Help! I'm stuck in politics mode! Eek!

:kitty: sites. 'Nuf said.

Hell, a RL friend sent me a link to a live stream broadcast of :kitty:s just being :kitty:s with their human foster staffpurrson. I bookmarked it to go along with the rest of my :kitty: bookmarks.

I'll be more than happy to give you the link. :eek:

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Even kitties can be political. The two kitties (alright, huge neutered male brothers--only one can sit [not lay down] in my "in basket" at a time) at my work have political spats all the time--(one is an obvious communist, the other is obviously a private property proponent. Consequentially, the fur often flies around here.) :p

Polititicians are every bit the strange beasts that kitties are.
At least :kitty: politics is straightforward (unlike human politics.)

:kitty: Political "Vocabulary" (at least an introductory course): *meow*, *purr*, *pop*, *swipe*, *spray*, *poop*...

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Ooh. This political crap is so gooey. Reminds me of a Tarzan movie, only its a movie about tar.
There is a funny show called Life about a policeman, wrongfully accused who spends 12 years in prison before he is acquitted of any crime, and because he was wrongfully convicted gets paid millions plus a promotion to detective. He's back on The Force. That is where the story starts. While was is in prison he went a little crazy but learned Zen to help him return to a level of sanity. Its a cop show, but they do lots of flashbacks to his prison days. He makes lots of zen-based comments when he's investigating crimes. Like he'll say "I looked into it and there's neither past nor future. There's only the present." He listens to Zen tapes in his car, etc.