A time for Power and Empowerment



I can share with you where it is we sit on the timeline to our advancement and/or demise. Albeit some Christians, Muslims and Buddhists will not want to hear this but I can tell you exactly where we are at in this process.

The age of pisces has ended (12/21/12) and we have entered the new age of Aquarius. This means the era of Jesus and the era of the bible have officially ended. Granted, these beliefs and books will not go away, but they will begin to take a back seat as we gain momentum into the new age. What is occuring right now, at this very second, is the unfolding of the next great sacred text for the ages. That is to say, that just as in the case of Christ's story unfolding before Rome and the holy lands and then becoming a sacred text that would guide humanity through the age, the same thing is occuring here and now. This is a cyclic process that enables us as a humanity to advance. After all, what good would it be for us to stay stagnant, to not change a thing?

Prior to Christ their came a great prophet from the east, Buddha. And what Buddha brought us that we had not had before him coming was Enlightement. So Buddha brough us the light, or, enlightment. This enlightment cycle would allow for humanity to begin learning at a much faster and deeper rate. It was as if Buddha brought a candle into the darkest room that there had ever been.

After Buddha came Christ, and Christ brought us Love. In a show of the deepest kind of love Christ took the sacrificial role by giving his life for us, and hence gave us the greatest gift of all, Love. Not just this but in his actions he annointed us with the understanding that we could love boundlessly..... that love could be for your wife, your children, your neighbor and even for a stranger. Ode to the power of love, the most powerful of all elements known. Ode to Jesus.

And now Pisces has completed, and the Christ teachings have been studied, learned and practiced, and the sacred book for the age of Pisces has been our guiding light. But now comes a time in our cycle of life that we must advance even further. That we must live to create the next story for the ages, that in us and from us will come the story that shall become the next great sacred text for the ages, and be the text that guides us for another 2160 years until this all happens once again. And so the third main prophet will not bring us Enlightenment, nor Love, for he will have realized that these things have been brought to us, and he will know that we have had many -a- year to study them, and practice them. More importantly is what the 3rd main prophet will bring to us. He will bring us the ability for us to place what the 1st two prophets brought us, into reality. He will show us how enlightment and love in combination is applied in the real world through action. And he will represent Power. That is to say, the 3rd prophet will enable us with the power and empowerment to place the two prophets gifts into works, and it is here that we will begin to truly reap the benefits of all our hard work in the past, and from all the works of the great prophets. It is here that we will be able to truly place this all into action, not just talk and prayer, but action.

Perhaps this is why I say, "its time to stop the jesus talk, and begin to walk the jesus walk."? I realize what lies ahead of us, I can clearly sense it and I know that we are poised before the footsteps of Kingdom Come. What's more is that I need for you to realize where we stand, that we stand before the Kingdom of heaven coming to earth. But this will take work and action upon our behalf. It will take our combined efforts of beginning to truly walk and act as Christ did. Without doing this you are nothing short of idle, and incapable of advancing. I am here to tell you that you are completely and utterly capable of doing this, of placing into your actions the actions of Christ. And hence this is why I often end my messages as such, with Power. I want you to understand that you have been annointed with the Power to overcome, the power to place into your actions the learnings of both the past 2 great prophets. To Enlighten, to Love, through your power of free will of choice. We must now become empowered by each our own free will of choices so much so that we begin to realize that even sin, is but a choice. And it is then that we will have begin to take the first few steps up that stairway to heaven. It is then that we shall truly be on our way. This, I promise.

Love, Light and Power,

There is a bit of a problem with your time line. If each Age is roughly 2000 years long so that Christ's Age was Pisces, and the new Age is Aquarius, then Buddha's Age got short changed. He lived just a few hundred years before Christ.

There is also the issue of when the Age of Aquarius actually began/will begin. It is not as set in stone as you have us believe.

According to different astrologers' calculations, approximated dates for entering the Age of Aquarius range from 1447 AD (Terry MacKinnell) to 3597!!!!!! Exclamation points added by me.

Taken from this Wiki article:
Age of Aquarius - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Finally there is a tender point I wish to bring up and I am not sure I can do so with the intent which I mean. Namely this. You like to end your posts with "This, I promise." My question, made without any rancor or rudeness intended is just what is your promise worth? No one on this site knows you, knows who you are. By what rod can we measure the worth of your promise? That you believe in your promises, I am prepared to accept that. But why should we?

It is a fair question, no?
Devils Ad, I absolutely love your challenge and thank you. Instead of my attempting to convince you of a timeline and procession of the ages I believe we should focus upon answering your paramount question: "Why should we believe you?" I love it. So let me answer.

