Database errors

I get 'unable to contact database' messages. Or a display without the formatting, just a text page with links. I get a 'you don't have permission' pop-up when I'm replying to posts. My response on the 'Traditions' thread was on the fourth attempt to post over the passed three days. It could be me but it seems late afternoon early evening is the most flakey? That might be my imagination, mind.

Sounds similar to what other people have reported. You're in the UK, Thomas? I spoke with a level 2 tech today who said she'll put me in touch with her supervisor who is a level 3 tech, so hopefully this will be resolved, or we'll be on a new host, soon.

Please keep letting me know if/what errors you all receive. Maybe there's a clue in a message I haven't seen or heard about yet that can help the host fix the trouble.
The latest from the level 3 technician is that there are known problems with the hosted sites when they run maintenance on their servers. This maintenance occurs at the same time each day, which just happens to be when IO starts suffering from database errors. Who could have put those two things together? :eek: They're working on the maintenance schedule and the underlying problems when they run it. Apparently we're not the only site that has these issues during the maintenance window :oops: Still looking to switch hosts.

In the meantime, I recommend that you write any long posts in a document and then copy them over to the thread so that you don't end up losing all your hard work.

As always, thanks for your patience.
Host is doing a server re-sync and we'll have rolling outages today. They told me it would be done yesterday, which explains those outages, but looking at the latest numbers, they're only 14% of the way through the re-sync as of an hour ago. Doubt they'll be finished in a timely fashion. I'm working on scripts to limit the impact that daily server maintenance has on our site.

Still looking into switching hosts but a lot of the old threads may be lost in such a move, so I don't want to move until I can ensure that we don't lose everyone's insightful and thought-provoking posts and threads from the last decade.
Hi Steve –

FYI, things seem better but I'm getting:
The following error occurred:
You don't have permission to access /community/conversations/11779/insert-reply on this server.

When I try to reply to a conversation ...
Hi Steve –

FYI, things seem better but I'm getting:
The following error occurred:
You don't have permission to access /community/conversations/11779/insert-reply on this server.

When I try to reply to a conversation ...

Thanks for letting me know, Thomas. Looks like there are still a couple of cron issues I need to talk to the host about. I'm happy to hear that things have been getting better though. We've made a lot of progress on the daily maintenance issue with the host as 9/10 times when they run it, there aren't problems on here. Unfortunately, there are still a few issues that I'm trying to get sorted out.

Please keep letting me know what errors everyone gets so that I can get everything fixed once and for all. Thanks.
Just got off the phone with the host. They had a 'crisis' yesterday and have been scrambling to compensate for down servers, so there may be rolling outages.

I'm still looking into new hosts but have yet to come across one that can ensure they'll preserve all of the old posts and threads on here.

Thanks for your patience.
I am having the same problem as Thomas (post 65). I am forbidden to make a thread post! Steve - I've never even received a red card :) Can you fix it! ED
Muahaahaa.... I am at the controls.... You both post such thought provoking stuff ... I just haven't the time... In order to break the spell your subject must say Justin beiber...
I knew I shouldn't have left the keys to IO sitting on the counter...

ED, I'm sorry you were getting that error message. I thought I'd gotten the bugs fixed. At what time did you start experiencing the error and how long did it last?

Due to this glitch, we'll wipe out that one yellow card on your record...although if you type Justin Bieber's name three times, I hear he crashes his Lamborghini into you.
Re #71

I have received that particular error message on several occasions over a period of +/- two or three weeks but determined the thread I was going to start wasn't that interesting anyway:) I decided to just wait it out. I figured problems would eventually get corrected. Yesterday I unsuccessfully attempted three (two morning one afternoon) times before posting problem to 'site - data base errors'.

Once I directly entered thread message and twice I tried to c&p from a word processor. Received same error message. Well maybe IO is telling me something or could it be that Wil really is at the controls. Geez...

Oh, as to Justin - I understand that he gets emotional rather easily these days. Wouldn't want to upset the Beebs. Think I may just click my heels and wish for Kansas...

Later - ED
If you wish to post threads that aren't interesting you need to go into settings and reset the judgement meter lower... Seriously I hope this gets corrected as who knows who we've lost out of frustration...
I have received that particular error message on several occasions over a period of +/- two or three weeks but determined the thread I was going to start wasn't that interesting anyway:) I decided to just wait it out. I figured problems would eventually get corrected. Yesterday I unsuccessfully attempted three (two morning one afternoon) times before posting problem to 'site - data base errors'.

I thought the errors had been corrected, but obviously not the case. Please just keep letting me know on here. That way I can keep following up with the host.

Just got off the phone with them (thank you prep period) and their latest suggestion is that there is a problem with the database when it accesses their server. Despite being on an unlimited hosting plan, the server refuses to let anything new be added to that database during random times and that's why people have been getting the error message that they don't have access. Technically, the database supporting IO doesn't have access. Server resources are eventually reallocated and then the database and server play well together. They're looking into why IO gets that random red card.

Seriously I hope this gets corrected as who knows who we've lost out of frustration...

That is definitely my concern too, wil. The regulars have been patient, although I know it sucks, but new folks deciding to join might be turned off and I'd hate to think we're losing more voices to add to our community.

And thanx Steve, I know you've been pulling your hair out (he says in a new post since he has not obtained the power if edit)

I know, I know...No one has an answer for this problem or what about your account makes you so special. One XenForo tech suggested that you have so many posts that you've lost your ability to edit, but he didn't seem convinced or know what to do to change it. I promise I am still looking into it though. You still have your delete button, right?