Database errors


I used to be a moderator on another forum, and I have run into this kind of problem before.

It is possible to assign and change attributes to specific threads (read-only, not read-only, etc.). Perhaps checking the attributes of both threads will give you an idea.

If you need help opening the threads control panel, let me know.
Ok, I got it posted. Had to break it up into 2 separate posts for some reason.

Excellent. Sorry for the hassle.

If you need help opening the threads control panel, let me know.
Thanks for the offer Nick, but I looked in the control panel and there was no limitation on that thread. I'm always happy to hear suggestions and advice based on your experiences moderating. :)
a. yup, you've got a lot of friends here... we that like this place have some talent (not me for sure...I'm just a loudmouth...but there are plenty here with skillz)

b. no error messages today...couple days ago though...quite a few..
Me too.... Says unexpected error try again later.

Okay. Thanks for letting me know. I'll get to work on it. I haven't had any problems today and the error log doesn't show anything, so I'll be curious to know if this is another host problem or some script running amok again. Sorry this keeps happening.
Got off the phone with the host. Their servers are experiencing 'technical difficulties.' After much browbeating, I got the tech to admit that it may take a few hours before they get everything resolved and we may continue to suffer errors. Hopefully it doesn't take that long, but I'll give you all an update when I hear something new.
Despite iBrian's success with this hosting company, there have been problems with the site since they switched IO over to a new server in March and before he left the forum. I know when I came in I said I wasn't going to change anything, but the company's inability to keep the server operational has forced my hand. Despite one technician admitting to me that these are problems on their end, the last three techs I've spoken with have all said that the server and the site are fine, even as people are reporting they can't connect to IO. There's bound to be a few bumps as we transition, but they'll be minor compared to the site crashing. I'll keep you posted on the progress. Thanks for your patience.
I haven't experienced much difficulties myself, but I think you know what you're doing. See you guys on the other side.
For me it is more like a busy signal.... i call in to see if anything is going on... and can't get through... I'll call back worries.
ACOT, I'm happy that you haven't experienced many difficulties. wil, good to know it isn't anything too extreme on your end either.

I still need to shop around for a new host while trying to get elevated to the phantom third tier of tech support at the current host. We may still be able to stay with this one, which is my preference, but they really need to step up their game.
I have experienced multiple problems since early March. Makes no difference what device I use to log in - problems often occur. Shopping around sounds prudent to me. Prudent? Who the hang says prudent? Oh, that was "41". :)
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Haha. Sounds like you and I have been in the same boat, ED.
I get 'unable to contact database' messages. Or a display without the formatting, just a text page with links. I get a 'you don't have permission' pop-up when I'm replying to posts. My response on the 'Traditions' thread was on the fourth attempt to post over the passed three days. It could be me but it seems late afternoon early evening is the most flakey? That might be my imagination, mind.