The Truth - Are Karma and Reincarnation REAL?


Once upon a time, that Soul who once was HPB sat in the same room with another individual who in this incarnation has served countless Souls as a child psychiatrist. Again, my contact with the individual in question is too detailed to elucidate, taking place over the course of nearly two decades. And again there is the definite opinion on this person's part that he most certainly was not Jey Rimpoche, Tibet's great Teacher, Tsonkhapa. That's not what my insight and intuition tell me, however, although as is often the case it took many years for me to arrive at my present understanding.

Simply put, the great love, compassion and insight into human nature which this individual expresses, always working from the Soul level outward, and always seeking to assist the individual by arriving at the root cause of psychological difficulty, then proceeding outward to remedy all unbalanced effects, all evidence the same status of a High Initiate, someone who has undergone the Transfiguration experience, and thus become forever committed to world service and to alleviating human suffering of whatever nature, and wherever encountered.

HPB tells us in the 3rd Volume of The Secret Doctrine that the Buddha Shakyamuni appeared to us in the first instance connected with Tibet as the Sage Padmasambhava. She also tells us that he later "occupied the body of" Tsongkhapa, from time to time. This means that the latter was overshadowed by the former, just as the Christ overshadowed the Initiate Jesus. Often it is the case that esotericists assume Tsongkhapa and HPB are now long since Adepts, if not even beyond our evolution altogether. I cannot absolutely deny that this may be the case, but I would estimate my accuracy regarding Tsongkhapa (who himself met the Buddha Shakyamuni in that lifetime as a young boy, predicted by the Buddha to oneday become a great teacher) at 99% or better. I would say in the case of HPB it is almost the same. In other words, I am pretty damn certain. I have learned to leave it at that, to work with the possibilities as I have come to understand and believe them, and since the specific views that I maintain not only work with everything else I believe, and have studied, but also make the most sense this way ... I will gladly hold onto the present way of seeing things, UNTIL I find something that makes more sense, works better, or otherwise fits the facts.

Thus, I do not question that for some, taking another point of view, or even an altogether different approach, may be better, or best. But of course, if you don't believe in rebirth, this isn't your thread, unless you are open-minded, enquiring along these lines and willing to consider the possibilities rather than stand there with a pop-gun trying to plink-plink away at what other people have to say. If you have such pronounced prejudices against any of the historical figures I've listed here as some of the people who post here do, you really should just go away and learn a little Respect, and if you're really that cynical, that jaded, that divorced of Reason and good, common sense (let alone a genuine interest in such matters, since all the poo-pooing that people do pretty much signals that you'd clearly find it more productive watching paint dry), then again, WHY worry yourself about such matters?

Could it be, as I've pointed out, that somewhere, when you do a little digging, much as you like to believe thus and such ... there are still a few loose ends that aren't quite secure? And could it be that although what we convince ourselves we're doing is sharing some useful words of wit and wisdom with others who definitely could benefit from our bag of curios and trinkets, what's actually happening is that we perceive (and thus project) a bit of an inconsistency with something we believe, thus the only appropriate way to go about solving and patching up that gaping HOLE (as some can observe it) in our logic and argument is to see how quickly and how effectively we can deconstruct and demolish whatever scaffolding we are afraid our opponent might end up erecting were we to give him time?

Ahhh, I'm not worried about your personal crusade. I know where these lead, and why. I don't worry about my own, either, for the same reasons.

So the last case in question, though I may close with a quick list of a few more, is perhaps the best ... or at least illustrates the most advanced Soul that I can think of. In a sense, he has a twin, as I do know of one other such Soul I've met where a couple of former incarnations stand out.

The current incarnation of Elijah, who was later John the Baptist, is a man of advanced years, quite healthy and active, living not far from me in North Carolina. The particulars are impossible to relate, for certain reasons, yet I have known him nearly half my life. I knew him 2100 years ago directly, and it is entirely possible that I knew or met him in my own former incarnation, during the 60s. I should think he knew of me, but only because the relationship is one which has persisted for a very long time, as years go. The kinship is of the Soul, and is very much that of the intimacy of student and Teacher, though the most direct connections occur in this lifetime and its correlate on the cusp of Pisces (already mentioned).

This man is an Arhat and knows it, meaning that he has undergone the experience of Renunciation as did Christ Jesus. He knows his own former lifetimes and he can tell you yours, if it were so necessary ... and if it were his misfortunate and unpleasant task as to have to or need to do so. His work involves groups, and one large group of students on the physical plane in particular. He was worn many hats during his present lifetime, not only serving as a true Renaissance man, as does every advanced Initiate (this applying to ALL of the Souls I have mentioned above), but also taking each of his earthly vocations or roles to a new degree of perfectionment and Realization. This means that if he set out at some phase of his life to become a great architect, he would certainly have achieved, or would be achieving, that Goal. I use this as an example, and will only mention that he was in the U.S. armed forces earlier in his life. As a man approaching Mastery upon the 6th Ray (or possibly 2nd), originally, this isn't where he first learned Discipline ... yet I'm sure it was a useful refresher, this time around. ;)

