Gnōthi seauton
Once upon a time, that Soul who once was HPB sat in the same room with another individual who in this incarnation has served countless Souls as a child psychiatrist. Again, my contact with the individual in question is too detailed to elucidate, taking place over the course of nearly two decades. And again there is the definite opinion on this person's part that he most certainly was not Jey Rimpoche, Tibet's great Teacher, Tsonkhapa. That's not what my insight and intuition tell me, however, although as is often the case it took many years for me to arrive at my present understanding.
Simply put, the great love, compassion and insight into human nature which this individual expresses, always working from the Soul level outward, and always seeking to assist the individual by arriving at the root cause of psychological difficulty, then proceeding outward to remedy all unbalanced effects, all evidence the same status of a High Initiate, someone who has undergone the Transfiguration experience, and thus become forever committed to world service and to alleviating human suffering of whatever nature, and wherever encountered.
HPB tells us in the 3rd Volume of The Secret Doctrine that the Buddha Shakyamuni appeared to us in the first instance connected with Tibet as the Sage Padmasambhava. She also tells us that he later "occupied the body of" Tsongkhapa, from time to time. This means that the latter was overshadowed by the former, just as the Christ overshadowed the Initiate Jesus. Often it is the case that esotericists assume Tsongkhapa and HPB are now long since Adepts, if not even beyond our evolution altogether. I cannot absolutely deny that this may be the case, but I would estimate my accuracy regarding Tsongkhapa (who himself met the Buddha Shakyamuni in that lifetime as a young boy, predicted by the Buddha to oneday become a great teacher) at 99% or better. I would say in the case of HPB it is almost the same. In other words, I am pretty damn certain. I have learned to leave it at that, to work with the possibilities as I have come to understand and believe them, and since the specific views that I maintain not only work with everything else I believe, and have studied, but also make the most sense this way ... I will gladly hold onto the present way of seeing things, UNTIL I find something that makes more sense, works better, or otherwise fits the facts.
Thus, I do not question that for some, taking another point of view, or even an altogether different approach, may be better, or best. But of course, if you don't believe in rebirth, this isn't your thread, unless you are open-minded, enquiring along these lines and willing to consider the possibilities rather than stand there with a pop-gun trying to plink-plink away at what other people have to say. If you have such pronounced prejudices against any of the historical figures I've listed here as some of the people who post here do, you really should just go away and learn a little Respect, and if you're really that cynical, that jaded, that divorced of Reason and good, common sense (let alone a genuine interest in such matters, since all the poo-pooing that people do pretty much signals that you'd clearly find it more productive watching paint dry), then again, WHY worry yourself about such matters?
Could it be, as I've pointed out, that somewhere, when you do a little digging, much as you like to believe thus and such ... there are still a few loose ends that aren't quite secure? And could it be that although what we convince ourselves we're doing is sharing some useful words of wit and wisdom with others who definitely could benefit from our bag of curios and trinkets, what's actually happening is that we perceive (and thus project) a bit of an inconsistency with something we believe, thus the only appropriate way to go about solving and patching up that gaping HOLE (as some can observe it) in our logic and argument is to see how quickly and how effectively we can deconstruct and demolish whatever scaffolding we are afraid our opponent might end up erecting were we to give him time?
Ahhh, I'm not worried about your personal crusade. I know where these lead, and why. I don't worry about my own, either, for the same reasons.
So the last case in question, though I may close with a quick list of a few more, is perhaps the best ... or at least illustrates the most advanced Soul that I can think of. In a sense, he has a twin, as I do know of one other such Soul I've met where a couple of former incarnations stand out.
The current incarnation of Elijah, who was later John the Baptist, is a man of advanced years, quite healthy and active, living not far from me in North Carolina. The particulars are impossible to relate, for certain reasons, yet I have known him nearly half my life. I knew him 2100 years ago directly, and it is entirely possible that I knew or met him in my own former incarnation, during the 60s. I should think he knew of me, but only because the relationship is one which has persisted for a very long time, as years go. The kinship is of the Soul, and is very much that of the intimacy of student and Teacher, though the most direct connections occur in this lifetime and its correlate on the cusp of Pisces (already mentioned).
This man is an Arhat and knows it, meaning that he has undergone the experience of Renunciation as did Christ Jesus. He knows his own former lifetimes and he can tell you yours, if it were so necessary ... and if it were his misfortunate and unpleasant task as to have to or need to do so. His work involves groups, and one large group of students on the physical plane in particular. He was worn many hats during his present lifetime, not only serving as a true Renaissance man, as does every advanced Initiate (this applying to ALL of the Souls I have mentioned above), but also taking each of his earthly vocations or roles to a new degree of perfectionment and Realization. This means that if he set out at some phase of his life to become a great architect, he would certainly have achieved, or would be achieving, that Goal. I use this as an example, and will only mention that he was in the U.S. armed forces earlier in his life. As a man approaching Mastery upon the 6th Ray (or possibly 2nd), originally, this isn't where he first learned Discipline ... yet I'm sure it was a useful refresher, this time around.
