Not at all.
How isn't it a condition?
If there is no such condition, why preach, why try to convert anyone?
If it is unconditional, whatsoever I do is irrelevant, whether I know Christ or not doesn't matter, I am assured eternal life whether I want it or not.
No, the love is not unconditional, that is the whole point.
Love must be proven, returned in kind, not abused.
He has shown his love by the sacrifice of Christ, now you must show your love by sacrificing yourself.
Christians will try to explain away many things like "unless you hate your father and mother, your brother and sister - indeed your own life - you cannot be my disciple" and that "each one must carry his own cross" but it means exactly this. What you are is not what you think you are, he is trying to bring us out of this delusion by the kindest means available: Love.
You must die to that love, then eternal life is there.
Identified as the form, you remain afraid, you understand you will perish.
When this identification falls, you see you are the whole, only appearing here. Then no death can touch you, but eternal life is only with the father, not as something separate.
Never think it is unconditional.