Someone explain this to me

If you want to call that life as Lucifer, fine.

Words come after, to communicate it they must be used.

First, this.
This is quite defensive.
What do you protect? Only ego.
Why do you assume I am protecting anything? Realizing that you are projecting your Shadows onto others is the first step towards Individuation.

Which is my purpose in addressing your identification at all.
Identifications only serve to create distance, separation, hatred.
My purpose is to bring you back to yourself, which is only love.
Love in the sense of unity, oneness, lack of separation.
Ego is the only barrier.
Love is a survival mechanism of human beings, Agape is an illusion created by mankind to give himself more meaning than he really has. The "Me and You" aspects of Self are unbalanced projections of Self . . . the "I" is balanced and centered. Understand that to become One with your Highest Self, you must must separate from the objective universe and observe this Lower Self. Isolate intelligence is our Truest Being.

Without defining yourself, there is no world.
There is only life happening now.
This is the purpose of religion.
"World"? Define World? If you mean the objective universe as World, then you must first realize that mankind assigns meaning to the objective universe through his subjective universes.

If you want to call that life as Lucifer, fine.
Words come after, to communicate it they must be used.
First, this.
Well, I can now sleep at night knowing I have your approval! ;)
Why do you assume I am protecting anything? Realizing that you are projecting your Shadows onto others is the first step towards Individuation.

What do you mean by individuation?

You cannot be truly individual when you mistake illusions as reality, when you identify strongly with roles we play in society. The true individual is not the ego or the form as something distinct, it is existence itself.

Love is a survival mechanism of human beings, Agape is an illusion created by mankind to give himself more meaning than he really has. The "Me and You" aspects of Self are unbalanced projections of Self . . . the "I" is balanced and centered. Understand that to become One with your Highest Self, you must must separate from the objective universe and observe this Lower Self. Isolate intelligence is our Truest Being.

I have stated what I intend by love, you have taken another meaning.

I do not mean the dependence we feel for another, which is what you have apparently accepted as love, this is not love at all.

You speak on what I am saying as if you are teaching something to me in the rest of your statement. I would add that you must also separate from the subjective universe also, for the "I" cannot be balanced when it is pulled in one direction or the other.

This is of course only as a practice, ultimately you are both and neither, beyond and yet intimately involved in all aspects of existence - indeed, what you are IS existence itself, there is no other higher self.

"World"? Define World? If you mean the objective universe as World, then you must first realize that mankind assigns meaning to the objective universe through his subjective universes.

This is what I have said.

Without defining what is subjective, calling this "me", there is no world out there.

It is all one process, neither is what you are.

You are only the space in which this all happens.

Well, I can now sleep at night knowing I have your approval! ;)

Approval or disapproval matters not.

Both are only projections of mind, of the lower self.
What do you mean by individuation?
Individuation is the stabilizing of the Personality. It is the process by which a person becomes an individual.It is the birth of one's "true personality" and it involves bridging the gap between the archetypal unconscious universe and the everyday ego-conscious universe.

You cannot be truly individual when you mistake illusions as reality, when you identify strongly with roles we play in society. The true individual is not the ego or the form as something distinct, it is existence itself.
See above

I have stated what I intend by love, you have taken another meaning.

I do not mean the dependence we feel for another, which is what you have apparently accepted as love, this is not love at all.
Science recognizes the 'love' of which I am speaking of, yours is an illusion created by us to allow us to feel spiritually greater than we actually are. It is worship of 'other' than the 'self' which is the only 'truth' we can know.

You speak on what I am saying as if you are teaching something to me in the rest of your statement.
It's called proselytizing and it's what you have been doing all along . . . does this mean you don't like yourself?

I would add that you must also separate from the subjective universe also, for the "I" cannot be balanced when it is pulled in one direction or the other.
Our subjective universes are already separate from the objective universe, in fact the SU enables the OU to exist and not the other way around.