Again, this man KNOWS his former incarnations. Such is always the case, with rare exception, for one who reaches his level of evolution. He will quite possibly become an Asekha Adept in the next few years, if this is not already the case. The connection with the Christ should be obvious, although in direct line of progression I would assume he still falls technically into the Ashram of the Master Jesus, with other connections to the 2nd Ray Ashram(s) being obvious. I assume, if anyone were to discern the identity of the individual in question, he would quite possibly deny the assertion (John denied being Elijah, though he certainly never said, "I WAS NOT Elijah,"and these are all the world apart). On the other hand, since he has published a book, authored under his own name, and speaks plainly on occult and esoteric topics, I suppose he might simply say, "And what of it!?!" After all, it is only when we "rest on our laurels," as HPB said, that we run the risk of problems and error. HPB knew quite well that many Great Souls and advanced disciples would be coming into incarnation during her lifetime and in years to come. Given what she was shown, I suspect she knew exactly what it means to MAKE GOOD on the training and preparation which we have, many of us, received in former incarnations ... and what it means to squander our talents, wasting the gifts that we have been given - WITH the unfortunate result.
The other Arhat I might speak of was the same Soul incarnate in one age as Joan of Arc, later incarnate as Helena Roerich, who received the Agni Yoga Teachings during the 1920s and 1930s from the Chohan Morya (of Theosophical note, known in India as Chandragupta Maurya, and known to others as Melchior, Emperor Akbar, possibly Moses, et al). In her recent incarnation, this Soul was also a great spiritual Teacher, as John the Baptist is, assisting many students in her time and displaying all the hallmarks of a Great Initiate while showing nothing of the ego which so characterizes the younger disciples and inexperienced students, or those who dream & admire, but cannot seem to persist and Aspire.
This Soul passed on several years ago, leaving behind several questions (at least for me, personally) and a legacy, but in no way disappointing, for I know that if I strive and if I am fortunate, I shall perhaps encounter her again. Even to follow in her footsteps and assist with some tiny fragment of the Work is enough ... for though Ray is the 1st, and though her Ashram is that of the Master Morya (in which she serves alongside HPB), I know that increasingly we are speaking of ONE Field of Service, spiritual as well as physical, for all the Earth's a global School, and every Soul a student, passing from grade to grade, studying under many different Teachers with varying types and degrees of expertise, yet with one Headmaster, one Curriculum and one, lofty Purpose under the S*n.
Once upon a time, that Soul who once was HPB sat in the same room with another individual who in this incarnation has served countless Souls as a child psychiatrist. Again, my contact with the individual in question is too detailed to elucidate, taking place over the course of nearly two decades. And again there is the definite opinion on this person's part that he most certainly was not Jey Rimpoche, Tibet's great Teacher, Tsonkhapa. That's not what my insight and intuition tell me, however, although as is often the case it took many years for me to arrive at my present understanding.
Simply put, the great love, compassion and insight into human nature which this individual expresses, always working from the Soul level outward, and always seeking to assist the individual by arriving at the root cause of psychological difficulty, then proceeding outward to remedy all unbalanced effects, all evidence the same status of a High Initiate, someone who has undergone the Transfiguration experience, and thus become forever committed to world service and to alleviating human suffering of whatever nature, and wherever encountered.
HPB tells us in the 3rd Volume of The Secret Doctrine that the Buddha Shakyamuni appeared to us in the first instance connected with Tibet as the Sage Padmasambhava. She also tells us that he later "occupied the body of" Tsongkhapa, from time to time. This means that the latter was overshadowed by the former, just as the Christ overshadowed the Initiate Jesus. Often it is the case that esotericists assume Tsongkhapa and HPB are now long since Adepts, if not even beyond our evolution altogether. I cannot absolutely deny that this may be the case, but I would estimate my accuracy regarding Tsongkhapa (who himself met the Buddha Shakyamuni in that lifetime as a young boy, predicted by the Buddha to oneday become a great teacher) at 99% or better. I would say in the case of HPB it is almost the same. In other words, I am pretty damn certain. I have learned to leave it at that, to work with the possibilities as I have come to understand and believe them, and since the specific views that I maintain not only work with everything else I believe, and have studied, but also make the most sense this way ... I will gladly hold onto the present way of seeing things, UNTIL I find something that makes more sense, works better, or otherwise fits the facts.
Thus, I do not question that for some, taking another point of view, or even an altogether different approach, may be better, or best. But of course, if you don't believe in rebirth, this isn't your thread, unless you are open-minded, enquiring along these lines and willing to consider the possibilities rather than stand there with a pop-gun trying to plink-plink away at what other people have to say. If you have such pronounced prejudices against any of the historical figures I've listed here as some of the people who post here do, you really should just go away and learn a little Respect, and if you're really that cynical, that jaded, that divorced of Reason and good, common sense (let alone a genuine interest in such matters, since all the poo-pooing that people do pretty much signals that you'd clearly find it more productive watching paint dry), then again, WHY worry yourself about such matters?
