Database errors

Got off the phone with support about 20 minutes ago. Their server that hosts IO is suffering from a spiking issue today, so the resource limit error is even more pervasive than normal. Everything is supposed to be fixed 'soonish.' I have a call scheduled with the service manager on Monday evening to try to get to the root cause of the other resource limit problems.
So strange. Nothing about this whole mess makes sense.
I wonder if, since I ran into a similar problem on FB the other day, it might have less to do with the server you're using and more to do with the network itself. Something in the nature of Java-script loading for instance or perhaps competing band width issues?

Huh.... just got a 508 resource limit error message while composing this.... oh well, as Gilda Radnor's character said on SNL, "Never mind!"
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I wonder if, since I ran into a similar problem on FB the other day, it might have less to do with the server you're using and more to do with the network itself. Something in the nature of Java-script loading for instance or perhaps competing band width issues?

Huh.... just got a 508 resource limit error message while composing this.... oh well, as Gilda Radnor's character said on SNL, "Never mind!"

Maybe. Nice SNL reference!

My call with the service manager was dissatisfying. According to him, most of our resource limit errors are because they are replacing older servers at the hosting company, so everything is limited at the moment. He didn't have any suggestions of how to limit our network resource usage to stay under the current limit, while also declining to say what that limit is currently set at. He did have me do an update of the forum version which he said might have been one of the problems. You won't notice any changes from that forum version update, but there were some behind the scenes stuff that was apparently buggy. In an effort to draw less network resources, I've turned off some cron functions and made others occur less frequently. As a result, things may load a bit slower on here and the New Posts thread will not update as quickly (but still at least once every four minutes), but I'm willing to trade off on that in the short term if that means the site is still accessible and people aren't getting 508 errors.

Please keep me posted on what you're experiencing. Thanks for your patience.
I'm getting the "An unexpected database error occurred. Please try again later" on every other click today. I think that message should be changed to "An expected database error occurred. Please refresh the page 200 times and continue" That or replace the message altogether with the name, address and home phone numbers of the IT guys....
That or replace the message altogether with the name, address and home phone numbers of the IT guys....

Gah, I wish that were included, since the joker I talked to yesterday said that after monitoring my account (this site) since Monday, he hadn't noticed any irregularities, error logs, or system resource usage problems.

Sorry, NJ, that you had such a tough time doing anything on here today. I have a friend coming into town next weekend for a wedding who is a web developer, and I've already blocked out a chunk of time for him to try and get to the bottom of this so that IO stops suffering. Hopefully when he figures it out, he doesn't require me to buy him too much food and drink. I might have to set up a bitcoin charity box on here to finance his trip :)
My web developer friend took a look at the site over the weekend. He cleaned up a few scripts, optimized a few tables on the back end of the site, and wrote some new code to reallocate resources when the site gets closer to the limits set by the server. This will, hopefully, prevent those resource usage errors, as well as the database errors. He said there is only so much he can do since the vast majority of our problems are caused by the host's servers. It is nice to have confirmation from an informed expert on the subject that the problem isn't us, but still depressing that we're working with such a shoddy host company.
This is new @3:38pm EST and again @3:56. Everything was working fine yesterday. Took over an hour to make 3 posts today. BTW, I've used as my host for years without a single problem.
Dang. Alright, I'll see what I can track down about what is going on with those messages. NJ, I know you said things were fine yesterday. Aussie, did you have any problems since Saturday (when my friend made the changes)?

NJ, I appreciate the suggestion of a host. There's a lot of better options, but the problem is we'd lose a lot of the threads and religious resources if we switch hosts. The current company said they backed up the oldest files on IO in such a way that they can't be moved from the servers and I had my friend confirm that was actually the case. Stuck between a rock and a hard place.

If others are experiencing new or old errors since Saturday, please let me know.
Nuthin on this end... I've checked all my worms, trojans, ninjas, snipers and sleepers...they are all well.

Happy to hear your menagerie is doing well. The strange and inconsistent pattern of these errors continues to vex me.
NJ, I know you said things were fine yesterday.
Sunday was fine. Monday was great. The site worked better for me than it ever has. Tuesday was a disaster. Error codes whenever I tried to access alerts or use the like button and pages seldom loaded on the first try. No codes so far today, but seem like I have to constantly refresh the page to get anywhere.
Aussie, did you have any problems since Saturday (when my friend made the changes)?
It was Wednesday for me, but I'm a day ahead so the problems probably occurred in roughly the same time frame as NJ. So far so good today. The site does seem a bit sluggish though.
Thanks for the updates. I put in a ticket with the screen cap that NJ posted. Waiting to hear back from tech support.

It sounds like this issue is unrelated to the changes my friend did, which is good, but still an issue. Please keep me posted and I'll let you know if tech support has any suggestions.
Please keep me posted and I'll let you know if tech support has any suggestions.
Thanks Steve. This is only the 2nd post I've been able to make in the hour and a half I've been on today. Can hardly access anything from the drop down alerts menu and when I do 9 times out of 10 I'm directed back to the forum list page instead of where I was trying to go. Same thing happens when I try to follow a link. Instead of going to that thread, I get the list page again. Either that or I have to refresh the page over and over. "Sompten ain't be Rite"

Just noticed something odd. When I'm not logged in, The site works fine. Fast even. Of course when not logged in there's no drop down navigation, edit buttons, reply and so forth. Possible the Java script for these features is at fault?
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