You should believe me because many of these things are being communicated to me by the source that created all that we know. But I realize you cannot just take some strangers word for it, you need some form of real proof, and I agree. So in order for you to believe what I am saying is true, you must make the same connection to the source that I have made, and the only way you are going to do that is if you execute the same process and then begin up the ascended path as I have. Then you will come into union with the source and in realizing that what I am saying is true.

I am going to provide you with a fool proof approach to helping you understand that what I am saying is true. This approach calls for a life path change in many cases, and a life path change that can be very challenging under the current system of democracy. After all, we assign our highest office (President) with the best lawyer, and the best lawyer happens to be the best liar. As such you might imagine that a life path of pure truth could be difficult to maintain under a system that rewards the highest impure truth. Needless to say what I am going to share with you is bullet proof because I will provide you with the ability to gauge truth based upon your own inner self of all knowing, then I will provide you with the basic pathway to follow. That way should at any time you question the pathway, you may simply look to your inner self for the answer and truth to that question. So let's get started.

There is a thing called the, "Gut feeling" and if you notice, it is never wrong. Well, the "Gut Feeling" is just a small peak into the, "truth within" which is your connection to divine, pure, truth. This explains why it is always right. It is only when one doesn't act upon that gut truth immediately after it happens that things go wrong. It is when we begin to place our own creative spin on that gut feeling that we then lose the original source of truth, and the truth becomes blurred or buried. To become better at always being aligned with your inner gut of pure truth pay more attention to the gut feeling inside of you, and act upon it before you have time to place your own creativity upon it. With practice it will eventually become second nature that you are in tune with your inner gut feeling, and this will enable you to begin to flow in a state of pure truth. Over time this gut feeling of yours becomes your main personal assistant to life's questions of whether things are true or false. The gut feeling and truth of things must become your guiding light, and security system.

There are just four basic laws to this pathway. They are perhaps the most personally challenging steps that you will ever face during this lifetime. Trust when I say that things get much, much easier once step one is complete. Here are the steps upon the ascended pathway.

1. Cleanse (Baptism) Go back and rebuild any bridges you have burned in this lifetime, and ask for forgiveness of those that you may have wronged in the past. You must ask for forgiveness from all who you wronged. Then you must forgive yourself. Understand that so long as you are genuine in asking for forgiveness, that even if that person refuses to forgive you it is ok. The very action of genuinely asking another for forgiveness is also the very action that enables a person to forgive themselves; by asking for forgiveness you free yourself from having to carry the issue forward anymore. Our goal is to cleanse you by freeing you from any residual leftovers or lingering issues that you have not brought closure to. One must have a clean slate on the pathway to ascension.

2. Pure Truth - One must choose to have an undying hunger for pure truth, and not just, "your truth", but universal truths that apply to everyone. Wherever you see the truth veiled, blocked and/or unclear, you must make clear. Where ever you are sensing lies, you must unveil the truth. Be intelligent in your hunt, be most hungry for pure truth.

3. Empower thyself - One must recall the incredible power they have by way of their free will of choice. There is nothing you have not chosen in your life in the past 24 hours, week, month or ever (providing you aren't in jail, prison or the military). Everything had a choice, and you chose one way or another. Realize that your choices are the very architect of your destiny and your experience. Stop for a moment right now and look around where you are sitting at this moment, gaze around you, look at where you are at. Now, remind yourself that you chose it all, to be there, to be sitting, to be where you are, all was a choice. Become empowered by and with your free will of choice. With practice you will come to eventually realize that even sin, is a choice. Your choices are the director of your life's movie.

4. Moral Goodness - One must be morally good in their actions. Often this requires that one relearn how to live life by slowing down to question what it is they are doing. Early on in this pathway it may mean that you must slow down at every single move you make, so to insure you are acting in good morals upon your path. With time and practice you will no longer even have to think about it as you climb higher in your pathway of moral goodness. Choose to be moral, choose to be good.

Follow the process I have outlined and you will begin to synchronize with the source that has created all that we know. And as you climb this ascended pathway be watchful, as miraculous experiences will begin to unfold, the likes of which you may have never dreamt possible. It is upon this pathway that one comes into tune with the one and only source and creator of all that we know. Being in such sync with the source then reveals the greater aspect of creation. When you can sustain a good period of time in this state of empowerment, truth and goodness, the sources creation will begin to stream through you in real time. It is here when the source begins to reveal the most intimate details about creation. It is here that I have found what I have warned you about.

