You mean we can do bigger things than Jesus? Is that a Unity doctrine?
Are you serious? Possibly, Thomas. But originally that was Jesus ...
Thomas said:
Indeed He can work great deeds through us if we only will allow ... but to think it's us doing them, or we can do more than He can do is, I suggest, pride talking?
Thus when Christ was praised, he rebuked them for it, and pointed to what you just said. It was GOD, not Jesus. Again, JESUS SAID THIS ... and how have Christians responded? Have they heeded, by and large, and more often than not? Or have they placed Christ on a pedestal, worshipped him in direct contradiction to his own wishes, and made of him the God ... which as often as not they fear, grovel before, throw money at, and utterly, miserably transgress against, even as surely as they transgress against one another, daily.
Nor are Christians the only transgressors, by any means. But methinks them among the greatest hypocrites upon the planet.
Christ has no time, room or interest in this. The Law of Karma governs and insures our slow but certain approach, along with the Law of Love (including Forgiveness, Compasssion) ... plus the Law of Synthesis, which draws all Souls unto the Father (in time, via experience).
Thomas said:
Yes, but that's not the point. The point is, we don't. So every now and then, God decides to give us a nudge in the right direction.
Definitely, and we learn to thank God for it, even when we stub our toe, or break our nose to bleed by walking into a wall - or beating our head against it. Amazing, how many do this, over, and over, and over ... [my own is rather bent!]
Thomas said:
But I think my main point is: If we can't trust in the word of Scripture (in the spirit of the letter) ... then who do we trust?
We trust ourselves, as we learn to use the Intuition. This is the Christ Principle, or Christ Consciousness. We already share it - as Souls - with all other Souls, with the Great Ones, and with the Christ Himself. It is our birthright, but we must develop the bridge in consciousness to such a Faculty. And for that, we DO need meditation, and prayer. We must study, and above all, we must lovingly, intelligently Serve.
Spiritual Service is the noblest, greatest, and swiftest path to God. For this, we must sacrifice self-interest, and we cannot force dedication or devotion ... but we learn spontaneously to make Service our `2nd Nature,' meeting the need of the moment automatically, yet with the power and dynamism of a greater aspect of our being than the `little self.'
Above all, service to God IS service to Humanity. We serve God best when we serve with Self-Forgetfulness, and also when we forget the very distinctions between self and `other' ... such that, as we progress, we learn to see and LIVE the meaning of the expression:
Mind is the great Slayer of the Real. Let the Disciple slay the Slayer.