Gordian Knot
Being Deviant IS My Art.
I realised there is nothing to know and find. All questions that arise and eloquent, scientific language you use to communicate and understand...there is no way for the human mind to find an answer...because there is nothing to know. Even if there is something the preconditioned mind will be unable to grasp this.
God, religion and science will all lead us to the same end...there is nothing to know. So stop asking questions for which there are no answers.
I have lived this way for 10 yrs now and feel myself more at ease. I call it the 'natural' way (animal way) of existence.
An interesting pov. An anti-Socrates philosophy. Instead of question everything, question nothing. The question of whether humans can ever answer the BIG questions is something I ponder. Can we ever answer the question of an afterlife, with or without Gods? Can we ever answer the question of how the Universe came into existence from nothing?
Personally, I have real doubts any sure answers are within the capability of our species. Gods must be accepted on belief - there will never be any proof. Science has hypothesized that our Universe exists because there are 11 dimensions. Multiple dimensions have to be accepted on belief as well; we are unlikely to ever have proof.
Given that these statements are true, does that mean we should not even bother to try. This is where my thinking differs from yours. I believe we should try even if we are doomed to failure. The benefit of beating our heads on philosophical brick walls is what we may discover along the way. Even if the BIG Q's are beyond us, what ancillary knowledge might we learn by trying.
I suppose an analogy that works for me is that the journey is more important than the destination.