Could it be, as I've pointed out, that somewhere, when you do a little digging, much as you like to believe thus and such ... there are still a few loose ends that aren't quite secure? And could it be that although what we convince ourselves we're doing is sharing some useful words of wit and wisdom with others who definitely could benefit from our bag of curios and trinkets, what's actually happening is that we perceive (and thus project) a bit of an inconsistency with something we believe, thus the only appropriate way to go about solving and patching up that gaping HOLE (as some can observe it) in our logic and argument is to see how quickly and how effectively we can deconstruct and demolish whatever scaffolding we are afraid our opponent might end up erecting were we to give him time?
Ahhh, I'm not worried about your personal crusade. I know where these lead, and why. I don't worry about my own, either, for the same reasons.
So the last case in question, though I may close with a quick list of a few more, is perhaps the best ... or at least illustrates the most advanced Soul that I can think of. In a sense, he has a twin, as I do know of one other such Soul I've met where a couple of former incarnations stand out.
The current incarnation of Elijah, who was later John the Baptist, is a man of advanced years, quite healthy and active, living not far from me in North Carolina. The particulars are impossible to relate, for certain reasons, yet I have known him nearly half my life. I knew him 2100 years ago directly, and it is entirely possible that I knew or met him in my own former incarnation, during the 60s. I should think he knew of me, but only because the relationship is one which has persisted for a very long time, as years go. The kinship is of the Soul, and is very much that of the intimacy of student and Teacher, though the most direct connections occur in this lifetime and its correlate on the cusp of Pisces (already mentioned).
This man is an Arhat and knows it, meaning that he has undergone the experience of Renunciation as did Christ Jesus. He knows his own former lifetimes and he can tell you yours, if it were so necessary ... and if it were his misfortunate and unpleasant task as to have to or need to do so. His work involves groups, and one large group of students on the physical plane in particular. He was worn many hats during his present lifetime, not only serving as a true Renaissance man, as does every advanced Initiate (this applying to ALL of the Souls I have mentioned above), but also taking each of his earthly vocations or roles to a new degree of perfectionment and Realization. This means that if he set out at some phase of his life to become a great architect, he would certainly have achieved, or would be achieving, that Goal. I use this as an example, and will only mention that he was in the U.S. armed forces earlier in his life. As a man approaching Mastery upon the 6th Ray (or possibly 2nd), originally, this isn't where he first learned Discipline ... yet I'm sure it was a useful refresher, this time around.
Again, this man KNOWS his former incarnations. Such is always the case, with rare exception, for one who reaches his level of evolution. He will quite possibly become an Asekha Adept in the next few years, if this is not already the case. The connection with the Christ should be obvious, although in direct line of progression I would assume he still falls technically into the Ashram of the Master Jesus, with other connections to the 2nd Ray Ashram(s) being obvious. I assume, if anyone were to discern the identity of the individual in question, he would quite possibly deny the assertion (John denied being Elijah, though he certainly never said, "I WAS NOT Elijah,"and these are all the world apart). On the other hand, since he has published a book, authored under his own name, and speaks plainly on occult and esoteric topics, I suppose he might simply say, "And what of it!?!" After all, it is only when we "rest on our laurels," as HPB said, that we run the risk of problems and error. HPB knew quite well that many Great Souls and advanced disciples would be coming into incarnation during her lifetime and in years to come. Given what she was shown, I suspect she knew exactly what it means to MAKE GOOD on the training and preparation which we have, many of us, received in former incarnations ... and what it means to squander our talents, wasting the gifts that we have been given - WITH the unfortunate result.
The other Arhat I might speak of was the same Soul incarnate in one age as Joan of Arc, later incarnate as Helena Roerich, who received the Agni Yoga Teachings during the 1920s and 1930s from the Chohan Morya (of Theosophical note, known in India as Chandragupta Maurya, and known to others as Melchior, Emperor Akbar, possibly Moses, et al). In her recent incarnation, this Soul was also a great spiritual Teacher, as John the Baptist is, assisting many students in her time and displaying all the hallmarks of a Great Initiate while showing nothing of the ego which so characterizes the younger disciples and inexperienced students, or those who dream & admire, but cannot seem to persist and Aspire.
This Soul passed on several years ago, leaving behind several questions (at least for me, personally) and a legacy, but in no way disappointing, for I know that if I strive and if I am fortunate, I shall perhaps encounter her again. Even to follow in her footsteps and assist with some tiny fragment of the Work is enough ... for though Ray is the 1st, and though her Ashram is that of the Master Morya (in which she serves alongside HPB), I know that increasingly we are speaking of ONE Field of Service, spiritual as well as physical, for all the Earth's a global School, and every Soul a student, passing from grade to grade, studying under many different Teachers with varying types and degrees of expertise, yet with one Headmaster, one Curriculum and one, lofty Purpose under the S*n.