God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them...

Having read the Bible that is the way the deity comes over!
Quirky, I had meant to ask you a question just before you left. You have made your feelings about the Western religions quite clear. Those aren't the only religions though. Do you have the same antipathy for the Eastern religions/other religions around the globe?

Hinduism, Buddhism, Shinto (ancestor worship), Native American religions?

I'm curious as your responses are always aimed at the religions of the Bible: Judaism, Christianity, Islam. How do you feel about all the others?
Quirky, I had meant to ask you a question just before you left. You have made your feelings about the Western religions quite clear. Those aren't the only religions though. Do you have the same antipathy for the Eastern religions/other religions around the globe?

Hinduism, Buddhism, Shinto (ancestor worship), Native American religions?

I'm curious as your responses are always aimed at the religions of the Bible: Judaism, Christianity, Islam. How do you feel about all the others?

I am only acquainted with Christianity, with which I was brought up and believed in until I married at 19, when the doubts were overwhelming and I lost it. I am of the opinion that all faiths are human constructs, and I have no need of one.
QB said "I am of the opinion that all faiths are human constructs, and I have no need of one."

Fair enough. As a matter of fact I agree with you. Whether there be Gods or not (I make no claim either way), religions are human constructs. Where we differ is your virulent animosity to Christianity.

Perhaps you do not realize how angry your posts come across just reading them on a screen. The fact that you have never made a comment (to my memory) except a negative one on the subject does tend to make you appear that way.

Now if that is indeed your intent. Whack away! If it is not your intent, though, you might want to reconsider how you phrase your thoughts.
QB said "I am of the opinion that all faiths are human constructs, and I have no need of one."

Fair enough. As a matter of fact I agree with you. Whether there be Gods or not (I make no claim either way), religions are human constructs. Where we differ is your virulent animosity to Christianity.

Perhaps you do not realize how angry your posts come across just reading them on a screen. The fact that you have never made a comment (to my memory) except a negative one on the subject does tend to make you appear that way.

Now if that is indeed your intent. Whack away! If it is not your intent, though, you might want to reconsider how you phrase your thoughts.

Actually I am not angry. I just state things how I see them, I don't expect people to agree with me, it worries me not in the slightest degree if they don't. I think the Bible has got a few good things in it, but most of it is negative, imo.
I can read what it says, that is enough.
No, sadly it's not.

The assumption that the world's sacra doctrina belongs to the same genre of writing as the instruction manual of a domestic appliance is an erroneous one.
No, sadly it's not.

The assumption that the world's sacra doctrina belongs to the same genre of writing as the instruction manual of a domestic appliance is an erroneous one.

Please explain what you mean?
I mean people assume that because they can read the Bible they understand it.

Well one reads what is there and then there are a myriad interpretations which can be put on the written word from the sublime to the ridiculous.
Doesn't alter the fact that just because one reads something does not mean one understands it.

That rather makes my point, I think.

And do you reckon you understand it, and if so why do you come to that conclusion?
And do you reckon you understand it, and if so why do you come to that conclusion?
I reckon I understand a bit more than I once did, but the more I come to know, the more I know there is more to be known, but then what I perceive Scripture to be is off the radar as far as this forum is concerned.

How do I come to that conclusion? By following the advice of the Ethiopian eunuch in Acts 8.

I understand that without faith and certain hermeneutic keys, one isn't going to get very far beyond the surface reading.
I reckon I understand a bit more than I once did, but the more I come to know, the more I know there is more to be known, but then what I perceive Scripture to be is off the radar as far as this forum is concerned.

How do I come to that conclusion? By following the advice of the Ethiopian eunuch in Acts 8.

I understand that without faith and certain hermeneutic keys, one isn't going to get very far beyond the surface reading.

But faith can lead one up the creek without a paddle, imo. Your hermeneutic interpretation is your opinion when all said and done, to which of course you are entitled. But it has no more credence than that of any other opinion, as there no evidence to back up the Biblical texts.
But faith can lead one up the creek without a paddle, imo.
So can skepticism. The fault lies neither with 'faith' nor 'reason' as such.

