How Was Your Week?

I've been enjoying my wife's much deserved, but unpaid extended vacation. Now that she's secured gainful employment for all of her subordinates who were unceremoniously given the boot along with her by their former jack-wad employer, hopefully she'll finally be comfortable doing same for herself. Couple interesting offers, but nothing firm yet.

Your wife's ex-employer/s make me fondly recall my bout with extreme constipation iykwim (I apologize to both you and StevePame for my comment here.)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
My consolation is, they've had 3 managers in the district walk out on them in recent weeks and unlike their own bound waste byproducts, sales in my wife's former store are in the toilet.....:p
I've been enjoying my wife's much deserved, but unpaid extended vacation. Now that she's secured gainful employment for all of her subordinates who were unceremoniously given the boot along with her by their former jack-wad employer, hopefully she'll finally be comfortable doing same for herself. Couple interesting offers, but nothing firm yet.
One of a kind, that gal. I've been pretty much camped out on the set. Ridiculous schedule. Did have a good laugh the other day. Handed an assistant gaff, nice kid just out of school, a wireless microphone and battery pack and told him to go mic the talent for me. When he turned around and saw who he'd be working with, a rather well endowed young lady wearing a tight dress, he about had a heart attack! The mike and pack needs to be concealed on their person. -:cool:
Hey, just found out the woman that fired my wife and the rest of the management team at her store got the axe herself today! Karma be a be-atch baby!:p

I needed this news today! I just got home from an ultrasound appointment, and they found an abnormal lymph node (I'm scheduled for a biopsy later this month.) I dread telling my DB (he might tell me that he had the fooking thing himself, then I'd have to reach through the phone to pummel the living daylights out of him!)

At least I voted today instead of waiting for Tuesday.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
I just got home from an ultrasound appointment, and they found an abnormal lymph node (I'm scheduled for a biopsy later this month.)
Sorry to hear that. Chances are it'll be no big whoop though, prayers....

BTW, things just got worse for my wife's former district manager. Apparently, the company had planned to fire her all along, so they never sent in her work visa renewal form. Time to do so has expired, and she must now voluntarily leave or face deportation. Last word is, she plans to go back to India and petition to convert her status in 8 months. My oh my, the tangled web we weave....:oops:
BTW, things just got worse for my wife's former district manager. Apparently, the company had planned to fire her all along, so they never sent in her work visa renewal form. Time to do so has expired, and she must now voluntarily leave or face deportation. Last word is, she plans to go back to India and petition to convert her status in 8 months. My oh my, the tangled web we weave....:oops:
Thinking of you, positive vibes ... suggest you augment with kitty.purr

Tovarish, aka She-Who-Demands-to-be-Obeyed, has been curling up/sleeping beside my right armpit, purring away. She reminds me of Shadow Kibblesbane when my late mother was dealing with her first bout with cancer (he would only leave her side if someone else in the family needed him.)

I only hope that I'm not dealing with cancer...

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Got the results of my biopsy earlier today. Negative. *does 'The :kitty:' dance*

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Just got back from my eye appointment. Stronger prescription w/ prisms, plus the opthamologist found early signs of cataracts.

I hate getting older, but it beats the alternative, I guess.

Anyway, one of the assistants told me that she envied my long lashes, especially since they aren't "stick on". I didn't have the heart to tell her that I envied her nails (in spite of the reaction that I had when she tried to hold my eyelids apart for the drops.) They weren't so long that they could be used as daggers, but they were past her fingertips.

Now I'm going to "enjoy" the "thrills" of dilation for several hours...

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Sounds like you've been trying, but not had much luck. Red tape or scheduling or what's the latest hold up?
Oh..., 1 son, only child, family in 3 different countries, brides choice of spiritual venue and it's officiant on the other side of the planet, legal wrangling to give my farm share as a wedding gift.... T ain't easy getting all them koalas up the same gum. -;)
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