There is plenty of evidence to demonstrate beyond doubt that your assumptions are ill-informed, and founded on prejudice.
Such as?
Such as your assumptions that because you've been dealt with badly by some in your own social circle, you assume that of everything and everyone — the Bible, all Christians — are at fault.
It is interesting that when some have their faith challenged they make statements like the one above...
You call your rantings a
With all due respect, my dear (if I may, I am older than you), you constitute no challenge. I've yet to see you 'challenge' anything but the credulity of your audience to take you seriously by your claims.
I think it's more interesting to note that when challenged, your stock response is an attempted deflection by maligning the character of the challenger, backed up by your assertion that you have the right to think what you like.
In fact, unlike yourself, I endorse your right to freedom of thought and expression. Like you however, I also exercise my right to point out hypocrisy and prejudice when I see it. Reason is never served by the irrational.
I'm neither challenged nor surprised by your words. It might surprise you to know you're not the only person in the world with a very low opinion of the Bible. Indeed, you're among company here, on that score.
I ceased to be 'challenged' by stuff like that a long time ago. BobX (to those who remember) ... now there's a man who could stop me in my tracks!
I miss him.
(It's probably escaped your notice that there are no 'Christian literalists' here.)
... but never manage to come up with any evidence!
Er ... I rather think you're ignoring the reference I provided?
Is one not enough ... although I doubt you even looked at it, let alone read it ... but OK, here's some more:
Augustine. Ambrose. Athanasius. Anselm. Aquinas.
Basil. Bernard. Bonaventure. Boethius. Barnabas.
Clement (of Rome). Clement (of Alexandria). Cyril (of Jerusalem). Commodianus. Cyprian.
I can keep this up, you know ...
Too 'old school'? OK.
Ricoeur. Lonngergan. Bonhoffer. De Lubac. Ratzinger. Rahner. Von Balthasar. Borella. Stein. Burrows. Bolding. Merton. Graham Greene. T.S. Eliot...
While we're on it, how about some of
your references and
your evidence?