Yes, we are tormented, and carry our own cross ... and if we have occasional regrets (either in a moment of weakness, or even in due thoughtfulness, wondering wth we're doing and WHY), THESE TOO SHALL PASS.
Regarding target practice, I prefer to think in terms of a `Love Gun,' with apologies to the band K.I.S.S. ... though I do quite like some of their noise, including said tune (the album's not much, otherwise), and also the context & implication.
But the `Love Gun' which I imagine begins with the P.O.V. gun which we learn about through Douglas Adams' HHGttG. Start with that, and before you go trigger-happy, imagine that only when we practice true *Harmlessness* is it safe to shoot another individual; for even our unpleasant emotions, moodiness or confusion are potentially useful to our fellow humans, if we are practicing properly the type of Communion of which Thomas speaks.
The new movie version of HHGttG conveys this adequately, with Zooey Deschanel as Trillian at the trigger, giving Zaphod (Sam Rockwell) a `piece of her mind' (heart, emotions, P.O.V.). Perhaps if others were able to recognize what each of us has been through, via the proverbial `walk a mile in my shoes' experience ... there would be less fighting, less enmity, less bloodshed. Or perhaps not, yet I know where I'm placing my chips ~ for I can see the future, and I know it well enough to count myself a spiritual millionaire ... as already I have many times over, probably also in many, many prior incarnations.
But getting better at Harmlessness, Self-forgetfulness and Right Speech means that we earn the right, and the Responsibility, of arming our Love Gun with the Love-Agape of the Christians, the Bodhichitta of the Buddhists, and the Brotherhood-in-Action, or Livingness, of Theosophy and Agni Yoga. It means we earn the right, and learn the spiritual skill required in order to be of service to the human and sub-human kingdoms as never before, and to cooperate with those spiritual Kingdoms with Whom and which the other four Kingdoms share the planet.
It is a high calling, and a difficult one, to become a Lawman (Dharma holder) of such rank and Order. On the other hand, there are some paths which bring more than `their own reward,' and once we have learned that ALL reward may be at least in essence transferred to those who *need* it more than we do, we are well on our WAY ... the Bodhisattva Way, if we have chosen this path.
But of course, such is almost meaningless if our personal theology echoes only the sentiment of ... reward for self, Heaven for me, and a coin tossed to the `needy' every now & then, or a soup kitchen label turned, that I may ease my Conscience and smile at night when I say my `prayers.'
Perhaps you are on the wrong train. Perhaps you have not looked up recently to see who you are following (the car ahead) or to consider the long line of cars following YOU. Perhaps, as you discover that indeed, your calling includes the challenge to LEAD, perhaps YOU are beginning to balk, to shudder, and even to cringe as you recognize the path ahead.
leucy7, do you remember the story, or might I ask you to look it up on the web, of the `Little Engine That Could?'
Try not to create demons, or imagine monsters, where none exist ... or where they didn't before you gave birth to them. Children do not need to hear that ~ even though they are on the road to a better future, there will also be such dark times that many of them will fail (in the present lifetime), will go hungry, will suffer NEEDLESSLY because of how selfish and greedy much of the West has become ... [nor do they need to hear] that Death is an evil, an enemy, any less than a welcomed Friend who comes to greet us all, at the appropriate time, and lead us onward.
Children need encouragement, they need Optimism, they need to be shown THE WAY. Yet the beautiful thing about Children is that their Hearts are open, their minds are not closed; they WANT to learn, they WANT to apply what you teach them, and they DO NOT need difficult, complicated theologies, or bucket-patching, as I call it, because at heart, in their true nature (as mine, and as yours), they are already SOUND, if not yet also Whole ... but mostly what they want to know is HOW they may better be able to `hold water,' and to share it with ALL people they know, family, friends, AND STRANGERS.
This is the Water of Life [Aquarius, the Christ, the Soul-infused Mind ... Buddhi-Taijasa, Manas-Taijasa] ... and this is something children understand because they are BORN with it, and the
tabula rasa has not yet been scarred (even though such can and does occur even from the time in the womb!). Unfortunately, our Sacred Planet is only gradually emerging into the recognition that such an Initiation has been taken by our Planetary Logos. Children are thus introduced to poverty, hunger, cruelty and shame from the earliest of ages, and the palimpsest of prior sufferings is readily revealed, such that the tabula rasa is defeated, old wounds are reopened, and even their spiritual calling in this particular life becomes short-circuited, added challenges being put in their way which are NOT a part of their individual karma.
