Are some people scared of their faith?

Faith in God/Religion is non-essential for survival.

i would say its subjective.

Hope of existence of something grand, spiritual, eternal, permanence, enlightenment again is non-essential.

if thats what hope means to you.

But, I also accept that its impossible to be completely free from faith and hope.
These are thoughts and one cannot be free from thought, one can only replace one with another.

why would you want to be free from faith and hope ?
There is nothing wrong with choosing that concept either. Both will lead us to the same outcome.

Infact, I don't think there is a need to change. Continue with your beliefs which make you feel comfortable.

I disagree, there is something wrong with choosing to live life with fear and hopelessness, I mean after all if this life is all that there and you choose to live it full of fear, hopelessness and depression, thats such a waste you will be miserable for your entire existence. Choose Faith Hope and Joy :)
Just because you believe this life to be all there is, it doesn't follow you live in fear, hopelessness and depression , I don't!
Just because you believe this life to be all there is, it doesn't follow you live in fear, hopelessness and depression , I don't!

I never said that

I changed from being a believer to non-believer. This was a new experience. Free from the clutches of faith, fear, hope and desire. In fact, I have done more good things now, than when I had a belief and faith in God and religion.

if you have no Faith and Hope, then you probably have the opposite which is Fear and Hopelessness stands to reason you would be depressed ?
3 Mukhi Rudraksha represents God Agni – The ultimate power of destruction and creation. It burns away the past sins of the wearer and helps in starting a new beginning with a sin free pure soul. If you feel your current life is burdened with the sins of your past births then this is the ultimate Rudraksha for you as it will negate and demolish all your deeds and sins and purify your path for the future. It has positive health results over the mid/core section of the human body like liver, intestines, pancreas and the stomach
Faith in God/Religion is non-essential for survival.
Hope of existence of something grand, spiritual, eternal, permanence, enlightenment again is non-essential.

It certainly was essential for me, most notably, during my active grief years ...
I journeyed through grief w/a great many other widow/ers, those who had faith/God/religion/spiritual beliefs healed quicker - the answers they sought were provided as well as coping skills to accept/come to terms w/an unbelievable tragedy ...
Not only did it ease the pain, it resolved the grief to function again as a normal human being ...
Some I began the widowhood journey w/7 yrs ago are bitter, angry, resentful, seething from hate & still floundering - some turned into talking heads ... :eek:
This I did not want for myself - my late husband was killed by a road rage driver - myself & my kids were devastated ...
There is no way I could live in peace hating his killer nor did I want my children to waste their life doing the same ...
QB ~
I have nothing negative to say about religion/the Bible/Christians, etc ...
I find good people everywhere including those who are church goers ...
They're happy when they leave church, churches unite communities, they help those in need -sounds good to me!
We attended the Catholic church in our neighborhood - whatever I learned during Mass or Catechism was 5 decades ago ...
Whatever I disliked or disagreed with or transpired back is over with ...
As an adult, I'm certainly able to understand the purpose of religious training in one's youth as well as accept the concept of living in the here & now one has to be consistent w/thoughts, words & deeds as well as stop dragging the past into present time ...
The whining & blaming of what was done years ago is ridiculous; its simply time to resolve it to gain peace w/it ...
Zinga, do I know you from another forum, you seem to be on my case?
Zinga, do I know you from another forum, you seem to be on my case?

Thank you for the admission! This is indeed interesting! :D
Sounds like you go from forum to forum asking the same questions to stir up people ...
How many forums do you need to go on to ask the same questions?
How many polite, sincere & honest people do you need to challenge before you're satisfied?
As an adult you should be able to discern written information properly ...
A standstill position is lashing out w/criticism at every turn - nothing is heard, nothing is considered, no thoughtfulness of the other person, no advancement of the discussion ...
There is only venom, anger & ignorance ...
You may want to resolve your issues w/your childhood religious training to fully develop maturation as well as provide some measure peace to discontinue this nonsensical behavior ...
I've said a prayer to open you up to positive thinking/living ...
When it does occur it will be quite a benefit ... :)
Thank you for the admission! This is indeed interesting! :D
Sounds like you go from forum to forum asking the same questions to stir up people ...
How many forums do you need to go on to ask the same questions?
How many polite, sincere & honest people do you need to challenge before you're satisfied?
As an adult you should be able to discern written information properly ...
A standstill position is lashing out w/criticism at every turn - nothing is heard, nothing is considered, no thoughtfulness of the other person, no advancement of the discussion ...
There is only venom, anger & ignorance ...
You may want to resolve your issues w/your childhood religious training to fully develop maturation as well as provide some measure peace to discontinue this nonsensical behavior ...
I've said a prayer to open you up to positive thinking/living ...
When it does occur it will be quite a benefit ... :)

I asked you a question which you haven't answered, so I take it as a 'yes'.

I make no apology for my views and if you don't like them I suggest you ignore my posts!
I asked you a question which you haven't answered, so I take it as a 'yes'.

I make no apology for my views and if you don't like them I suggest you ignore my posts!

Zinga said:
How many forums do you need to go on to ask the same questions?
How many polite, sincere & honest people do you need to challenge before you're satisfied?

I asked you two ...
There's no need to apologize for your answers, however, its not necessary to be rude or offensive ("f" off attitude) ...
Its okay to discuss issues in a civil manner as well as remember there is a human being(s) on the other end ... ;)