Symmetry: Derail from Sound and Sacred Geometry


OS is making fun of Seegee!

Seegee! You are invalid! illogical! Nonsensical! You're full-of Hot Air! You're In-substancial! All this before he even reads your palm!

I am telling Monsignor O'Hara that you're starting trouble in the play yard.
He'll tell the mother superior to slap your hands with a ruler . . . you just wait and see!

Father O'Hara!
Father O'Hara!
Look how OS is acting!

lol. Madness and vexation! Indignation! ROFLMAO! :D
No Seatle, non-occupied is true nothingness. This is simple concept to grasp. Non-occupied has no properties.

There is nothing to erase in non-occupied space.

Some how you have gotten condition to belieing non-occupied space is a physical or quasi-physical that someone or som God like entity can grab and eraser and erase the occupations.

Even if possible that still leaves non-occupied space.

Even if you could erase non-occupied space there would still exist non-occupied space...ha ha.

Why you cannot grasp non-occupied space is beyond me.


Methinks you need to clarify the meaning of nothingness and existence :rolleyes:

From Merriam-Webster:

a : a boundless three-dimensional extent in which objects and events occur and have relative position and direction <infinite space and time>

: physical space independent of what occupies it —called also absolute space


a : something that does not exist b : the absence of all magnitude or quantity; also : zero 1a c : nothingness, nonexistence
: absence of existence : the negation of being​

2 a : having material existence
Let me stop you here for a moment.... Sirius and Saturn are two completely different celestial bodies, one is the sixth planet from the Sun and the other is Sirius is also known colloquially as the "Dog Star", reflecting its prominence in its constellation, Canis Major...So whatever the Egyptians called or knew is either transliteration error or a simple mistake. As far as I know the Egyptian Astrologers did not make mistakes this huge.
For what it's worth here is the Egyptian connection between Sirius – Dog Star - Saturn
Saturn in Egyptian is Sabt which means Sirius (Dog Star) which is equated with Anbu (Anubis) (Greeks took the idea and ran with it calling their Saturday Kronos (Kyon) which means dog.

The ancient Egyptian calendar is based on the helical rising of Sabt. Music and the calendar were intimately related. Sabt / Sirius is referred to as the 'first' and the Dorian scale (Named after people of Kemet) is the first choice of scale that the Egyptians composed with.
So, perhaps not astrologically correct but mythologically/spiritually there were connections made by the ancients between Saturn and Sirius.
For what it's worth here is the Egyptian connection between Sirius – Dog Star - Saturn
Saturn in Egyptian is Sabt which means Sirius (Dog Star) which is equated with Anbu (Anubis) (Greeks took the idea and ran with it calling their Saturday Kronos (Kyon) which means dog.

The ancient Egyptian calendar is based on the helical rising of Sabt. Music and the calendar were intimately related.
Well, if music is mathematics expressed in time, this would make sense. Sabt is also known as Sopdet a goddess. (note the name ending with t)
Sabt / Sirius is referred to as the 'first' and the Dorian scale (Named after people of Kemet) is the first choice of scale that the Egyptians composed with.
So, perhaps not astrologically correct but mythologically/spiritually there were connections made by the ancients between Saturn and Sirius.
Interesting how Kronos becomes associated with time, as well.

Sothic Cycle
I like where there thread is going!

The Sanskrit word mantra consists of the root man- "to think" and the suffix -tra, designating tools or instruments (instrument of thought).

A sound, syllable, word, or group of words that are considered capable of "creating transformation" Mantras can be thought of as essentially "thought forms" which exert their influence by means of sound-vibrations.

Mantra and Staota are excellent forms of the Will projected into a form of action. These sounds are manifestations of ultimate reality, in the sense of sound symbolism postulating that the vocal sounds of the mantra have inherent meaning independent of the understanding of the person uttering them.

Mantra's can be done in the following ways Mantra Yoga (chanting) Japa Yoga:

  • Vaikhari Japa (speaking)
  • Upamsu Japa (whispering or humming)
  • Manasika Japa (mental repetition)
[FONT=&quot]The usage of repeated rhythms can also induce trance. This is an ancient method used all over the world for inducing trance. Shamanistic practitioners have been using this method to induce trance for centuries. Entertainment and synchronization is the process behind repeated rhythmic trances. The breath rate and heart rate will be affected by the stimulus from the auditory channels. Rhythmic sounds can affect brain activity. The theta brain waves are affected by the auditory stimulus. Auditory stimulus can result in altered state of consciousness. [/FONT]
Methinks you have some sort of preconditioning that keeps you from understanding relatively simple concepts.

non-occupied space = nothing ergo nothingness and exists only beyond our finite physical and quasi-physical Universe.

occupied space = physical and quasi-physical Universe.

Both these exist as they are, not as some precondition "existence" you may have in your head. Clear your mind of all preconceptions Seatle i.e. open your mind. Open a more narrow passage way to expand your consciousness and your ablity to access other metaphysical concepts of mind/intellect.

