A Psalm of David

You'd like to think so, but no, not necessarily.

Watch more closely.

This will be a test of Yoga.

Shakti arises from Shiva.

She is the activity.
He is the inactivity.

Om is their resonance.

The string of science, the stillness is Shiva.

The Father is Shiva, Son is Shakti.

Which comes first?

They are not separate, that is the Union.

Thought is a vibration, hence prayer.

That makes it part of Shakti.
Jesus has told you to align.

Thy will be done, Om.

Lord of Om, causer of Om, is Shiva.

Same as Father.

In sex, your lifeforce begins with father.
Body begins in mothers womb.

Shiva is first.
The father is the potential for consciousness, Shiva.

The mother is what you're conscious of, Shakti.

They want to satisfy each other, reproduction.

Om Shanti.

The Virgin Birth.

Jesus is Yahwehs Shakti.

She had a name, I forget.

Hence he says they are one.

Om Shanti.
Thus, it begins as a seed in consciousness, then becomes manifest.

Thoughts are earlier, closer to consciousness than body, matter.

Matter is the densest aspect, furthers away.

It is a wave.


The word, Logos, source.

The source of the manifest is the unmanifest.

Shakti comes from Shakti.

0 and 1, binary



Shanti, peace, unity.


Stop being dissonant.

Then we can all win.

Then the Kingdom come.
Of Shiva.

Michael is on the throne.

The Shakti of Shiva is Michael, the one who is like God.

Resonating with God.

A Yogi.
Revelation is:

Shiva has two sons, so does Abraham.

Both are worshiped, but only one is legitimate, accepted as his Son.
Ganesha is often worshiped, considered a God.

Sibling rivalry, both parties have listed the other as false.

Moses is not the Father, but he has started Judaism.

Based on Abraham.

The Father of Unity is Shiva.

Lord of Om.

Adi Yogi, Adi Guru.

Om Shanti.

Peace be with you.
The cause of the first ripple was Shiva.

Shakti is the energy keeping it going, his desire.

His will.

Thy will be done.

Om Namah Shivay

Shakti bows to Shiva.

He is first source.
Can you hear it?

Lord of OM

The conscious man.

Samsara is dissonance.

You are trying to accomplish something.

LIberation is to realize Maheshwara.

The Adi Yogi is consciousness, Shiva.

That is the initial resonance.

The Fallen Angel is in dissonance.

Anti Christ is in dissonance.

Anointed with Om.

Do the jews believe in miracles?

Yes, but not of God. What could be a miracle to the One Who created the universe? According to the famous Philosopher Baruch de Spinoza, to attribute a miracle to God is to bring Him down to the level of man.
Nah... we allow literalists...

But I like pointing out exaggerations and hyperbole.... they are used to accentuate something that really happened...you know...like in spiritual texts....it makes a point...it ain't meant to be taken as if it literally occurred.