Now you need not trust me, you simply must trust yourself. Get to know yourself a little better, and through this process get to truly know the source of all creation.
p.s. you must understand that this is all very rough form of which I share with you. I am sharing it nearly as soon as it is happening to and with me. I didn't read this anywhere, I have been shown it by something deep within me. So I apologize if things are rough, if nothing is refined.... I want to be sure that I am not spinning things with my own creativity, so it as though there must be a raw filter of information flow, to keep original material just that, original, and that is what is MOST IMPORTANT TO ME. There isn't any reason others cannot help refine the process, but any refinement should pass the test of a thousands gut feelings. Pure truth is universal.
Stop this imagining!

You are failing your present test, you are making yourself too important.

This phase is about humility of ego, observing the idiocy of mind.

Nothing has happened to you yet, it may not happen at all unless you move away from this.

Granted there is precedent for continuing.

Many men considered great have thought as you think now.

Continue seeking and trusting.
Try to move into the source you say this has come from.

You are retaining duality, but Jesus has said "I and the father are one" because he has no duality.
I am no prophet...

Spirituality is a hell of a drug...

I am one of those that tries to sober everyone up.
Even the atheists mind is utterly drunk with beliefs.

How to come out of it?

This is my purpose.
Stop this imagining!

You are failing your present test, you are making yourself too important.

This phase is about humility of ego, observing the idiocy of mind.

Nothing has happened to you yet, it may not happen at all unless you move away from this.

Granted there is precedent for continuing.

Many men considered great have thought as you think now.

Continue seeking and trusting.

SatyamAbhidi, I thank you, and I appreciate the humbling. I am not sure how to go about sharing what is happening in the most humble of ways. You see, I happen to think Christ was not born with all his capabilities, rather he became Christ manifest. That is to say he may have had an inkling of thinking he "could" be it, that through hard diligent work he could manifest the full Christ from within himself and do it in the flesh. And this is how I think things like this happen. That said, and "IF" I am beginning to experience something relative in nature then why keep quiet? After all, if its actually a process of manifesting and I kept it quiet during the process as it unfolded who is to say the over all outcome would be anything greater than Christ's results. So in essence, through some deep searching, the thought is that, "IF" this is a similar happening unfolding within me, that if I share it as it is occurring in real time, than many, many, others may come to understand the process more clearly and hence realize the manifest path in full for themselves. Taking this course of action is bound to reap a deeper, further, longer result and outcome in the greater populous no?

I am finding this ironic too; that the more I understand the sages and seers of the past the more I can see certain alignments, and these alignments were there long before I knew they existed. i.e. Buddha brought us Enlightenment, the light bearer. Christ brought us Love, the sacrifice. And from what I gather the seers and sages have been suggestive the 3rd will bring us, "Power". Having been sharing on the importance of ones personal free will of choice for years now, and having attained a position in which I do realize Sin as being a choice and can control sin through the empowerment of free will of choice, then you can see that the original message has always been about reminding us of the powers we hold..... i.e. Light, Love, Power.

Now I must ask you SatyamAbhidi, I know through my sharing with Christians that many do not want to hear the message, but I also know why they do not want to hear it. Because it would require that they stop the everlasting cycle of sin, repent, sin, repent, and it would call forth a level of accountability that no Christian apparently is ready to attempt. That said SatyamAbhidi, is this why you wish to silence me? Because if what I were saying were indeed true that it would mean all your little bad habits and sin like behaviors would have to be brought to account? I'd like to ask you to personally dig deep in answering this question..... ask yourself, what is the true reason I wish for him to be more quiet.

Last thing you must understand, I wish to reap nothing from this experience but to graduate from this materialistic 3D plain. Something inside me tells me that this is indeed the case, that this will be my final life cycle here in the 3D material arena of earth, and as such I wish to leave a trail and a ticket showing the map that's used and the vessel that is taken in order to ascend to the next level. BTW - although current logic and language wont allow us to describe it so, there are indeed many, many, many levels beyond eternity. We just can't fathom it from here in this current consciousness. :)

Love, Light and Power,
SatyamAbhidi, I thank you, and I appreciate the humbling. I am not sure how to go about sharing what is happening in the most humble of ways. You see, I happen to think Christ was not born with all his capabilities, rather he became Christ manifest. That is to say he may have had an inkling of thinking he "could" be it, that through hard diligent work he could manifest the full Christ from within himself and do it in the flesh. And this is how I think things like this happen. That said, and "IF" I am beginning to experience something relative in nature then why keep quiet? After all, if its actually a process of manifesting and I kept it quiet during the process as it unfolded who is to say the over all outcome would be anything greater than Christ's results. So in essence, through some deep searching, the thought is that, "IF" this is a similar happening unfolding within me, that if I share it as it is occurring in real time, than many, many, others may come to understand the process more clearly and hence realize the manifest path in full for themselves. Taking this course of action is bound to reap a deeper, further, longer result and outcome in the greater populous no?