Again, this man KNOWS his former incarnations. Such is always the case, with rare exception, for one who reaches his level of evolution. He will quite possibly become an Asekha Adept in the next few years, if this is not already the case. The connection with the Christ should be obvious, although in direct line of progression I would assume he still falls technically into the Ashram of the Master Jesus, with other connections to the 2nd Ray Ashram(s) being obvious. I assume, if anyone were to discern the identity of the individual in question, he would quite possibly deny the assertion (John denied being Elijah, though he certainly never said, "I WAS NOT Elijah,"and these are all the world apart). On the other hand, since he has published a book, authored under his own name, and speaks plainly on occult and esoteric topics, I suppose he might simply say, "And what of it!?!" After all, it is only when we "rest on our laurels," as HPB said, that we run the risk of problems and error. HPB knew quite well that many Great Souls and advanced disciples would be coming into incarnation during her lifetime and in years to come. Given what she was shown, I suspect she knew exactly what it means to MAKE GOOD on the training and preparation which we have, many of us, received in former incarnations ... and what it means to squander our talents, wasting the gifts that we have been given - WITH the unfortunate result.

The other Arhat I might speak of was the same Soul incarnate in one age as Joan of Arc, later incarnate as Helena Roerich, who received the Agni Yoga Teachings during the 1920s and 1930s from the Chohan Morya (of Theosophical note, known in India as Chandragupta Maurya, and known to others as Melchior, Emperor Akbar, possibly Moses, et al). In her recent incarnation, this Soul was also a great spiritual Teacher, as John the Baptist is, assisting many students in her time and displaying all the hallmarks of a Great Initiate while showing nothing of the ego which so characterizes the younger disciples and inexperienced students, or those who dream & admire, but cannot seem to persist and Aspire.

This Soul passed on several years ago, leaving behind several questions (at least for me, personally) and a legacy, but in no way disappointing, for I know that if I strive and if I am fortunate, I shall perhaps encounter her again. Even to follow in her footsteps and assist with some tiny fragment of the Work is enough ... for though Ray is the 1st, and though her Ashram is that of the Master Morya (in which she serves alongside HPB), I know that increasingly we are speaking of ONE Field of Service, spiritual as well as physical, for all the Earth's a global School, and every Soul a student, passing from grade to grade, studying under many different Teachers with varying types and degrees of expertise, yet with one Headmaster, one Curriculum and one, lofty Purpose under the S*n.
A short list of further insights gleaned over the years:

Current embodiment ... Prior lifetimes ............ Ray, if known ... Current standing, if known, or other notes
  • Medical doctor ... Atisha (3rd of Tibet's 3 Great Teachers) ... 2nd Ray ... 3rd Degree Init., preparing for 4th
  • Museum curator ... Nicholas Roerich ... 4th Ray ... 3rd Degree Init.
  • Tour bus director ... Philip the Apostle ... 2nd Ray ... 2nd Degree Init.
  • Runs a pawn shop ... James the Less, Apostle; Robert the Burgundian, founding Knight Templar ... 3rd/7th Ray ... ~1st Degree Init., preparing for 2nd
  • Teaches Information Science ... Hugh de Payens, founding Knight Templar ... 3rd Ray ... ~2nd Degree Init.
  • Infirm, works esoterically ... Peter the Apostle ... 6th Ray ... 3rd Degree Init.
  • Retired professor of Spanish, male ... medieval aristocrat ... ? unknown ... approaching the Path/Probationer
  • Retired librarian, female ... medieval monk ... 5th Ray ... Probationer/Aspirant
  • Friend, male, ~40 years of age ... medieval Knight Templar ... 6th Ray (?) ... 1st Degree Init.
  • Friend, male, ~41 years of age ... medieval Knight Templar ... 2nd Ray (?) ... 1st Degree Init. or approaching Path (Probationer/Aspirant)
  • Friend, female, ~40 yrs of age ... medieval Knight Templar (Godfrey de Bouillon?) ... 7th Ray (?) ... 1st or 2nd Degree Init.
  • Astrologer, female, ~60 yrs of age ... possible Knight Templar ... 7th Ray ... 2nd or 3rd Degree Init.
  • Barack Obama ... Pharaoh of Egypt, ~3000 y.a. ... ? unknown (some Ray 1) ... 1st or 2nd Degree Init.
All of these individuals are either friends of mine or have been, or in the case of the President of the United States, is fairly well-known. Most live within N.C. and probably wouldn't appreciate any more information than I have given being publicized. Some are family members. A fellow Initiate or equipped disciple could easily check into all that I have shared, and for the record I truly, sincerely hope that someone will, even if all they ever did was to send an anonymous message with confirmations or corrections. As I say, I am quite certain about some of my insights, while out of the above list, I only have absolutely certainty (95%+) in the first few cases, and with regard to our President. Since most of the other individuals have been or are close personal friends and acquaintances, there is on the one hand the greatest possibility for glamour and bias out of all the various insights of this nature that I've gathered over the years ... yet there is also all the more probability and likelihood that I have indeed gleaned something of the former associations which I have with such figures. The association with former fellow Knights Templar, for example, is something which I no longer question, since I know my own, and my specific identity in that role, as well as the connections that followed, are undeniable.

What I wish most of all is that the people who aren't really inclined to believe in Rebirth would just go elsewhere, and stop pestering the rest of us who already know better ... while those who show the *faintest* inkling of an interest (let alone longstanding and enthusiastic fascination with the topic) might continue our search, as I do, seeking always to find another clue, another hint, or another useful angle on the subject which might help cement any number of prior insights, or years of investigation into the meanful Whole which - on this subject as so many others - has always existed.

