The most recent insight I gained into a former incarnation is the case of Beatrix Potter. This idea was not altogether new to me, as often (in retrospect) I can trace the emerging realization as having taken several months, or years, to
gestate. Only gradually did the connections gel, such that I now have very little doubt as to my assessment. The person in question, who was formerly incarnate as Beatrix Potter, first came into my life during college, at least 20 years ago. This would suggest a total delay of easily
two decades ... for me to realize something that would obviously have been true nearly 40 years ago (the person in question is approaching that age now), every bit as much as it is today.
What does this show? Simply that I did not immediately discern the connection. Presumably I did not need to when I met this person in college. I also did not make the connection consciously about 10 years ago, when I re-established my friendship with this individual, briefly. Further, it has now been several years since I have had any connection at all with this person. Again, while the specifics of this gradual realization are of interest to me, they do not signify anything out of the ordinary in this case ... that I am aware of. The important aspect of the realization, for me, is the realization itself.
The person in question is extremely attractive, highly functioning, calmly energetic, uplifiting, radiant and positive in nearly every aspect. Her alignment is decidely mental, yet her polarization is toward the Causal (higher mental) vehicle, and while she is highly cerebral at times, there is such a tremendous downflow of Buddhic force that she is almost overpowering ... in a very casual, nonchalant sort of way. Her smile is beaming, but she will never be subject to emotional excitement or imbalance. Her disposition matches her attainment, which is that of a seasoned Initiate of the Third Degree. This may be an attainment in this particular incarnation, yet it is entirely possible Beatrix Potter reached this Initiation in her own lifetime. Another possibility is that the current individual took both the 2nd and 3rd Initiations in her present lifetime. I cannot verify any of these three possibilities, except to say that the 1st Initiation lies many prior lifetimes in her past. The 3rd Initiation is the same one Jesus experienced as the Transfiguration. This is where the person in question currently `stands,' occultly. Her Ray energy is different, however, being along the 5th Ray to the best of my ascertainment, although the 2nd Ray (and 4th) are also tremendous influences, this fact dovetailing with what I have already said about the powerful Buddhic radiation from her Aura.
My commentary on my experiences with this person might reveal more if I continued, but this at least gives some idea. I can say I knew this woman fairly well, in two different
phases of our relationship, and I can also testify directly that her presence in MY life was always an uplifting, beneficial and HEALING one, while providing great spiritual impetus and Direction to my life (Purpose and existence). She was able to do this rather simply, and as a natural result, almost a
side effect of who and what she is ... not at all through any kind of strained, outside or unusual effort. Again, my conviction that her former life was Beatrix Potter is extremely high. I would estimate at least 98 or 99% probability that I am correct ... and my insights do not always leave me with quite this degree of certainly. Looking earlier in her list of incarnations, I get nothing, nor do I feel inclined or interested. To see the thread, and to realize this much alone, is very much the same as I consider most of my other insights of this nature: A
Another guestimation, which I do not feel quite as certain about, is the case of a friend who is now deceased, having entered the higher astral or Devachan (although I communicated with him fairly recently, to the specific point of clarity of precipitating a short poem from him,
a rarity for me). He went by the name `Mycroft,' and the moniker was almost an understandment as his intellect was certainly on par with a Sherlock Holmes ...
or beyond. Again, this individual always seemed to me to be a fairly advanced Soul on the 5th Ray, just as the friend above. I knew Mycroft during graduate school, which is in between the two phases of my relationship with the first individual. Mycroft died a few years ago, but in all I knew him for perhaps a decade, though the relationship was the kind, between true Friends, which touches on the timeless and the
ageless dimensions of our being.