I am finding this ironic too; that the more I understand the sages and seers of the past the more I can see certain alignments, and these alignments were there long before I knew they existed. i.e. Buddha brought us Enlightenment, the light bearer. Christ brought us Love, the sacrifice. And from what I gather the seers and sages have been suggestive the 3rd will bring us, "Power". Having been sharing on the importance of ones personal free will of choice for years now, and having attained a position in which I do realize Sin as being a choice and can control sin through the empowerment of free will of choice, then you can see that the original message has always been about reminding us of the powers we hold..... i.e. Light, Love, Power.

Now I must ask you SatyamAbhidi, I know through my sharing with Christians that many do not want to hear the message, but I also know why they do not want to hear it. Because it would require that they stop the everlasting cycle of sin, repent, sin, repent, and it would call forth a level of accountability that no Christian apparently is ready to attempt. That said SatyamAbhidi, is this why you wish to silence me? Because if what I were saying were indeed true that it would mean all your little bad habits and sin like behaviors would have to be brought to account? I'd like to ask you to personally dig deep in answering this question..... ask yourself, what is the true reason I wish for him to be more quiet.

Last thing you must understand, I wish to reap nothing from this experience but to graduate from this materialistic 3D plain. Something inside me tells me that this is indeed the case, that this will be my final life cycle here in the 3D material arena of earth, and as such I wish to leave a trail and a ticket showing the map that's used and the vessel that is taken in order to ascend to the next level. BTW - although current logic and language wont allow us to describe it so, there are indeed many, many, many levels beyond eternity. We just can't fathom it from here in this current consciousness. :)

Love, Light and Power,

You need to work it out within yourself, do not try to share it yet.

When it is crystallized, you will not be so wordy.

Right now, it is just that your mind is racing, you think what is coming is some great insight.

You are saying basic stuff.
BTW SatyamAbhidi, the very process and pathway I am proposing negates me, and any so called importance of me. what I am suggesting is not a model with a logos, or middleman, the pathway is simply between you, the all knowing seed inside of you, and the source. I am nothing. I have no place in your pathway. hahaha! :)

Wow, the source is amazing! Nothing I could have even fathomed the slightest details of..... our creator is wow.... words cannot describe what I feel right now.... better real myself in before I lift off! lol
Do not think it is the creator... it still is coming from you.

It is because you are being total... it doesn't matter whether it is true or false...

It is because you are open.

Nothing else is actually needed, but you are still functioning with cause/effect.
Two prophets in the same thread? Let the battle begin!
:D I doubt you view me much different, but either way, this seems a very entertaining exchange. One thinks they are the bringer of truth, the other thinks all are the creators of truth. (pardon me if i'm mistaken on what I have concluded from both of your posts.

You should believe me because many of these things are being communicated to me by the source that created all that we know.
So you are claiming prophethood, how else could you claim to be recieving and transmitting a message as that is the work of a prophet. If you had been delivering a message about Islam they would have banned you already, but I must say your great revelation seems very close to the most basic understanding of all Abrahamic faiths and even Hinduism. Throw in the astrological signs (of pagan description) and Buddha, and you have a slight twist on modern Christianity. Taking DA's argument on time or the ages, which is a very valid argument, alongside yours and you get an age which is a few hundred years... say about 600 years for the age you describe as Jesus' (PBUH) era? What prophet came then (whether you believe he is a prophet or not, who claimed it)? Who professed to know all these things in which you are calling forth? Who established a union between Law and Mercy with a message they claimed to recieve from the same God Jesus (PBUH) and Abraham (PBUH) spoke of? Who fulfilled prophecies of the Tanach as bringing the truth? Everything you are claiming minus the astrology has already been fulfilled... and you are claiming to be the bringer of a NEW IDEA or TRUTH. If you are receiving a message, please enlighten us on something NEW. Also please be so kind as to write all your truth down in all languages past, present, and future so nothing gets lost in translation over the next couple hundred years. No Prophet Mouhammed (PBUH) didn't do that He just brought it in a single language in a way that it could remain uncorrupted.

