1 - This concept of replacement theology is new to me. Apparently not to the world though; it has been around a long time.
2 - The issue, from my admittedly limited perspective, is that the Christian Bible includes both the Old Testament (Torah), and the New. Yet the New Testament is the 'true' Christian Bible.
3 - The Muslims did not add to this complication by including the former works in theirs. The Koran stands on its own. As a continuation of the Torah & (NT) Bible. If I have that correct?
4 - If the Christians had started their Holy Book with the New Testament and proposed it as a continuation of the Torah, but not a replacement, I wonder if many of these problems between Jews and Christians could have been avoided.
5 - The point is moot of course, cause that is not what happened. As a point for discussion though, if the New Testament had been a stand alone book, do you think the schism between Jews and Christians would be so great?
1 - I wonder because the foundations of the NT is the Pauline policy of Replacement Theology.
2 - But the Tanach aka the OT is read only as shadows of things to come. Perhaps the NT. (Col. 216,17) Hence, Replacement Theology.
3 - Both adopt the Pauline policy of Replacement Theology. Taking for instance Deut. 18:15, both try to displace the Jews from claiming Joshua as the prophet like unto Moses to be anointed at Moses' death by claiming that it was Jesus in the case of the NT and Mohamed in the case of the Koran. (Deut. 34:9)
4 - Replacement because the NT could never be a continuation of the Torah. The NT is too Hellenist and, the Torah is absolutely against Hellenism. The problem between Jews and Christians as the NT is concerned, cannot be avoided because the NT itself is liable to the millions of Jews murdered throughout the History of the world.
5 - There has never been a schism between Jews and Christians because they have never been together in the first place. And the trajedy is that if the NT is cleared of Replacement Theology Christianity will collapse. There is not a single Christian who can preach from a pulpit without promoting the Pauline policy of Replacement Theology.