Nanotechnology, one might point out, is as yet a budding, cutting edge science here on this planet, at least in its current iteration and incarnation. Have clairvoyant investigations not always shown that the world of the very small is in fact, in many ways closer to the world of the Divine ... and that it is only when we come to the stumbling block of the problem of SCALE that we tend to make less progress in our understanding? Those who have been truly insightful and open, whether gifted with the opening of the higher siddhis or not, have always managed to adjust their scale and sense of proportion, however gradually and painfully, to accomodate Reality ~ rather than attempting to force the latter to fit OUR point of view, which typically, I have found, tends to fail.

Perhaps part of the obstacle is to realize and come to accept, with all of the obvious and even the not-so-obvious implications, that Rebirth has always governed Life upon this and other planets ... that if affects every being, in every Kingdom of Nature and that it is also the modus operandi of God Himself, or of the DIVINE in its various means of relating to the portion thereof [ourselves and related] which is more directly subject to Rebirth. Yet on that greater turn of the Wheel, wherever we may find it, the Spark of the Divine which is not yet returned to the Oversoul (or the issuing, Emanating Parent-Spark) is - like ourselves - Itself undergoing the equivalent experience of Progressive Evolution via repeated incarnation, whereby Spirit experiences material form and associated modes of existence by means of a vehicle, or body (and series thereof), thereby producing Consciousness or the SOUL Aspect. Here is the Trinity of LIFE; HERE is the triplicity of our true Self and its many modes of existence, and here also is the ABC of that Sublime Philosophy which seeks to LIBERATE the Spirit, trapped within the form, that we may all hasten the right development of the Consciousness and Master the forms which we have spent the eons evolving.

The man who sees no Purpose here has not had my experience, or apparently anything like it. For I can see ONE THREAD that was progressing throughout every incarnation which I can remember or even have an inkling of (perhaps 10 or more in total, 7 with considerable insight or pertaining information) ... and I know that were it not for every single one of those experiences (some several of which were highly unpleasant), I would not be here today, I would not be nearly as *complete* and the Goal for my Spiritual Evolution, my raison d'etre as a BEING, and not just as a person, would be that much farther from my attainment.

Some there are who WISH with all their heart and mind that they did not have to follow the same rules as the rest of us. And I certainly understand their angst, I feel their apprehension, I sense their co-yearning for spiritual Salvation and the Soul's true Liberation. But I also know the Royal Road by which they must attain it, I know that no exception to the Law and to Cosmos exists for them, simply because of the persistence or the strength of their wish-life, and I also know that the sooner they come - in accord with their Soul's own Holy Purpose - to Right Understanding, the sooner they can proceed with their true Mission.

It might be said that we have a desert oasis at present, with a good many horses wandering about, eyeing suspiciously that same waterhole which led them, mirage-like, to the current predicament. Is the water tainted, some will wonder? Is it really as pure, as clear, as refreshing and as rewarding to drink as those other horses seem to be indicating, with their cheerful braying and their playful displays?

Ah well, what else have we to say to the rest of the herd? The Truth has been spoken, and many times over. I have shared a tiny fragment of it here, and anyone with the developed abilities necessary can verify it, though best of all, those with an open mind and the interest, even if they cannot verify it directly, can certainly pursue similar and even more productive lines of enquiry and investigatioin. I am quite confident that in time, they will come to the Truth they need. Always at this watering hole there will be those who are quenching, and have quenched their thirst. We know that the Journey is not over, and we also know about some of the perils and challenges of the Path ahead. We do not recommend hastening unduly (and this, from direct experience, including much remorse in many cases), but if one does not drink at this oasis, it is also quite certain that the Journey ahead will be fruitless, unpleasant and prematurely terminated. The purpose of the watering hole is to drink, and while this man over here is arguing about tea & crumpets, or that one over there is spinning yarns about a thousand ways to patch a bucket, these delighted and satisfied people to my left and right are enjoying the sparkling, Water of Life, thus poured forth for thirsty men ...

... and I tell you, it is because they HAVE Heard. And they have responded.

Naturally the teaching on life and death, on karma and rebirth, is problematic .. when we have not been taught the facts. Our Western bias is, as someone pointed out, quite crippling. The idea, for example, that Nirvana is nothingness is not helped much by some clever chap chiming in that really what we mean is no-thing-ness. Oh dear, and what exactly has that clarified?

Rebirth occurs, yet if a man stands with his feet on the ground, imagining that his head is pointed all the while toward Heaven ... he won't get far in his contemplations. This is because he really doesn't understand the point of view of the Soul. He cannot imagine it, for he has not been taught what the Soul is. Instead, the vainest and most absurd imaginings of many centuries of men (and I do mean men) with lopsided intellects and not one fraction of Spiritual insight or imagination have produced volume upon volume of dry, insubstantial treatise upon something which Patanjali elucidated thousands of years ago, which Sri Krishna taught Arjuna on the battlefield of Kurukshetra and which the same Teacher also clarified in the Gospels of the New Testament.