Methinks that maybe if you, Radar and Bbhajkatan put your heads together you can begin to understand simple English words and relatively simple human concepts.

All three of you may need to unlearn some precondition-- if not just plain false ---concepts, in order to grasp new concepts--- if not just plaiin cosmic truths ---ha.

Seatle, read my lips/text and put aside your preconditioned thoughts. You can do it if you are over 15 years old. Or maybe you will need to be 19 cause not all humans are created equal, except as metaphysical construct.

Cosmic Heirarchy
By Rybo6 alias OS-jbug

What is beyond the 02)-physical/energy observed Universe, is the unobserved 01)-quasi-/gravity buffer-zone as an ultra-mircro, spacetime membrane, and is the boundary before we get to that, which is the 00)-meta-physical, macro-micro-infinite, non-occupied space aka spacial/spatility.

0) Metaphysical concepts of mind/intellect are of concepts of space not space/spacial/spatility ergo have no shape/form but are concepts of shape/from/pattern etc...and includes biological intentions i.e. superificial illusions of having limited free will.

00) metaphysical, macro-micro infinite true nothingness aka non-occupied space aka spaciality/spatiality is beyond the finite physical/energy and quasi-physical/gravity Universe.

You need to take this a level further, imo. It is serving as a place-holder in much the same way as zero serves as a place holder. Erase.

You can have a lamp with a light switch that turns on and off. (occupied space in your scenario.) 1 or 0

You can unplug the lamp. (unoccupied space in your scenario.) 00

Then you can erase the lamp. -
*poof*- Then erase the idea of the lamp. -*poof*- nothingness
<mod>rybo - i suggest, quite strongly, that you stop being so aggressive and patronising to seattlegal. it is not for you to suggest what she does or does not "get" without actually providing an argument.</mod>

with that said, this is an interesting thread and i'd like to see more of the arguments - not the dismissiveness.


seattlegal said:
You need to take this a level further, imo.

Ha, Seatle you given no evidence in past that you have any comprehension of even the first word of my cosmic heiracrhy so you are far from having any credibilty to suggest any thing beyond it.

Yes Seatle my text occupys a place, just as the number "0" occupys a place.

My text includes and goes much further with explanation, whcih again, you show no evidence of understanding the first word much less what the "0" may or may not reprsent.

Seatl, you still do not understand. A lamp, the wires, the switch all occupy space ergo occupied space irrespective if there is a flow of electrons as electricity through the wires and switch.

That stops the flow of electricity to the lamp from the recetptacle. The wires still exist as does the lamp and they occupy space ergo occupied space. You still dont get simple concepts Seatle.

Yes Seatle the lamp and wire can be melted to the point of becoming EMRadiation ergo fermionic matter to bosonic forces.

Both occupy space as physical( 02 )

As for your "idea" remark, then you going back to "0" as metaphysical concepts and not "00
as metaphysical space/spacial/spatility.

I think you need to start over in reading. You may have grasped a word here or there but not anything I can see that is evidence of actual comprehension of whole.

Wholistic thinking begins with the whole of "U"niverse, Universe, universe, God( es ), Great Momma, Great Spirit etc.....

Thx for some attempt at consideration if ony seemingly superficial at this time.


Rybo, your representation of "unoccupied space" seems to parallel the idea of mulaprakriti, which is not "nothing." We have a thread that wanders around this idea here:
<mod>rybo - i suggest, quite strongly, that you stop being so aggressive and patronising to seattlegal. it is not for you to suggest what she does or does not "get" without actually providing an argument.</mod>

with that said, this is an interesting thread and i'd like to see more of the arguments - not the dismissiveness.


I'm not worried about him, bananabrain, but thanks. :)
Seatl, when you show some--- actually a lot more -- evidence of grasping what I mean by non-occupied space, then I will the above some consider.

To date you have replied with niether comprehension nor a consistent logic in those regards.

Thx for you consideration. But you are falling way short of the bar.

Better luck with your comprehension abilities next time.

pfft :rolleyes:

