he's in a better place
some person (not a Quaker) says , shaking my hand
& i have to wonder where this notion comes from
when u die , u "go to heaven"
(or to someplace not nearly so nice)
is the assumption of American Christianity
& is an assumption that dates (at least) from 14th century Europe
(from The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri)
i am not interested in debating the merits of this assumption
(at least , not at this time) but
i am curious as to when (& how) this notion originated
this notion that ...
after a good person dies , they go right up to heaven
(a "good Christian" , anyway)
this notion does not appear to have existed
for (at least) the first 6 centuries of Christianity
resurrection will occur , only at the end of time when
the secular kingdom of man will be replaced by the kingdom of Gyd
& all persons will be raised up from the grave to be judged
this resurrection -> judgment -> paradise (on earth) at the end of time
appears to be a Zoroastrian notion which Judaism picks up
(during or after the Babylonian captivity) & becomes linked to
to a Judaic "messianic" eschatology supported by some Jewish sects
(the "followers of the way" / i.e. Jesus-sect , being one of these)
the expectation is that when the Messiah arrives &
the kingdom of Gyd defeats the kingdom of man
"time" (as we know it) ends , then the righteous
will be bodily-raised from the grave & paradise on earth will ensue
4th century-ce
5th century-ceNicene Creed said:
we look for the resurrection of the dead
& the life of the world-to-come
6th century-ceApostles Creed said:
the resurrection of the body
& the life-everlasting
the "world-to-come" of the Nicene Creed (the revised 381-ce version)Athanasian Creed said:
at whose coming , all men will rise again with their bodies
& shall give account for their own works
& they that have done good shall go to life-everlasting
& they that have done evil into everlasting fire
is a direct translation of the Jewish phrase "olam haba"
& is a reference to the messianic era following Gyd's victory
also , "the resurrection of the body" of the Apostle's Creed
refers to a debate in both Jewish & Christian circles in the 1st century-ce
concerning whether a person's corpse will , literally
(like Ezekiel's "plain of dry bones") reanimate (or not)
(Paul of Tarsus arguing that u get a "new body" in the world-to-come
Paul in the end losing this argument to the later Christian mainstream
losing to those authors of the 3 Creeds who each believe
that "all men will rise again with their bodies")
or concerning
whether a blind-man will be raised-up from the grave , blind or with sight ?
whether a lame-man will be raised-up from the grave , lame or walking-easy ?
(Babylonian Talmud Sanhedrin 91b , also Midrash Rabbah Ecclesiastes 1.6)
what is so startling to Gentile & Jewish Christians in the 1st century, is the notion that
a deceased-individual is in-the-grave (in Hades) for 3 days then is returned to earth
this is something which is supposed to happen only at the end of time
no Jew (before Jesus) is reputed to have been bodily-raised by Gyd from the dead
so that this "Jesus-rising" seems to be a sign , to those hoping-for the coming Apocalypse
that the last days are near
& this expectation , for
the resurrection of the body & the life of the world-to-come , is a
core-belief expressed in the Nicene Creed & Apostles Creed & Athanasian Creed
(at least in Western Christendom) thru (at least) the 6th century-ce
i am curious if anyone knows
when this belief in teleportation to "a better place"
at the end of time becomes (instead)
(as with Jesus) an event which
transpires shortly after a person's death ... ?
(curious , historically
when this shift-in-thinking about the timing of "the afterlife" happens
& why this shift occurs ... ? ? )