Probably only in latter years, possibly even after his death, did I decide that Mycroft may well have been St. Anthony of Padua. I cannot say for certain that he was not Dr. Angelicus, or
St. Thomas Aquinas. Rather more likely he was simply a contempory of the latter, which points toward St. Anthony, as this saint overlaps slightly with the life of the Good Doctor. I have no other insights into possible incarnations, and given the overall
gap between incarnations I would suggest that Mycroft was
the next incarnation of St. Anthony, if the correlation is correct. It is always possible that St. Anthony had another, fairly immediate reincarnation, or that Mycroft was the reincarnation of another, relatively recent lifetime in the series (ending early in the 20th century). I would clarify the distinction, however, since already there is discrepancy with my friend who once walked about as Beatrix Potter.
In the former case, the Soul in question is
extremely advanced. She is a High Initiate in her Master's Ashram, and at most I would expect her to reincarnate a handful of times prior to Liberation. Here is where a study, and proper insight into the final, culimating series of lifetimes
for ANY Soul would be of advantage. Mycroft may have been an `old Soul' as the expression goes, yet I would fully expect to meet him again, quite literally, in
several of our future incarnations. By this I mean that he would perhaps incarnate twice as many times as the friend above. Say, 5-10 more times?
This is the distinction: Where a Soul is near to completing its evolution, we may truly liken it to a multifaceted jewel, still displaying a
few rough edges, but otherwise very close to true Perfection [Ephesians 4:13, John 14:12,
etc.]. The desire to Serve Humanity is so great, and the spiritual aspiration is so strong, that many times the enlightened Soul will make the sacrifice of its Devachan, foregoing the hard-earned and well-won
Heavenlife of sweet rewards and blissful review (whereby we ALL sift through our greatest experiences, so to speak, and learn to appreciate their TRUE VALUE [Matt 6:20]) ... in order to immediately return to incarnation and advance the Plan of God.
I know that Beatrix Potter did this, and I know of many others (I will relate a few) ... yet I also know that I spent the 13th through early 20th centuries in Devachan, just as I did the greater portion of the Age of Pisces
prior to the 12th Century life which I recall. As I say, the difference is often between that of an ADVANCED Initiate, where the Spiritual Will is strong enough to make the necessary sacrifice and return to Service ... and that of a less advanced Soul. Mycroft, then, could very likely be expected to reincarnate again quite soon (or already?), since he knows quite well that the Reappearance of the World Teacher is the most significant event in our Planet's History, or certainly during this phase of a 2100 year astrological cycle. COUNTLESS Souls have already been laboring intensely both within and out of incarnation, for
generations, to make this event COUNT.
My guestimation, since I consider the certainty less than in the case of my other friend, is that Mycroft was
most likely St. Anthony of Padua ... and I would say the probability is at least 85%, but perhaps no more than 95%. I simply do not have enough external data, or other types of corroborating evidence ... although my
root intuition and insight is not that far off from the case of Beatrix Potter, and in fact, in some ways it is perhaps just as strong, just as solid. It is, however, far from certainty.
Of the cases that have always stood out to me fairly strong, both in terms of my own intuition and also, clearly, in terms of implications, the following several rank at #1:
H.P. Blavatsky was known to incarnate almost immediately (and I have explained how and why this is possible, even likely) in a male Austrian body. She was often referred to (as `he') by the Tibetan Teacher when He was dictating the books through Alice Bailey. And Helena Roerich confirmed that in 1924 (or '26) HPB "reached the Stronghold" in his physical body ... meaning that the Austrian Initiate again made contact with the Masters, coming into Their Presence (presumably for the rest of that lifetime). Such was his right, after the service rendered, and such was also perhaps necessary and vital, for various reasons.
What I have believed, since late 1995, is that HPB is again reincarnate, today in the form of an attractive American woman, actively engaged in continuing the service to Humanity which she began
many many lifetimes prior to her incarnation in the 19th Century. We know that HPB also has a lifetime as Allesandro Cagliostro
prior to her embodiment as the famous Ukrainian Initiate and
Mother of the `New Age' (a dubious honor, given what calumny and character assault has come to her, both during her own lifetime and unto the present day,
again a case of the small-minded and mean-spirited attacking that which they know is great, and which they envy
for their perceived smallness of stature, by comparison).