Yet hand a man any one of these manuals, these beautifully worded eludications upon the Soul, and see what manner of absurdity he may arrive at. He hath no eyes of insight, so all he knows to relate his thoughts to are those which are already archived within his brain, already familiar to his intellectual faculties (`mind'). He must get beyond these, behind the familiar associations, and be willing to cast aside his illusions and to take anew the subject at hand, in hand.

But will he do this? Will he look with Innocence and admit his utter or near-ignorance about some of these most basic of life's Mysteries? He will not do so when the pain is his ego, and when pride is at stake, when his intellectual curiosity is more than rivalled, and is in fact dwarfed by his desire to appear knowledgeable, experienced and accomplished. Why, such a man may even be given to braggadoccio, to babbling on about what wonderful lectures he has had the privilege of giving, and how many people in his audience have been wowed by his great wisdom and breadth of learning.

Such a man is a fool. He either knows it, yet his vanity is too great for him to come clean and lay the record straight ... or, far worse, he is so far deluded that he believes the illusions he has built for himself, and then his delusion is complete. It will be another incarnation before this kind of person is capable of furthering his studies. After all, what remains for him to learn? He, in his own mind, has convinced himself that he is the authority. He has decided that the case is closed, and no one, NOT ANYONE, can convince him to earnestly reinvestigate the FACTS.

We all know people like this, and some of us have the unfortunate burden of having to deal with them on a regular basis. They are not simply knowitalls, for such we can usually come to appreciate one way or another, or laugh at, or just accept as having a minor character flaw which is in some way endearing, or at least bearable in a greater light. The truly puffy, vain and all-the-while-none-the-wiser man that is full of himself, convinced that his learning is the pinnacle of human achievement, will spare no expense to denigrate others, and to advance his own point of view on the subject just so others will know where he stands. He does this because he thinks we care, or that somehow our lives simply are not complete without this commentary ... and without his wise perspective to deliver us from OUR illusions and misunderstandings.

What this man needs is a good break from it all. He stretches himself out far too thin when it comes to matters about which he in fact knows not the slightest, yet he will never admit the truth to another, for as I say, he may be in a great deal of denial to and with himself. This is especially sad, as he will usually not allow another human being to call his attention to what he himself already knows, deep within. It is too much for him, and even those who are close to him cannot point out the obvious, or suggest a new point of view, for he will bite their heads off and tell them they are wrong, they are full of shit, or that they have no clue what they're talking about. He is irrational, he is often offensive in his dealings with others, and he is as vain as the day is wide, without giving the faintest hint to others that in fact - as is often the case - he secretly suspects, or even KNOWS that he is long since up a creek without a paddle. Nevertheless, he paddles vigorously and will stop AT NO END to defend his views, for they are all that he feels he has left to cling to. As he is spread too thin, he has lost any true footing he once had on what is right and what is sane, rational and Balanced (for him).

He can thus no longer appreciate even the most basic Truth, that each Soul must come to the Wisdom in its own time, along its own Path and in its own, unique Way. He has no clue what it means for the Disciple to "BECOME the Path," for his mind still objectifies, and while he may even have some great intellectual familiarity with the concept of Livingness, he has far too little experience, as yet, in his outer life to know what this really means, or to even acknowledge the Progress and Co-Related experiences of his fellow, Kindred Souls as they too, Journey toward Life's Perfectionment.

Thus we find such a man denying all sorts of things and fighting, coughing and sputtering, in the face of what most of us would long ago have accepted as part and parcel ... de rigeur of the Spiritual Way of Life.

His last recourse, and we see this all the time (though some cases illustrate it far more distinctively than others) is simply to attack all those viewpoints which he knows do not yet (in his mind) synchronize with whatever tenets he has come to hold dear (and these vary), for what he will not admit is that his grasp on the situation (Ultimate Truths, or the more abstract dimensions of a spiritual philosophy, obviously pointing toward - yet not exclusive to - Metaphysics) is slipping, possibly quickly, into oblivion.

If such a man could consider, for a moment, that he is - like anyone - torn between tremendous planetary (and greater) energies, influenced and pulled, pushed and shaped by the same Cosmic forces and their earthly, human and related equivalents ... and that in fact, things are really no worse off for him, inherently, than for any other, he would already be past the worst of the struggle.

If he could realize that in fact, everything about him, everything within him, and thus also everyone and everything that is dear to him is changing ... and that while this is not always for the better, the overall trend is BY AND LARGE that of a Loving Father calling to His varied and scattered, as yet still largely unknowing and unresponsive Creation ... then even though his questions along some avenues would be just beginning, he would find that relative to the majority of his compatriots, he was actually (just as he has hoped, yet wrongly fancied to himself) quite ahead of the game.

He would also find that in many a case, he was quite well equipped to deal with precisely the nature of the changes that are afoot, that the Good Lord gives us precisely what we need (in any one incarnation) for going about the task(s) at hand, and that while this is often enough delivered either to or by him by way of hopeful encouragement or optimistic, postive thinking [all of which is fine, and necessary, on the Path], that there is also more real scientific evidence and plain & simple concrete FACT to show what we mean by this than there is evidence for the theory of evolution, or to show that the earth is roughly spherical.

