That premise is that you know and affirm the existence of a God-entity outside of yourself, and that you 'know' what that God-entity requires of you, and that you are privy to what that entity thinks and feels.[?QUOTE]
I have done enough reading into the natural world from a scientific point of view to come to a firm conclution that there is indeed a universal creator. Science has the ever changing
theory of evolution. From the material I have read form physists etc that do not belive in a creator, their evidence they put forward proves an intelligent designer.
Partley because of the above and
due to the
internal harmony of the Bible, any one can become privy to what that entity thinks and feels. Thats the purpose of the Bible. Gods personality, likes and dislikes are there for us all to see.
As a Christian, I personlay believe the Bible to be the word of God and not just a collection of books from the middle east.
Is it not true to say that what you say is entirely based in your sincere beliefs within your personally derived affective nurture/experiences, and your affective/subjective nature?
Yes it is based on my belief system derived from my upbringing, experiences, and reading of scientific and refering to the ancient languages the Bible was written in.
An example: "The Bible is in full harmony with itself. "
This is false, because the Bible is simply, in any version, a collection and collation of ancient texts from the Middle East done by human beings. They were written by human beings for obviously varying purposes... some can be plainly seen to be declared 'histories', others, are concerned with political/theocratic principles, and yet more as myths. Often not only do the myths contradict other myths, the political/theocratic intents also vary, even the histories seem to embody contradictions. This does not strke me as displaying "harmony" at all...only natural human discord. In fact, beginning with the Garden of Eden, it presents itself as a battle between 'Good' and 'Evil', Reason and Affection... a tense dualism that hardly represents harmony. If original sin is accepted,then the Bible is about the 'battle', with many and various intyerpreatations of how that is to be dealt with or resolved.
First you assert strongly that the Bible is not in full harmony. Personally I must disagree with you. Perhaps you could chose a topic (you seem to touch on many) where you feel that it is not in harmony and start a new thread. I would love to see your reasonings as well as give a counter opinion.
Second you are partly right the Bible "presents itself as a battle between 'Good' and 'Evil', Reason and Affection". I understand that. But do you understand that is
not what God intended when he created man. It was because of the gift of free will that one of his heavenly creations decided that God did not have the right to be the supreme ruler and fooled Eve into following her own ideas. We set boundries for our children. eg do not play with fire. Most children will not play with fire, occationally one will decide their parents do not have the right to tell them that and experiment with fire. That is free will. We can chose to follow the advice given or go against it. Parents know that fire can do a lot of damage. God knows what is best for mankind to live im harmony. Adam and Eve decided to ignor the advice and do their own thing before they could bring forth any offspring. Because they sined they passed that belmish onto to thir children.
May I respectfully suggest that this, which you have sincerely written:
"God in no way knows what each individual on earth will do. He does have the power to do so but does not use it for every day things but only when he wanted certain things to happen eg naming Cyrus as the one to capture Babylon 2 hundred years before his birth and the fortelling of events around the life of Jesus, the destruction of cities etc. things that were in line with his puproses only"
is purely self validated, therefore personal and subjective opinion, which you are sharing with us.
I refrained from quoting to much at the request of a moderator so I kept things brief. The information above is
all recorded in the Bible. So it is a "personal and subjective opinion" based on a knowledge of the Bible.I can discuss any portion of that and it will be clear to anyone that accepts the Bibl;e as the written word of God. ( I am going to assume here, from what you have written that you have difficulty with that. )
HOW can you simply declare on a basis of personal feelings (not facts) that you know what a God thinks and feels?
You are simply asserting that you personally BELIEVE that a God has power and you know that he doesn't use it every day! HOW can you 'know' that as a fact outside of yourself?
From the things you have written above and in some of the things bellow I am again going to assume something on your behalf. Am I correct in saying you have difficulty accepting "that a God has power and ... that he doesn't use it every day" goes against a God of love otherwise why all the suffering, wars, starvation in the world today? Am I correct?
Nothing logically gives a pure belief the necessity of truth. In this case, it cannot be demonstrated as 'truth' beyond your feelings about the matter. It is only dependent upon your affective nature and nurture.
You see, with due respect to your obviously sincere beliefs, nothing says they are actually 'true' beyond what you feel and think. The fact is, there is no evidence, and the evidence you mainly cite is not as you describe.
You cannot 'know' the mind of this monotheistic appreciation you hold within your affections/affective nature and nurture in any sense that is understandable beyond yourself. You are making the age-old mistake of thinking that because you declare it, it must be so for others too... and that is patently not the case, not even among other monotheistic religions/Faiths.
You cannot in all honesty do that.
Just because any of us DECLARE and AFFIRM a 'truth' does not make it 'true' beyond our own declaration and affirmation. That is irrational.
If you require the Faith to be rational,you have to provide evidence...and we, none of us, can do that for our individual spiritual faiths.
Faith does not require or necessitate 'rationality' OR external proofs.
Just don't make the mistake of thinking there actually is a proof of 'God', or Gods and Goddesses... THEY do not require it.
There is none, and all that remains is the personal faith of the believer, the affirmer.
Is that not enough for any sincere and honest 'believer'? I think it should be.
Perhaps you are not aware of the Biblical meaning of faith. It is different to blind faith (which is what you have defined above). The Biblical definition of faith is "the assured expectation of realities thou not beheld". My faith is based on realities of history, science and the word of God the Bible.
Please think of a new topic along the lines of our discution and lets compare thoughts. The overview I have given was based on the original question of salvation for all. So lets leve that to this topic and enjoy a frank discution on one of your choice.