Without defining what is subjective, calling this "me", there is no world out there.
It is all one process, neither is what you are.
You are only the space in which this all happens.
Nothing in this universe is 'one' process, we live in a universe of duality, once realized and re-integrated within one's self, then and only then will you be able to observe the false self.

Approval or disapproval matters not.
Both are only projections of mind, of the lower self.
Apparently, my humor falls short from your ears. ;)
Individuation is the stabilizing of the Personality. It is the process by which a person becomes an individual.It is the birth of one's "true personality" and it involves bridging the gap between the archetypal unconscious universe and the everyday ego-conscious universe.

Personality is a false construct, it consists solely of thoughts, identifications and past.

Acting from the past, you become robotic, you cannot be authentic when your responses are programmed ahead of time. A true individual is spontaneous, responding to what is present, rather than from the past or some idea about the future.

The ego cannot merge with the Universe, it is only something arising within it and actually is the veil covering Reality. In a certain way it is not separate from the Universe, thus merging is impossible, yet in actuality it has no existential reality of its own and thus Buddha states its unreality in his statements of anatta.

Of course, the other side is that clearly SOMETHING remains, else who taught after enlightenment? Buddha-nature and the Self of Hinduism both come from another angle, and this is perfectly correct as well. I think this would speak more to you though, as in Advaita Vedanta your unconscious universe aligns with Brahman, and the ego conscious aligns with atman.

Still, ego must cease, do not fight for its survival - it is simply a set of thoughts you have decided are you. It is not something real, please understand this much if you really want to understand your nature.

Science recognizes the 'love' of which I am speaking of, yours is an illusion created by us to allow us to feel spiritually greater than we actually are. It is worship of 'other' than the 'self' which is the only 'truth' we can know.

Science has the Unified Field which, when directly encountered and lived from is experienced as love. We can choose any other word though, oneness, unity, nonduality, I don't care because all names are false.

It's called proselytizing and it's what you have been doing all along . . . does this mean you don't like yourself?

I am not proselytizing at all.

Our subjective universes are already separate from the objective universe, in fact the SU enables the OU to exist and not the other way around.

This division is simply false.

You experience things which are apparently more intimate as what we call subjective. We have created our own objective universe from these projections, from our perception and beliefs, but we are not limited to the form we call our body.

There is not an objective reality and subjective reality, there is only Reality.

Nothing in this universe is 'one' process, we live in a universe of duality, once realized and re-integrated within one's self, then and only then will you be able to observe the false self.

Mind functions from duality.

It is seeing through this which causes a transcendence of duality.

The self IS false, and it is the reason you perceive duality where there is none.
With ego we perceive "I am hearing this"

There is only hearing happening.

Subject depends object, and object depends subject, they cannot exist without each other because they are a single process.

Similarly, hot and cold are not two things, they are merely different frequencies of vibration in the same thing.

Light and dark, exactly the same.

All is fundamentally the movement of energy in a plethora of states, there is nothing which can be separated from the whole. Even the air we breath, what we perceive to be empty space, is filled with energy at a very subtle frequency, we can call those frequencies oxygen or hydrogen or whatever, but fundamentally there is no material aspect to anything, it is just our perception, opposite forces interacting creates the illusion of physicality, solidity.

There cannot be two things, just a vast expression of one.

Even science confirms this today.
With ego we perceive "I am hearing this"

There is only hearing happening.

Subject depends object, and object depends subject, they cannot exist without each other because they are a single process.

Similarly, hot and cold are not two things, they are merely different frequencies of vibration in the same thing.

Light and dark, exactly the same.

All is fundamentally the movement of energy in a plethora of states, there is nothing which can be separated from the whole. Even the air we breath, what we perceive to be empty space, is filled with energy at a very subtle frequency, we can call those frequencies oxygen or hydrogen or whatever, but fundamentally there is no material aspect to anything, it is just our perception, opposite forces interacting creates the illusion of physicality, solidity.

There cannot be two things, just a vast expression of one.