Your hermeneutic interpretation is your opinion when all said and done, to which of course you are entitled.
But that's more informed than the opinion of those who don't even understand the language. Not all opinions are equal. I'm not saying your's isn't equal to mine, I'm saying there's a multitude of opinions, and some are sublime, and some are ridiculous.

But it has no more credence than that of any other opinion, as there no evidence to back up the Biblical texts.
well that's a matter of opinion.
So can skepticism. The fault lies neither with 'faith' nor 'reason' as such.

But that's more informed than the opinion of those who don't even understand the language. Not all opinions are equal. I'm not saying your's isn't equal to mine, I'm saying there's a multitude of opinions, and some are sublime, and some are ridiculous.

well that's a matter of opinion.

The Bible has been translated into most languages so providing you can read in your own language it isn't hard to read. You seem to be saying you have some superior knowledge of the book. Biblical scholars might be able to tell one about the translations etc, and how it was all put together, but they have no more idea than anyone else if a deity actually exists. That is purely a matter of faith, nothing else.
I understand that without faith and certain hermeneutic keys, one isn't going to get very far beyond the surface reading.

I wholeheartedly agree! :D
However, expanding one's knowledge is not a requirement nor are improving one's communication skills or learning civil behavior ...
Some people believe "Ignorance is Bliss"; it could explain cynicism & lack of humility as well as righteousness ...
We can always hope people will do their best to gain positive insight as to the value of faith & respect for the religion/spiritual beliefs chosen by others ... ;)
Informed opinion? I've got to go with QB on this one. When it comes to by-pass surgery the opinion of your Cardiologist certainly outweighs that of your plumber, just as the opinion of the pilot matters more when landing the plane than the drunk in the seat next to you, but when it comes to the Bible, one opinion is as good as the next.

I find the suggestion that one needs to be taught how to read the Bible somewhat insulting. Sure, one must understand that the Bible is not meant to be taken literally and that the text contains some human embellishment and mistranslation, but I think people are smart enough to figure that out. Beyond that, the words are the words. One person's interpretation is just as valid as anyone else's. I mean, you can teach someone your point of view or the point of view of the church, but that doesn't give it any more credibility.

I've always considered the fact that the Bible can be interpreted in so many different ways and that it means something different to everyone that reads it, to be one of it's strongest selling points for Divine Province. I've never encountered another publication like it.

There is no denying however, that the Bible contains a myriad of seemingly negative passages. While most of us can get past that and see the true meaning behind them, for some, whether they've been taught how to read the Bible or not, this negativity is a sticking point. They simply fail to realize that the negative aspects of the Bible are man's words not God's.

To these individuals I say, please do not reject God because of man's words. One of the more morbid passages in the Bible says something to the effect of, (if your eye offends you pluck it out), and so it is with the Bible. If the Bible offends you, put it down.

"Faith in God lie not in man's words, but has been born unto you and is contained in your heart."

That comes from one of the wisest and most spiritual people I ever met. My late Father-in-law. He had never even seen a Bible and had no formal education to speak of. Yet, I learned more from him than any of my college professors.
I find the suggestion that one needs to be taught how to read the Bible somewhat insulting. Sure, one must understand that the Bible is not meant to be taken literally and that the text contains some human embellishment and mistranslation, but I think people are smart enough to figure that out. Beyond that, the words are the words. One person's interpretation is just as valid as anyone else's. I mean, you can teach someone your point of view or the point of view of the church, but that doesn't give it any more credibility.

There is no denying however, that the Bible contains a myriad of seemingly negative passages. While most of us can get past that and see the true meaning behind them, for some, whether they've been taught how to read the Bible or not, this negativity is a sticking point. They simply fail to realize that the negative aspects of the Bible are man's words not God's.

I find the suggestion valid & acceptable, otherwise, there would be no need for Sunday school or to attend Mass to have the Bible interpreted ...
I don't see this as a matter of right or wrong, I see this isssue as one a person can improve their understanding of ...
Some people come away feeling guilt/confusion or dwelling on the violence or stuck in position that limits growth; these are truly the sticking points ...
Obviously, they serve no purpose ...
What is important is the ability to recognize the point of the lesson ...
Any suggestion that makes life easier intended to improve one's learning of a lesson is a valuable tool ...
JMHO ~ ;)