An Insult to the Ladies

Maybe, but you don't come across as particularly knowledgeable about Judaism. Not intended as an insult - just that you seem to stumble over traditional Jewish references.

My Judaism is Biblical. Open the Jewish Scriptures and try to refute me. If you succeed, I'll take off my hat to your wisdom. Till then, you have no grounds to discard my knowledge of Judaism.

Oh, no, he does... you are a literalist, most of us are well beyond that. The subtleties of Halakha, Genseriah, and Takkanah seem a little beyond your keen. Really, even Orthodox Halakha seems beyond you (do you accept Kook’s interpretation of Hatikvah or the Waldenberg-Weinberg-Eisenberg thesis of termination of pregnancy for Nazi rape or Tay-Sachs?).
I'd say Paul was probably gay. We know he didn't have anything good to say about women, them not being able to speak in church and all. Patriarchal society quite common. But his constant torment about his sinful condition, his flesh being weak....he longed for men and understood wrongly the scripture to be against it.

if that line of thinking is true than any one who is aganist something are really for it..

than you realy like paul ;) and hate gays :confused:

so confusing falling your line of thinking..

yet it is funny ..
My Judaism is Biblical. Open the Jewish Scriptures and try to refute me. If you succeed, I'll take off my hat to your wisdom. Till then, you have no grounds to discard my knowledge of Judaism.


I can't remember hearing anyone Jewish tell me their religion is Biblical. That's a Christian term.

Instead they speak of the Tanakh and Talmud.
Oh, no, he does... you are a literalist, most of us are well beyond that. The subtleties of Halakha, Genseriah, and Takkanah seem a little beyond your keen. Really, even Orthodox Halakha seems beyond you (do you accept Kook’s interpretation of Hatikvah or the Waldenberg-Weinberg-Eisenberg thesis of termination of pregnancy for Nazi rape or Tay-Sachs?).

I am not aware of Kook's interpretation of the Hatikvah or the Waldenberg-Weinberg-Esenberg thesis about termination of preganancy for Nazi rape or Tay-Sach. But I am of the opinion that right be given to the mother of a child conceived as a result of rape or with Tay-Sach disease that the pregnancy be terminated. Only the mother can decide what to do after the proper consultation with a Physician or Psychiastrist, especially as Tay-Sach is concerned.

I can't remember hearing anyone Jewish tell me their religion is Biblical. That's a Christian term.

Instead they speak of the Tanakh and Talmud.

When I say "Biblical" I mean the Tanach. The Talmud is meant only to explain the Tanach with midrashim that must be interpreted metaphorically. If we must be careful with literal interpretation in the Tanach, we must be doubly careful with the Talmud and the writing of the sages.