But that man does not know where to look. He has walked the Earth, like the rest of us, for thousands of incarnations ... and he denies it still. And while what counts most of all, all things considered, is his ATTITUDE, he takes his one, best defense against all that would [truly] seek to assail him - either from within or from without (and he is a fool if he senses not the former, far more dangerous than the latter) - and he squanders *THAT* great Potential and Gift by sharpening his wit and worldly intellect on the grinding wheel of petty, pointless argument and attack.

He will not cave to the idea that what goes around, comes around, in the last analysis ...

... because he is quite afraid, apprehensive to the point of paralyzing terror, that if indeed he is reborn AS IS ALL ELSE UNDER THE SUN, he will one day have to answer - as all of us - to EACH AND EVERY thought, intention, action or lack of right action for which he has been responsible.

Even as the facts of the situation are explained to him, he squirms far worse than a child with ants in its pants, because he prefers the watered-down, syruppy-sweet version of anyone's philosophy (and everyone's Truth) ... which teaches that if I believe in a magical man in the sky, and in some seriously old-world, old-time religious mumbo-jumbo (itself based in Sublime Truth and demonstrable, scientific FACT, though much muddled down the ages), I can ESCAPE RESPONSIBILITY for my OWN ACTIONS, and thoughts, and intentions ... and gain an illusionary heaven-life, full of impossible rewards and certainly unmerited advantages.

Now the Truth shows not only why this is incorrect, impossible, illogical and absurd, it teaches us why in PERFECT ORDER and Accord with Universal Laws of Being (which govern no less than COSMOS, let alone tiny little corners and reaches of it, which we happen to inhabit and compose) ... all Beings reincarnate.

Yet certainly it is true, when one person speaks this term, REBIRTH, and another person readily draws to mind the various associations which s/he has formed in relation to this concept over the years (and lifetimes), chances are good that what each person has in mind varies at least slightly in detail from the other.

A person is most crippled when the familiar copout is uttered, that somehow, truth is subjective and that, as Pilate told us, each man may have his truth, but who's to say whether one stands above the rest, or whether all, like men in so many of our capacities, are relative.

The truth of reincarnation can be known by the sincere student or seeker, but NOT until s/he divorces from her mind this notion that everything is subjective ... or that one opinion is necessarily as qualified and as well-supported as the next.

My own views, I realize, are as subjective as the next person's, yet the thing about my Table is: You can kick out any of the main, supporting legs, the structure, so to say ... and the Table will continue to stand. I have not patched a bucket full of holes so that, on a good day, if held very close to the surface, it will seem to hold water, as long as you don't view it from the reverse. I do know of a few ways of seeings things, however, which are exactly like this, and I may not wish to embarrass a person, or show all that egg on the face, yet if this fool over here with his god-awfully-full-of-holes bucket wants to raise it high and blather on about how great a vessel he has discovered, then I will continue to quietly sip away, whether using my own, cupped hands, or perhaps by using the chalice which I know does not leak ... and every now & then I will raise that chalice high enough for him to see, and I will SMILE. :)

That man still thinks I want to poke his own bucket full of holes. I can't get him to see, umm, friend? It's too late for that. What I'm trying to accomplish, is something quite different, entirely. And since he is still so blind, so vain, so full of hateful pride and ENVY that he cannot, or will not RAISE HIS OWN CHALICE (and often he is one of the ones who has worked on his for at least as long as I've been working on mine), I do sometimes try to simply cup my hands, shake them in his direction, and demonstrate: IT IS NOT THAT HARD TO DO THIS, and DRINK ... ("after me," as we were taught).

But he has forgotten the ritual, he has forgotten why it matters, he has forgotten HOW it works, and now, at best it is pure magic to him.

Never shall I knock this (oh, how we love to project our fears and inadequacies, and make others out to be the villain) ... yet I shall never tire of hoping to show him an easy, effective way to QUENCH HIS THIRST.

And just think, I shall still be heard to whisper, when the Chalice is used and used rightly, we may pass the benefits on to anyone and everyone who will do likewise ~ Raise the cup, and DRINK!
Same water, different cup; the unused portion is poured back into the pool, and when next we dip our vessel in, a greater portion comes back again.
I can see it.
Can you?
Thanks for the very interesting read. May I ask you how you have gotten this information? I think some people may gain the insight of their own incarnations if pressed (I did), but about others - how can you know? Obama? I suspected him as a highly(or somewhat?) spiritual man, but he did not get out of Afghanistan, so he is still on MY shitlist....
Thanks for the very interesting read. May I ask you how you have gotten this information? I think some people may gain the insight of their own incarnations if pressed (I did), but about others - how can you know? Obama? I suspected him as a highly(or somewhat?) spiritual man, but he did not get out of Afghanistan, so he is still on MY shitlist....

Forgive me for asking, but I could I get you to clarify what you mean by "How have I gotten this information?" In particular, which information? And since I would consider the majority of my insights to have come from the Soul level, via higher mind and/or Intuition (the Buddhic levels), is that what you mean? This is why I add a guestimation of % likely ... such as the 85%, where I do not quite feel it is safe to say that my friend Mycroft was undoubtedly St. Anthony of Padua.

I might add that I use all sorts of external, or intellectual means of attempting to verify my insights, and these are also what help me to get from say, a 90% probability to 95% or greater. For example, Mycroft's middle name was `Anthony.' This, on the face of it, could serve to suggest that I kind of built an insight around an objective, and highly questionable set or piece of data. This is not true, however.

