Contemporary 'Intelligent Design' is a pseudo-science. Check it on wikipedia. As for Fry, he offers plenty of examples in nature which show that if there is a Designer then he is capricious and, sometimes, needlessly cruel, with a wicked sense of humour. Ebola, for example ... what's the point or purpose of that?
All diseases, catastrophes, evil etc are the results of the fall. God did not design evil ect., Satan did. God's creation was very good.
(Intelligent Design as proposed by the likes of Aristotle and Aquinas are more nuanced matters, but that's not what people mean when they speak of ID today.)
What do they mean today. IMO ID means there is intelligence responsible for all designs, even bad ones.
Fry's 'OPINIONS' are based on proven scientific observation,
They are not and when I am thru with this post, I will go to your link and show where he does not mention anything proven by real science.
whereas Intelligent Design is based on an unproven assumption.
It is a theory based on logic---matter can't create itself out of nothing---life can't originate from lifeless elements., and I guarantee he will not explain how they did originate.
The eye is often put forward as an example of Intelligent Design by authors like Michael Behe, which he describes as "irreducibly complex" and could not have evolved naturally. Unfortunately for Behe, the eye and other natural phenomena he puts forward all have demonstrable evolutionary pathways. Peer-review research of the scientific community dismisses ID altogether.
They do not. One basic scientifically, proven truth of genetics is that for the offspring to have a certain characteristic, that characteristic had to be in the gene pool of it s parents---no gene for bones, no bones, not gene for arms, no arms, no gene for fins, no fins.
They also point out that there are certain flaws in the eye which, had a designer set out to design an eye from the outset, would not be there. They are there because the eye evolved naturally through evolutionary means.
Again I will guarantee you they did not offer any real scientific evidence to prove that.
If you take man, there is a huge amount of redundant material in his dna. If there was a Designer designing man from the get-go, then this detritus would not have found its way into the system. It's there because it's the legacy of the evolutionary process.
It always amazes me that intelligent people are willing to accept things for which there is no real scientific evidence.
I am going to you link and show where he does not offer any real scientific proof for what he claims.