Many times I've been asked, why is there death? Like everyone else, I know the physiological reasons for death, but am hard pressed to come up with a spiritual explanation.
That got me to thinking, would religion and faith exist without it? Who knows, but I seriously doubt it.
What do you think?
Hello Namaste Jesus
This is a very interesting question one I have asked many times also. The spiritual explanation for death is everything that is allowed to reincarnate must reincarnate once and awhile. I think this time span between life and death is 2/3 the life you had on earth, if you lived 100 years you would get 75 years to try and become something again. Those that are allowed after death can help others to find themselves within their mind and to teach others to find answers in life to evolve as a soul and a species. In life we gain energy the soul needs to live in the after so you must live here in this world to get the energy to live after life. I have felt several entities that have moved into me that have some sort of sack within their abdomen that seems to pull something from the foods of those they enter allowing them to stay longer in the veil.
I think the real question should be, why is there life? not why is there death?
What I was told is the world soul objects like gaia could bring life to worlds but the life of these worlds would never become something again and again, so life and death but no reincarnation of a soul. Worlds would be sporadic and evolution out of control as things just came to life then died never holding or maintaining itself. I was told god created the angels for these world soul objects to allow the life of their worlds to become something again and again, to hold life at a point once it had evolved to a point of consciousness.
The world soul objects are of your god as they are parts of his mind.
Man is the children of the world soul objects as they are the life that they brought to the worlds.
The angels are of both the world soul objects and of your god, they are a mixture of both.
The angels and man born to this world are locked to this world due to this process which only allows these souls to be born here, allowing the life forms here to evolve without outside interaction.
The bible is still an enigma to me and something I continue to try and understand. I find very few similarities between the words of the voices I hear and the words found in the bible. I do however see how many of these so called prophets if infected with these entities may have come to the conclusions they came to while writing certain passages. I find by exploring many forums throughout the internet that there are others hearing voices that have VOG thoughts, what if they all sat down over the next 2000 years and started to form another bible what would it contain?