I don't want this to seem the case, as it is not. Rather, long after an insight has come to me (and again, on the plane of mind these are *composite* - often consisting of dozens of various facts, pieces of data, experiences, individual insights and even some deeply meditative or inspired rapports with the Soul in question) ... these external pieces of information just help to triangulate, or confirm my understanding. The Intuition, btw, functioning on Buddhic levels (transcendent of mind altogether, operating as Pure Reason) is fallible. Whether it is `my' intuition or yours makes no difference. That level of understanding simply KNOWS.

The only problem is getting it clearly translated or transmitted through the mental levels (and lower mind especially tends to distort), through the illusionary (but ultimately glamourous or glamorizing) astral levels, and properly received by the subtle & dense brain. That's a horse of a different color than having the Intuition itself, yet I would be willing to wager my various digits that most of the insights I have shared here are precisely as accurate (meaning spot-on) as I have suggested. Until I lost a finger, I'd keep it up. I say this, because any person with the developed ability can as easily verify my statements as you could pull up a Wikipedia page and see when Siggy Frood was born. It's objective, upon Buddhic levels. It's just not always completely independent of the difficulties I've mentioned in the three lower worlds ...

Take the case of HPB, though. Her present embodiment is a woman whose middle name is Ellen, spelled precisely thus. I assure you, her parents, and likely her current-incarnation namesake, have almost certainly never even *heard* of H.P. Blavatsky. But do you realize that this is the part which, if we can't look beyond, we really aren't thinking outside the box? In other words, as in my own case, the name I end up with just *happens* to give insight, as do some of these other situations, into a past life (or even several) ... yet this is not always apparently so, or necessarily so. There are other ways of confirming things, and astrology is a useful means, if you know that a Soul reincarnates into the same sign it left the lifetime during. See?

The cases of other people's incarnations are usually much easier for me than trying to dig up anything of my own. I just happen to have been in touch with my own subtler personality and Soul/spiritual principles longer than these other folks (ha!) ... so it's not surprising that I've gathered the info I have. If you spend a year or two (or ten or twenty) in a relationship with someone, however, sooner or later you may come to these insights ~ and that's precisely how I feel I did so in many instances. It wasn't overnight, it wasn't usually sudden, and even as a cumulative sort of thing, where the Intuition is operative (or seems to be), it's nevertheless a holistic, `just-so' sort of thing. It really is difficult to describe.

Obama, I can't say I know for certain, yet it fits in so many ways I just kind of accept it, for now. It was soon after he had performed a service for Egypt, and assisted with their quest for democracy, that I came to the specific formulation of the idea of Pharaoh ... yet that was already `gelling' or cooking on the burner, so to speak. It is not a thing, however, that I *construct*. And any number of my notions get tossed out, or revised, or reformulated as I either learn new facts, do more research, or find another perspective into which my insights better fit, or make more sense. The things I've shared here, however, are what I'd call Golden.

St. Peter I originally thought to be the Nazarene Himself. This was a very unusual situation, however, and I wasn't exactly anchored when I first guessed. I would know, in my right mind, that it wasn't Master J, an Initiate of the 6th+ Degree ... yet to say that it was/is St. Peter, for certain reasons, isn't as far removed as some might think (and he is an advanced disciple in Master J's Ashram, fwiw).

If that doesn't help answer your question, let me know. I wasn't sure what you were after (forgive my poor memory, I know we've exchanged a bit before in the past year or two, so it'll come back to me with a minor jog) ...


The Intuition, btw, functioning on Buddhic levels (transcendent of mind altogether, operating as Pure Reason) is fallible.
This should read "INfallible." This faculty is what the Master M. calls `Straight Knowledge.' It does not "go through" the physical, astral or mental planes *at all* in its direct form of cognition. Rather, it contacts THE subject of knowledge/insight ... and what is relayed (again, ON the plane of Buddhi itself) is Truth per se and by definition. So what must occur from there, whether for a Master or for a disciple, for the Christ Himself or for you and me ... is what I have described. The info must *reach* the brain. And that's a whole problem unto itself!

This, of course, is Ideal Understanding ~ and Perfect insofar as it goes. The reason I cannot say I feel 100% certain about my insights, is precisely because I am far from perfection (say, a good handful of incarnations) ... and because my mind/astral/brain equipment is not in 100% functional, accurate or perfected conditions, as yet. The Tibetan Teacher tells us that even High Initiates are sometimes deceived or inaccurate in their information, though granted that is a far more unlikely situation and few & far between, as compared with the rest of us.

Hope that helps ...
One further thing when it comes to names. We can start with the question, "What's in a name?"

My first reference would be the 11th chapter of a free book, online, called The Immortal, by J.J. Dewey. In this book John Dewey meets the Apostle known Biblically as John the Beloved. He meets him in his present incarnation, and usually they sit at Denny's and talk over coffee.

They discuss, among other things - but especially in this chapter - the significance of our name(s). Both men are named John, which is the correct pronunciation for HPB's Stanzas of DZYAN, forming the backbone of The Secret Doctrine (and other Teachings). Or at least, that's what I figure.

