sharing your views, your beliefs - and even your advice, if you care to share it - without any subterfuge, intentional or otherwise. We will not have to pretend that we are speaking with
`The World Teacher,' and you will be relieved of surely
the Greatest Burden that any of the Mahatmas has, in this early stage of the
First Decan of Aquarius.
Do, please, step out from behind
this mask, and show us something of
the one you already, must perforce, wear. I myself am Andrew, and it's a pleasure to meet you, and to
indirectly greet you. Others will be every bit as warmly welcoming, and probably much more so. But they do not want to pretend that you are
Maitreya, regardless as to how well-anchored you may have a measure of the
Love of Christ, within your heart, as do many of us - perhaps most of us.
In good Faith - and affirming, as ever - of the One True Teacher of Teachers,