Mercuræn Buddhist
Acintita SuttaOkee dokee, we know for some...of the same religion....evolution is poppycock...
and for others.....of the same religion....evolution and science and belief can coexist.
Not only the same religion, but the same denomination, folks in the same church sometimes can even argue about it.
We all know this....the arguments occur amongst Christians, amongst Muslims, to a lessor degree amongst Jews... (I doubt Buddhists have issues, but don't know about Hindus.....
But what does that say about religion? Does it help us with a definition?
"Conjecture about [the origin, etc., of] the world is an unconjecturable that is not to be conjectured about, that would bring madness & vexation to anyone who conjectured about it.
Conjecture about the origin of the world really has little to do with the dhamma, but how we treat one another does. Of course, madness and vexation can affect how we treat one another.