The Book of Revelation, dictated to this Disciple (as part of his Initiation) by the High Initiate Paul, speaks of the most Mystical and cosmological aspects of Cosmogenesis ... as elucidated in the entire 1st volume of The Secret Doctrine. But that's a longer story! ;)

If you reference the above discussion between John and John, you may gather a bit more of why I don't find my methods the least bit unusual or fundamentally flawed. Helena P. Blavatsky, currently incarnate as a woman with the middle name `Ellen,' is not simply logical ... there is a *point* to the overlap.

Even some of the members who post at Interfaith ... may once have used the same name (or its then-extant variant) in a previous incarnation. I know I have. And whom shall we credit with the *coincidence* (truly a curious CO-incidence, n'est pas?) ... ? :)

Joshua at Jericho, Joshua the High Priest, and Joshua/Yeshua/Iesu ... are all the same. Not only the same name, but also the same SOUL. Jesus in three different, subsequent incarnations ... teaching us something directly about Reincarnation and Karma (and for the authority, I trust to the direct instruction of the Christ, via Jesus, et al), and also about some of the particulars.

Jesus was born in 105 B.C., as records prove. NO records can be found which point toward a later date, save for those falsified and patterned after the earlier events. This is a sticking point, a thorn in some people's side. I couldn't care less what people believe. I know what works for me, and until I have reason to believe otherwise, I will keep to the facts as I know them. Apollonius of Tyana was the next incarnation for the Soul in question, and this makes the dates currently accepted for Jesus' birth and death impossible. Who are we to believe? The authorities, who were there, incarnate WITH Jesus, who met and KNEW him, and who DID record these things? Or those who - with devious and subtle motive - intentionally falsified the still-verifiable records ... twisting facts to fit their own agendas?

Remove the thorn, correct the mistake, and lo! Suddenly it makes a ZILLION times more sense, and half the glamour is gone already. This, and the THRICE-over NAME situation falls into place. Granted, Apollonius is a different name altogether, but anyone who cannot see that this is the same Soul as Jesus, after observing what history tells us of each man's work, needs his head examined. Clearly, religious bias and centuries of disinformation are our enemy in this case. But such is always the way with half-zealous, half-blind ecclesiasts ...

Ramanuja Acharya ... the next of the births for this Soul, also seems to be a different name than Jesus. So I am certainly not saying that you can take any advanced Soul and expect to trace the same name several times in their final incarnations. This may not be the case at all. For those who play a prominent role in the public eye, coming before us time and again to do a definite WORK for the Spiritual Hierarchy ... do not be surprised when history makes it EXCEEDING EASY to trace the progression, and progress.

As I say, some are blinded, some are inclined (to see these various connections, the THREAD [Sutratma] connecting incarnations), but not quite certain. I leave room for adjustment, correction and certainly fine-tuning. Besides that, I must go with what I know, believe and have discovered to make the most sense for me. In the final analysis, that is the simple answer to your original question! ;)
Guys & Gals,

I want to inject this item for your consideration.

It a quasi-scientific report [from india ---hoax?] that purports to measure field changes of cakras during "tamasic" vs "sattvic" activity.

Aside from the possibility of a hoax or patent-pending fraud huxster ---the references & sanskrit Terms & relationships are interesting ---and I wonder that such language is a borrowing from some established ayurvedic-like sutra that I know not of. What is a better translation have to say in that yet undisclosed literary reference that is used at the above link?

The connections between 'certain fields of activity' with an astral-embilicord-chord to a 'paradym-manifest'.
ie, it alludes that tamasic acts are linked to Tamasic realms-of-influence.

Karma trafficting and brokeraging is hinted as subtilely linked to the larger-transit hubs . . .


Comparative study of the effect of consuming non-vegetarian and vegetarian food using the electrosomatographic method

Effect of consuming non-vegetarian and vegetarian food using the electrosomatographic - Hindu Dharma Forums

Principal Investigator: Dr. Nandini Samant, MBBS, DPM

Please read our article Introduction to spiritual research using the electrosomatographic scanning technique before reading this article, so as to understand it better.



5.1 There are two functional groups of chakrās

The upper four chakrās (Sahasrār, Ādnyā, Vishuddha and, Anāhat) are predominant in the Absolute Air Principle (Vāyū-tattva) and act at the nirgun-sagun (More of nirgun than sagun) level, while the lower three chakrās (Manīpūr, Swādhishthan and Mūlādhār) arepredominant in the Absolute Fire Principle (Tēj-tattva) and act at the sagun-nirgun (More of sagun than nirgun) level. The upper four chakrās are functional in tasks related to intellect and the lower three chakrās are functional mainly related to the mind. Thus the seven chakrās are divided into two groups – upper four chakrās and lower three chakrās. Hence, upon consuming non-vegetarian or vegetarian food, generally they have similar effects on the chakrās in each group.

5.2 Effect of sāttviktā gained upon consuming vegetarian food

5.2.1 Activation of Kunḍalinī chakrās

Activation of upper chakrās:Upper chakrās are more sensitive in responding to Sattva guna than the lower chakrās. Hence, upon consuming vegetarian food, due to the sāttvik vibrations of the vegetarian food there was improvement in the activity of the upper four chakrās in seekers with and without negative energy distress.