Since Taoism understands the world as a duality, in yin and yang, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that we can think about the Tao in two different ways—a Yang way and a Yin way. The Yang Tao is the Manifest Tao, the Tao-that-can-be-spoken. It characterizes the whole world of becoming. Day and night, male and female, sun and moon are all features of the Manifest Tao, the visible, pulsating, ever-changing, glorious, miraculous world we live in. from Diane Morgan / p 25 / Magical Tarot, Mystical Tao / 2003
But there’s another, deeper Tao. This is the Unmanifest Tao, the deep Yin Tao beneath what we see and know, the Tao-that-cannot-be-spoken. The distinction between the Manifest and the Unmanifest Tao is so crucial that it comprises the very first chapter of the Tao Te Ching…
All religions yearn toward the Supreme. … Taoism, on the other hand, understands Being-ness itself, a Supreme Being-ness that pervades the cosmos, and in which all Beings partake. It is no a place, state, god, or condition. It can’t be reached by effort or handed out by grace. It is the essential/existential quality of the cosmos itself. In its essential, original state, it is the Unmanifest Tao, unitary, hidden, holy. In its existential, created condition, it is the Manifest Tao, the insinuated Yin and Yang.
The Unmanifest Tao is eternal. It isn’t part of Time. Time is a process of individuation, the separating out of one instant from another, of naming and characterizing each particular moment. This is a feature of the manifest world, which proceeds instant by instant like a flowing river, symbol of the Manifest Tao. It declares itself, however, within the smallest flower and the largest galaxy. …
The Unmanifest Tao is limitless. It knows no boundary; it takes up no space. It is indeed "darkness within darkness." The Unmanifest Tao holds the Manifest Tao as the empty bowl holds the water, and the darkness makes possible the light.
The Unmanifest Tao is nameless, and can be best indicated only by negatives such as "un-manifest," un-knowable," and "time-less." Names are limitations. By calling something "blue," one excludes "red" and "yellow." The ultimate must be forever beyond names. The Manifest Tao takes on all the names and qualities of the universe: great and small, dark and light, bliss and sorrow.
The Unmanifest Tao is Being-ness without Being. If it were Being itself, it would be Manifest. If it were non-Being, it could not be made manifest. It is Being-ness without Being and without non-Being, but bearing the potentiality of all.
The Unmanifest Tao is Yin; the Manifest Tao is Yang. The Unmanifest Tao is potential; the Manifest Tao is power. One proceeds from the other as a child proceeds from its mother. Yang is part of Yin, and Yin is part of Yang. The Unmanifest Tao gives birth to the Manifest, or what we call "Nature."
That was a long quotation, but I think it does well in conveying the flavor of yin and yang and Dao as found in the Daodejing. Yin is awareness. Yang is appearance. And these are two views of a single undivided experience or presence, which we nickname Dao. Yin is simplicity. Yang is spontaneity.

Back to the point. Does sound (some vibration in a medium) or quasi-sound (say, I am guessing here, a vibration with a velocity of say, the speed of light) impact the geometry of the "real world" via a mechanism that physics overlooks? Well, since heat is (by the above definition) a quasi-sound, isn't this what complexity and emergence theory is all about? (that is a guess, gals and guys).
Back to the point. Does sound (some vibration in a medium) or quasi-sound (say, I am guessing here, a vibration with a velocity of say, the speed of light) impact the geometry of the "real world" via a mechanism that physics overlooks? Well, since heat is (by the above definition) a quasi-sound, isn't this what complexity and emergence theory is all about? (that is a guess, gals and guys).

It might very well be an alternative for dark matter and dark energy!
Oh, yuk!:eek: Not another "physics gone wild" episode!:D

LOL! Hey, if can explain some of the clumping together of matter...

Question: why are Saturn's rings all in one plane? I found some interesting information researching this, including some really interesting stuff about orbital resonance. Still no explanation as to why the rings form within one plane though.
LOL! Hey, if can explain some of the clumping together of matter...

Question: why are Saturn's rings all in one plane? I found some interesting information researching this, including some really interesting stuff about orbital resonance. Still no explanation as to why the rings form within one plane though.


I know Snoopy posted some sound of Jupiter elsewhere. Here are sounds of Saturn: I might have to get out the pie plates and seed beads and see if they make patterns to these sounds.
The Cassini spacecraft has been detecting intense radio emissions from the planet Saturn. They come from the planet's aurorae, where magnetic field lines thread the polar regions. These signals have been shifted into the range of human hearing and compressed in time. For more information about how NASA produced this track, go to...

NASA - Eerie Sounds of Saturn's Radio Emissions

I know Snoopy posted some sound of Jupiter elsewhere. Here are sounds of Saturn: I might have to get out the pie plates and seed beads and see if they make patterns to these sounds.
The Cassini spacecraft has been detecting intense radio emissions from the planet Saturn. They come from the planet's aurorae, where magnetic field lines thread the polar regions. These signals have been shifted into the range of human hearing and compressed in time. For more information about how NASA produced this track, go to...

NASA - Eerie Sounds of Saturn's Radio Emissions

OK, in my totally unscientific experiment, I tried sesame seeds in the lid of a candy tin placed on top of my computer speaker. None of the sesame seeds budged. Back to the drawing board! :p
Nice SG, I have used Saturn's sounds in a several recordings I made for rituals.
OK, I tried ground pepper floating on water in my candy tin lid, with various sounds. I did notice some clockwise rotation developing in the saturn sounds that didn't occur in the other sounds (various music.)

My son came over and leaned on my desk to see what I was doing, and almost knocked my experiment over.

Back to the drawing board! :p

I think my computer speakers are kind wimpy, anyways. :D