The only thread of connection which I have from the
present incarnation, as I have gathered, is a story told to me
by this person of a lifetime in ancient Egypt ... which takes the form of a dream, involving a religious ceremony, procession or ritual. The latter I believe to be one involving Nefertiri, which I think was also one of HPB's former incarnations. This, of course, I cannot substantiate, and I have never bothered doing any occult research to see if the tradition is supported, disproved or otherwise speculated upon by available literature and authors. Thus, my own thread shows that from the lifetime as Nefertiri, when I was probably co-incarnate with (if not known to, or by) her, this Soul again appeared - probably about 2000 years ago (or earlier), perhaps several more times before the lifetime as Cagliostro, and that takes us to the present day. In this case, I have a list of four subsequent incarnations plus Nefertiti, although I can only claim to have known this Soul for the first time in about 1994.
One other unusual fact is that I met her, and the Soul that was Beatrix Potter, both together at the same place in the same dream, after a traumatic childhood event. I did not know at the time who these people were, and the realization only came two decades or more later, in hindsight, yet I now realize exactly what was going on, and why, and it phases me not in the slightest that I was associated with these Souls (both High Initiates) as a child of only a few years even though I would not meet either one
in the flesh for at least two decades. The simple fact is, under the circumstances both individuals (and simultaneously, quite well known to one another, though in different Ashrams) acted
as the Soul, and were coming to me in a spiritual capacity, NOT as the personality or in the same roles in which I would later know them.
The details of my relationship with the Soul that was HPB are a bit too intimate to elucidate, but I can say that I knew her for some time before coming to my present understanding regarding the likelihood of her identity. She herself, equally as the next person in question, vehemently denies that my insight is accurate, yet I would note that neither person provides any reason for the dissociation. My insights, on the other hand, are well-founded, well-supported, and do not rest on any one fact or experience alone, but rather come from many years of association (and close, intimate experience) ... though as I say, they did not suddenly appear before my eyes
in a flash, or in any such abstract state that I could not see the direct connections with all else that I (had hitherto) [known] about that person.
HPB is now an advanced Initiate of the 3rd Degree, though I suspect that in many ways she is qualified to become an Arhat, and given that this woman has a close affinity for and involvement with Tibetan Buddhism (and actively attends a center in the Gelukpa tradition) ... it may well be that her progress has already carried her
THROUGH the portal of the 4th Initiation from the point of view of the Soul. This may mean that for the remainder of this incarnation, into the next, she will assimilate and outwardly incorporate the result of this change,
the Renunciation, such that she will attain to the Continuity of Consciousness from here on out, never again forgetting her link with the Soul, or with her own former incarnations, at each subsequent rebirth. Either way, I would estimate her own number of additional incarnations to be about 5, give or take, just as is the case with the first Soul listed (prior lifetime, Beatrix Potter).
The difference, in the case of HPB, is that the Soul Ray is the 1st, and this is exceedingly rare, yet I already expect to find her appearing before us as an Adept in some ~500 years, as the 2nd Decan of Aquarius approaches and as Human Civilization finally settles into what most of us can foresee as a
definite and lasting period of SUSTAINABLE GROWTH, and this on EVERY plane and phase, or aspect of our existence, rather than any kind of lopsided or temporary terms (as, for example, the financial progress in some sectors only of the
most developed countries, itself often unbalancing and directly harming the remainder of our population, not to mention other of Nature's kingdoms, the global environment, etc.).
Meanwhile, this Soul labors as a 3rd (if not a 4th) degree Initiate, she works behind the scenes, she lives a life relatively free of glamour, and as is the case with the Soul that was Beatrix Potter, she lovingly serves with a
tremendous outpouring of Force, substantively changing for the better the external
and internal conditions of all Souls who have the privilege of working alongside or coming into contact with her. This, of course, I know from direct and firsthand evidence, testimony and experience.