Even science confirms this today.
Well, finally we are getting somewhere . . . agreed, opposites are really polar extremes of the same thing (Hermetics).

The rest of your currents posts don't work in my world, let me ask you this;
Assuming you are a Buddhist (Zen Buddhist?) . . . What is the goal of your practice?
Well, finally we are getting somewhere . . . agreed, opposites are really polar extremes of the same thing (Hermetics).

The rest of your currents posts don't work in my world, let me ask you this;
Assuming you are a Buddhist (Zen Buddhist?) . . . What is the goal of your practice?

Your assumption is inaccurate.

There is no goal, and no practice.

There is only the fullness of this moment.
Goals are projections of the mind into the future, accompanied by some fantasy.

Practices only occupy the mind, give the practitioner the feeling they are accomplishing something.

When mind is seen through, these are no more necessary.

The entire idea of a path or belief system falls away.

There is total disillusionment.

Of course I talk, and so I must use words that come close.

My name points at a synthesis which comes closest, but I have purposely left out Buddhism and Vedanta, for they are only collections of knowledge, they do not bring about a knowing. It is also a happy coincidence that this combination points at a German word meaning "goodbye", for together they will not permit identifications to stay.

Taoism is most accurate but hard to communicate meaningfully. This is what I tried to convey when I first joined the site, the merging of opposites which the Tao Te Ching goes on repeating, and expounding the types of actions which stem from this seeing which results. Reality is so utterly absurd because it contains all, language is not very good for this because to say anything we must divide, choose a perspective and ignore the other half.

Then we speak again on the other half, and it is seen as a contradiction by those minds which hear.

Sometimes it is better to remain silent.
Of course they also point at Truth directly.

Many term it surrender, dissolving, many things.

Ultimately the wave merges back in the ocean.

Ideas of separateness are absorbed back into the whole, and no more duality is there.

Yet nothing changes, it was always just a wrong perception.

We placed ourselves in the wrong position.

It is ignorance - it is only necessary to see what is actually the case.

Some have seen, and so instead of understanding we worship.

We go on confirming our ignorance instead of overcoming it.

All that is necessary is to drop all ideas.

Let go.

Reality is not far, it is you.
We are awareness itself, whether subjective or objective, we are that which knows it.

Yet if we solidify this idea of being the knower, the observer or witness, still we miss.

We are now aware of the knower, we cannot be anything we are aware of - to see anything, there must be some space.

Delve into this.
Special effects in consciousness might occur, great, awareness is seeing that.

Delve further.
Ultimately, in seeing our true nature, we simply remain as that.

Sometimes we get lost in what is appearing, this is what Buddha calls unskillful.

We simply see what has happened and let go.

All that we cling to binds us to delusion.
Giving no energy to those delusions, we are free.

Call it moksha, nirvana, heaven... without something here to protect, we can love freely, act freely, share freely, we are part of the flow of life and so we permit the current to carry us.

We are the current, we are life, but suffering comes because we try to control the flow.

We only fight with ourselves, it is futile.

Understanding this, there is bliss.
We often take bliss to mean something like ecstasy, this is erroneous.

The actual meaning is closer to happiness, contentment, it is fulfilment.

Your assumption is inaccurate.

There is no goal, and no practice.

There is only the fullness of this moment.
LOL, then wouldn't the goal be "the fullness of this moment"?

See, I talk with dozens of you every day in my travels and you are all the same . . . babbling, parables, paradoxical koans . . . all BS in my opinion.

None of it does anything really except prepare you for this moment, no this moment, no this moment, wait . . . this moment :D

You see? Your life is not, it is really nothing, and there is no silly paradox that can explain someone that has chosen NOT to participate in LIFE.

**Why can't you disclose your Path? Fear? Embarrassment?
Hey AdvaitaZen:
Though I know you mentioned you don't proselytize, try to refrain from it while you're on the "Abrahamic Religions" forum . . . it's very 'paradoxical' of you! Why don't start a new discussion in an appropriate forum?