Humanity must come together as never before, from the level of the family, the Community and small groups everywhere ... to the National, the International and quite soon, also the Interplanetary - which certainly has always existed [Brotherhood at
every level, yet hitherto often below or beyond our conscious frame of reference ~ and now, increasingly, in FULL, conscious recognition and affirmation]. I pity, no, I say I REGRET that there are those who cannot recognize a Truth so simple that it only takes a few words to express it:
BROTHERHOOD is needed, in Conscious, Heart-recognized, Mind-affirmed ACTIVE AFFIRMATION ... PRACTICED, in whichever Path of Approach we most feel we are called to tread, AS A SOUL
There is nothing hard about that; there is nothing inherently difficult, except as we recognize our place upon the train-track at any given moment. And if, and WHEN you do, be Positive. Remember to look up with a SMILE
and to take a moment to Breathe, to search within for precisely the Peace and inner Poise which Thomas emphasizes. This is not so far away; this is not so hard to achieve, even if its practice will carry us to & through the stages of Adeptship, and beyond.
Even the Christ continues to experience, then EXPRESS and Teach, evoke and Invoke, Greater Love-Agape, Greater Peace within ... and more Conscious, Affirmed Recognition of all of the same in our external, physically-anchored mundane brain awareness.
But the Little Engine That Could?
CAN, S/He DOES ... and S/He WILL continue to pull a heavy load, not toward something you, and others, and at least occasionally ALL of us tend to fear, or have misgivings about. You see, we are practicing TOWARD Perfection, and certainly we shall attain it, but yes, there are times when the strain is great, the path ahead looks bleak and men like John A. Boehner in the U.S. House remind us of human evil incarnate, at its zenith. Quite obviously Darkness is attempting to have its day, and it will do all it can to frighten small children, to frighten grown and mature adults, and most of all, to darken the lives of all who are especially weak, who are already destitute in one way or another, or in many cases, who have the MOST to give and to offer a struggling Humanity at this critical juncture in our evolution.
Many Americans (such as myself) are thrilled just to see that we have so much GOOD Leadership, and that obviously, the Hierarchy and Shambhala have so much `Good material' with which to work, thanks to the November vote. But many of us know that it is NOT therefore time to simply fold up shop, rely on `the other guy,' or rest on our laurels and expect the Kingdom of Heaven to suddenly manifest, overnight ... or even mystically-magically during the next four years. This is the wrong attitude; this is SLOTH.
So I would hardly call my Knowledge, my Wisdom and my contribution a form of gluttony, while I cannot deny (Truth, minus Pride, equals TRUTH) that my own awareness of metaphysical principles ... and Teachings regarding the subtle worlds, is enough to fill many volumes, and safely escort countless masses across the Field of Reeds. Yes, we have the ability within us to work miracles of sorts, and also in quite a few cases, the precise Gifts required: Seven in Number, as *every* Theosophist can speak of the 7 Principles, taught tens of thousands of years ago in the East, and prior & since in EVERY Mystery School and Major World Religion ~ even that of Thomas, probably your own,
et al.
But if you recognize evil, eschew it; if you discover that darkness is eclipsing your LIGHT, do what needs doing to REKINDLE that Spiritual Flame ... and while some practices do demand Solitude (else the monks and nuns who go into retreat are obviously just smokin' crack and probably should become pro wrestlers and prostitutes), surely the TRAIN we are on is not a lone car, hurtling through the darkness without direction or purpose.
True, life can seem that way at times, or we can step off of the beaten path, yet if we are a veteran traveler (as are all who stop by, or post on these forums), it is a safe bet there are co-travelers not very far off ... and they, as much as (or more than) any desire greatly that we find and keep our WAY, if only that we may all the better show THEM the Way ~ to Moksha, Salvation, Nirvana, Godhead/Godhood and Liberation. Nuances matter, but all such are
2ndary to my point.
luecy7 said:
Well spoken by a wholesale liar.
Bind thy tongue, lest thee loose a demon ... and hinder thy efforts, and find thy way to darkness before thy time!
In short, your gun is loaded with the wrong type of ammunition. You may empty that clip, you may even attach a never-ending box of ammo and have at me with your .50 caliber. My dear, it doesn't matter that you send all the nukes and particle beam weapons on our planet against Virtue and against Truth. These are as pinpricks to an Elephant, and Ganesha is not amused. Nor perturbed, as Jagganatha shall crush every impediment, every prick of resistance ... nor does that Elephant kick against such, any more than these colors run, or bleed, or fade.
If you don't feel like traveling to Switzerland, leucy7, Thomas,
et al, that is perfectly fine. You may choose to visit someday, and likely you will be welcomed. Meanwhile, the residents don't appreciate it when YOU become the liar by telling us the country doesn't exist, or that countless millions have not visited Her over the years ... some returning many times, as they quite enjoy it, for various reasons. Perhaps you have never visited my *state* ~ but even if I am the poorer for it, I shall not deny that you continue to live, in YOURS.
Do stop by sometime. You might be surprised.