Keep believing, and searching... The answers to all of life's questions are out there IMO. Just gotta be open to looking in the right places, and not getting stuck on what is in your head.
Thank you 13 for the response. It always impresses me when I challenge someone to 'put up' and they do. Not saying I'm convinced; though there is much in what you say that resonates with me. Which is not surprising since my basic philosophy is that the answers reside more within than without. Although I believe there is an element of both involved.

The dialogue between you and Satyam & BigJoe is the classic one of the righteous path. Organized religions tell us we cannot get there without outside assistance. They do not like individuals going their own way.

I make no judgement on the efficacy of either path at this time - only stating that there is this eternal struggle between the two paths to enlightenment. It may end up that both are viable. Not everyone gets to the same destination following the same path. I have not reached the point of wisdom to know the answer to that one yet. That is my observation though. Remains to be seen if my observation is correct.

Or, as BigJoe said, you have to be open to looking in the right places. So true. The trick is discerning what those right places are. Which is where the cow paddies hit the whirling blades!
DA, you've handled this quite respectfully. And here I thought your name would foster a more mischievous character.
I did, right after signing up a week ago. For me, that was a lifetime ago because I quit smoking on the first. I do recall you mentioning the hyphen now though. I'll go re-read it
Thanks to all of you for the comments and challenges. It is a welcomed difference from the Christian forums I have been working up stream with, the fundamentalists are pretty brutal. And yes, you are right, I am sharing a message not unlike many of the prophets of our past. This should help you find ways to prove that what I am sharing is true and from the source.

I think it is important you understand that this is not just an ordinary change of ages, rather we have processed through the full equinox and all 12 of the signs, some 26000+ year process called the, "Great Year". One might conclude that of all the age changes we have been through, that this one might be the culmination of something rare and special. It is indeed a great transition that awaits us.

Allow for me to share the two most profound scriptures that pertain to the lifespan and end of life of Christianity and exactly what to prepare for when that time comes. My source will be the bible and the true source himself: Jesus.

In relation to how long Christ would be with us (Christianity's lifespan) we find a clear answer to this question in earlier scriptures from the source Jesus himself - Mathew 28:20 Jesus says, "And I assure you that I will be with you until the end of this age." Of course look up Mathew 28:20 in newer versions of scripture and you find that man changes the word, "Age" to the word, "World". This changes Jesus' original answer so much that one completely loses the main point Christ intended to get across. Whats more is that it blocks the modern day Christian from knowing the true light of the message.

Next, when it comes to what Christians should expect when that time comes (When the age of Pisces has ended) we again go directly to the words of Jesus himself in LUKE 22:10 - He said to them, "When you have entered the city, a man will meet you carrying a pitcher of water; follow him into the house that he enters."

simply translated - the Man holding the pitcher of water is Aquarius the water bearer (The next prophet), and being directed to follow him into his, "House" refers to us following him (The Prophet) into the house, or Age of Aquarius.

So in Mathew 28:20 Jesus issues to us the approximate lifespan of his teachings, which would come to an end at the end of the age, which was Pisces. And on Dec. 21 2012 we ended the age of Pisces and began the age of Aquarius; Meaning we passed the point in time of lifespan that Jesus issued to us.

These are the reasons for the struggles we see today, both individually and globally. But this also suggests that there is a God amongst us. It is truly an exciting time to be alive no doubt.

Some of you may recall Moses and the story of the Golden Calf and how so many would end up dead for worshiping such an idle. During these times it was well known that most peoples of Egypt and the surrounding holy lands worshiped the Lunar bull, what would come to be known as Taurus. Moses act was one of symbolism, this story symbolizes Moses killing off, or ending the age of Taurus, to make way for the next age; Aries. Moses would become the prophet of the, "SUN" in the age of Aries.

And then there would come Pisces, the fish. This was Jesus' age, tell tale by all the unending fish stories throughout the bible, the fish you see on the bacls of peoples cars, even the popes hat resembles Pisces, the fish. You see, we have now had 2000+ years to learn from Christs teachings, 4000+ to practice Moses' gifts, and now, we prepare for our next great transition of advancement.

What is happening in the world today right at this very moment are the beginnings of the stories that shall make up our next great sacred text, a story and book that will guide us through the age of Aquarius and for the next 2100+ years time. It can be said that this last age of Pisces was an I, I, I, My, My, My, Mine, Mine, Mine age. Rest assured that when the age of Aquarius is complete it will have been known as the We, We, We, Us, Us, Us, Ours, Ours, Ours age. Rest assured.

Love, Light and Power,