Activation of lower chakrās in seekers who follow Karmayoga: In seekers with and without negative energy distress and who follow Karmayoga, the activity of the lower three chakrās was improved upon consuming vegetarian food.

5.2.2 Spiritual healing of Kunḍalinī chakrās

In seekers with negative energy distress, māntriks (from hell) create centres of distressing energy in the upper four chakrās. Thus, these chakrās function on the strength of the black energy stored in these centres. Upon consuming vegetarian food, sāttviktā gained from this food decreases the black energy in these centres, thereby reducing their activity. In other words, the upper four chakrās undergo spiritual healing and thereby activity of these chakrās is reduced.

5.2.3 Kunḍalinī chakrās assume nirgun state upon gaining Sattva guna continuously from the vegetarian meal

Upon consuming vegetarian food by seekers without negative energy distress, sāttviktā gained from this food causes improvement in the activity of the upper four chakrās. When Sattva guna is available continuously as the meal progresses, the upper four chakrās attain nirgun state, and thus become inactive.

5.3 Detrimental effect of Tama guna gained upon consuming non-vegetarian food

5.3.1 Upper four chakrās in seekers without negative energy distress get activated to fight effect of Tama guna gained upon consuming non-vegetarian food

In seekers without negative energy distress, the upper four chakrās are more sensitive than the lower three chakrās. Hence, they get activated to fight the effects of Tama guna gained upon consuming non-vegetarian food. Later, they need to assume nirgun (Non-materialised) form so as to fight the root of Tama guna. Finally, they have to get activated again so as to regain the Sattva guna lost in this battle. Thus there is net loss of energy of upper chakrās.

5.3.2 Upper chakrās in seekers with negative energy distress get activated due to absorption of Tama guna gained from consuming non-vegetarian food

In seekers with negative energy distress, the centres of black energy in the upper four chakrās created by superior māntriks (from hell) get activated so as to imbibe Tama guna from non-vegetarian food. Hence, there is increase in activity of upper chakrās.

5.4 Factors deciding the duration of effects of consuming non-vegetarian and vegetarian food

5.4.1 Spiritual level

If the spiritual level of an individual is less than 60%, the duration of effect of sāttvik and tāmasik components is prolonged. In individuals above 60%, due to dissolution of their mental sheath, there is minimal effect on the mind regarding worldly things such as eating, drinking, clothing etc. Hence, the duration of effects of sāttvik and tāmasik components is short.

5.4.2 Severity of negative energy distress

In seekers with mild negative energy distress, the effect of tāmasik components like non-vegetarian food is sustained for a short duration; whereas the effect of sāttvik components like vegetarian food is sustained for longer duration. In seekers with severe distress, the effect of tāmasik components like non-vegetarian food is sustained for longer duration since the Tama guna is stored; whereas since the Sattva guna in sāttvik components gets used up in fighting against the negative energies, the effect of sāttvik components like vegetarian food is sustained for a short duration.

6. Key points learned

Consuming vegetarian food is more conducive to optimum functioning of the body, mind and the intellect. Considering this, we can try to reduce consumption of non-vegetarian food and increase intake of vegetarian food.

Doing spiritual practice to attain the 60% spiritual level is important because upon attaining this level, both the sāttvik and tāmasik components have less effect on the individual.

Doing spiritual practice regularly also protects us against negative energy distress. Negative energy distress results in a prolonged effect of tāmasik components and reduced effect of sāttvik components.

Taijasi (AndrewX?)
Why am I confused.... you've answered my question.
-Captain Nemo
A humorous approach:

Well let us jettison the idea that Karma & "Transmigration of a Soul" ---is for living beings with conscious introspection falculties.

Why is "Karma & "Transmigration of a Soul" apply only to Humans whose Life time will eventually perish like a long gone cloud or foggy mist?

Eliminate the connection in our minds that we Humans are at the center of anything!

According to the Vedas: The living Soul-cell is 1/10,000 the size of the tip of a hair.


1/10,000 the size of the tip of a hair
a grown man's size and bulk.

That indicates that "We" are tiny little bits ---in a vast machine of moving parts.

The material world is an ocean ---we are a suds bubble that gets swished around by ocean currents ---forever.

The Truth - Are Karma and Reincarnation REAL?

So, Karma is ALL ABOUT solid inanimate marbles bouncing off each other similar to a "Newton's Cradle".

Karma says "flotsom from one locale" tends to follow seasonal Wind patterns and tidal currents; and then, said debris & flotsom slowly disperses in to wider areas of the ocean.

Is karma inevitable predicative? IMO, yes. IE: every since the dinosaurs dies and the flora of their epoch laid their bodies down ---one day that very same carbon based elements would see day light in the form of fossil fuels.

The "Soul" MAY NOT exist after death and "carry on as per the fruits of their past activities" [aka karma] ---but the INANIMATE Particles and their multi-varigated-forms do continue to exist and also, later appear on Antique Road Show to be sold to those that treasure past relics.

To the highest bidder goes the treasure!
Giordano Bruno and Nietzsche seem to be the same reincarnation, though the latter appears to have transfigured itself from the Hermetic~dragon into God!
There's a metaphysical glass-ceiling that I believe in, casting off bands for the chosen and immortalizing Mountains.
Will's Rainbow-bridge secures treasures, thousands of years old and yet overturned anew!