It's also, however, a place where we learn that
what goes around, comes around. No exceptions.
Motes, planks ... and reminders, on occasion, that gods don't usually have difficulty recognizing the Divinity within each other.
Why? Because they've managed, somehow or another, to get past the
`other' part of the occasion [
equation, I must have meant].
Is it gone?
No, I don't think so.
But they've realized that if there's
quite a bit of "empty space" between Friends ... then Goodness [or
God, mileage may vary] knows ... it's Good to
recognize each other, WHEN and as we meet.
Humans, as it turns out, are still learning about this ...
and that's part of why as yet we do not fully get along.
It's not inherently wrong to point out differences, but most of us prefer constructive criticism to mean-spirited attacks ... and we also tend to thrive better in an environment where
Creativity and +Positivity+ are stressed more than
negativity and tearing down.
So it's not that we do not
know these things,
is it?
Rather, it's that some of us just don't mind slapping others in the face with a wet FISH [name Him as you like] every now & then, forgetting that
Christ/Love/Agape [stop anthroporphizing & concretizing the SPIRIT, we sometimes wish we - the hypocrits - could say] ... is every bit the soft cuddly
Lamb/Ram of kids' imaginations and cloud-worlds ...
... plus the
Leo/Lion of occasional ferocity [fiercely defending the downtrodden and *genuinely* oppressed -
"Help Help, I'm being oppressed!"] ...
... the Dragon of Wisdom ...
... the MAN in the street ...
... the
Angels IN those clouds of Aries ...
and so on, around the WHEEL.
But don't forget to take the BULL by the horns, lest He run you through with that
Eye of Wisdom [braggarts can seldom see that Wisdom illuminates the mind otherwise
empty of meaning, yet even the keen seem to forget that clashing cymbals and sounding gongs don't go over so well with young children
{"the least of these"} or those still
dependent on MILK].
God knows (don't they) ~ as
every Mother shows ~ Breasts are just as important as THIGHS.
You see, Dream,
et al, it isn't that I don't respect, or have a dear place in my heart
for Christians, Catholics included. [Aha! A hint, above.
Women may be another story, though I'm by no means a misogynist;
rather, polarizations and dualities - *still* condition us,
and here, I definitely mean ME.] So ...
It's just that SOME of them, at times (and I do mean
sometimes more than others) ... make me a bit ashamed to call myself HUMAN.
Humility is fine, when and where it's needed, as is a stern approach, where injustice, hypocrisy or
mean-spirited attacks take center stage.
So when a person steps boldly forward, perhaps momentarily losing his place in what some will understand as
part jest, part cynical jab, part genuine observation ... it may be that the balancing act moves into the fore (
comes to Light). One hopes, anyway.
By the same token, as some of us already have trodden on the
Farther Shore, even if we may more often - TRY - to keep our feet firmly planted on
this side, in assistance with the most important act of
Bridge-Building, it should nonetheless be remembered that for every glimpse we are given of what
WORK yet remains in this endeavor, so comes a natural
repercussion from our Adversary - and ANY who might foolishly array themselves ... through ignorance, greed, superstition & fear ... on the
wrong side of that fight.
What fight?
To get ALL of Humanity
safely across the
Bridge that was never built; and in this Great Labour, of *completing that Bridge*, some of have LONG known we are definitely and determinedly engaged.
So yes, we try to
carry on, both humbly, quietly (when we are Wise) and
in the Spirit of the Christ, which is TRUE LOVE ...
... yet you will see, if you do not already, what hypocrisy, what opposition, what petty squabbling occurs -
perhaps as you are pointing out - often from
within our own Camp, and this sometimes means just as readily from our own BROTHERS (and sisters), equally as from our
as-yet too-human hearts.
I do not have the task, alone, or even in largest measure, of
steering Catholicism - and thus CATHOLICS - away from the Abyss, and safely across the BRIDGE, that we are Bulding, much less safe-guarding their every step.
Thank Goodness for that.
Yet those to whom is it given to
LEAD, often cannot, or do not, or seem to have forgotten HOW.
If I have forgotten, it is because PRACTICE makes PERFECT, and currently, I am very much somewhere in between.
It is NOT because I am wanting of the knowlege, or the
basic Wisdom regarding the WAY.
Each step we take, our Responsibility increases, as does our Strength and Wisdom. The choice remains ours, whether with Love we shall apply ourselves in SERVICE ... or struggle, kicking against the pricks, remaining inward turned and selfish.
When the ego swells, and when all we like to do is tell others
how right we are, and
how wrong THEY are ... then we are due some `mirror time,' and as the Man always Taught:
The answers are within.
Oh my, what
ever could He have meant?
As always, Dream, thanks for the reminder.
I am you, and what I see is me.
As one progress, ALL of us gain.