Kindest Regards, Bandit!
Thank you for your post.
Bandit said:
I am real bad with dates and time lines so I am no good with that end of it. Sorry.
As an amateur historian, I get into the dates and times. More important to me is placing things into context, what is called anthropology.
I am just thinking the prehistoric stuff is just not directly related to the way we know humans today. At least it seems that way to me. But nothing wrong with trying.
We may never know, but it seems there is enough genetic information to tie modern humans to Cro-Magnon. This presumes that we did indeed grow out of that lineage. Nothing of consequence remains of Eden, so we don't really have any way to say with any certainty, there is nothing to compare to. Besides, didn't the composition change after Noah? The people of the book began to have shorter lives.
I am seeing the seventh day there as prophecy still and has not come to pass, I think we are still in the 6th day.
It is a different seventh day, the original that set the standard for the Sabbath, long before the Ten Commandments were written.
I did a nice personal study a few years back on locating Eden and if I find that I will bring it up here.
What was the name of the place that you found about Eden? Starts with an 'A' ?
I would like to see your study on Eden. Aden, in the country of Yemen, on the southern tip of the Arabian peninsula, has a long and storied tradition of being the site of the original Garden of Eden.
Maybe the 8th day is when God starts a new earth? Not sure
Prophetically, that is one interpretation, but it deals with the time of man since Eden, focused on the people of the book.
Scripture says 1000 years (man) is as one day with the Lord, but that may be a metaphor.
I see this the same way.
But the earth itself was much more likely to be here way before that. I do see evolution in this, but not the same way of the basic concept of evolution.
I have troubles with evolution as it is commonly taught, but I can't help but wonder if some form of adaptation over time did take place. If God is eternal, then what is a few billion years to "Him?"
They claim more than one ice age, but you cant believe everything they say. I mean 228 million years ago? That is beyond comprehension.
I haven't tried to figure all of the ice ages, etc, into my studies. Lately I've been focused on early humanity. Besides, if the Dinosaurs died off 65 million years ago, 228 million seems a bit far into the past to concern myself with.
It was about 6000 years ago that is correct. I am seeing that as more of a spiritual awakening in the creation.
Well, yes, but... You see, the cave paintings are usually described in religious terms. That is, prehistoric humanity, at least by the time of the cave paintings, had religion. In one cave was a depiction of a shaman, and in another was found the body of a shaman carefully wrapped in a wolf skin. The wolf skin was a garment. The paintings are sometimes described as sympathetic magic to improve the outcome of a hunt. Certainly a possibility, but I am just as inclined to think at least some of the paintings were teaching instruments to learn tactics for more successful hunts, as well as thank offerings to the creature and to The Giver of Life, the Creator. A side note, but connected, is that Neandertal were supposedly not related to Cro-Magnon. That is, if I was told correctly and I believe I was brought mostly up to date with current thinking on the matter, Neandertal and Cro-Magnon were branches from the same trunk many thousands of years back. Cro-Magnon is not decended from Neandertal. Modern humans are distinct from Cro-Magnon mainly in intellectual ability. Although I would think them somewhat smaller in stature on average, they would certainly have been more fit and nimble. These are the hunter-gatherers we hear of so often, living in caves hunting mammoth in the depths of an ice age.
The hybrid child then, is the child of two
unrelated species (or at least only distantly related). It would be like a human mating with a chimpanzee or bonobo, sort of. See now the importance of that particular find?
I am not sure they have even proved that the humans we know today was anything like what they find in archeology.
Well, I haven't taken the time yet to look into what genetic samples have been found, other than the child. I would think that some genetic material might exist (if they can find genetic material for dinos, then 25 thousand years should be a cakewalk). Besides, they had to use genetic material to confirm the hybrid child, didn't they? I'm not a geneticist, but the body type descriptions differentiating the Cro-Magnon from the Neandertal, Neandertal was shorter, but much more stocky, and presumed to have stout musculature. A prominent brow, and actually a larger brain! I seem to also recall that their voice box was not capable of speaking, but I seriously question that assessment. Another difference is that the cave paintings were Cro-Magnon. What little art that has been found and attributed to Neandertal consists more of geometric shapes and patterns. Some of the caves were habited, at different times, by both N. and C.-M. There is even speculation, and at least one instance, were the two communally cohabited, they lived in the same neighborhood.
Then came a war, and C.-M. won. Neandertal disappeared. At least, that is the speculation, and I am inclined to agree.
It is almost kind of spooky what may have went on here on earth before Adam and Eve.
Why? All of creation is beautiful, so beautiful it is sometimes hard to look at.
I definately see the same thing you do in the exponential growth in knowledge and intellectual capacity. That is why I think things were different before Adam and not connected directly as in.
Well, if we did not "evolve" out of Cro-Magnon, then that leaves only one alternative; ha-Adam was planted here too, along with the garden. Which implies extra-terrestrial visitation. Do we want to go there? Maybe Von Daniken wasn't so far off?
And then, how do we account for Atlantis?
I think you are on track with this too. Maybe someone who has it layed out perfectly in there head will join someday and be able to show the languages closer. It is a mystery!
Something tells me it is buried between the lines in whatever higher scholarship texts concerning languages, especially historic languages.
I want to know how did the Inidans get to America? boats?
Yeah, I've wondered that too. Common thinking is a frozen Bering Sea. Of course, due to continental drift the distance would have been further apart thousands of years ago. Not to mention trying to make headway in conditions conducive to maintaining ice thick enough to support an elephant. But to a great degree, the Eskimo and Inuit do so even today. But I do think that there have been a number of migrations to the new world, most by sea. Take a look sometime at the Los Lunas Decalogue Stone. There was also a keystone found in one of the mounds in Ohio with paleo-hebrew inscriptions. There are many instances of European, especially Irish, migration long before Columbus. Humanity, in my humble opinion, was much more mobile in early historic times than we commonly give credit. I often wonder about the Phoenicians.
I got something else for you in a few days that will take you on another

mystery tour.
Great! I will look forward to it.