How Was Your Week?

Past few weeks been the best of me life. Everything went off without a hitch. Great trip, perfect ceremony and a right ripper when we got back. I mean, what more could a bloke could ask? New daughter-in-law's settling in just fine. Only problem... newlyweds in the next room! -:D
Past few weeks been the best of me life. Everything went off without a hitch. Great trip, perfect ceremony and a right ripper when we got back. I mean, what more could a bloke could ask? New daughter-in-law's settling in just fine. Only problem... newlyweds in the next room! -:D

Well, there's the future possibility of grandchildren running around... :D

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
I ran into a couple of high school classmates in the same week (not the same day or the same place.)

Tuesday, I ran into one on my way home from my doctor's appointment (she's works at the hospital next door to the building where my doctor's office is) and yesterday, I ran into the other (he's a driver for public transit, and - well, I'm not.)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Went to Summerfest Friday (saw Leonid and Friends, but that was pretty much all that I was interested in.) I never thought that they could be more o_O than in the studio, especially Oleg! (Boy was I wrong!) I shudder to think what they'd be like if it wasn't so fooking hot.

The interpreter said that they were suffering due to the fact that they're "from Siberia". :rolleyes: It was only ~88 outside. At least none of them wore "permanent fur coats sans buttons/zippers".

The furred purrson plural here had some crushed ice in their purrsonal "ponds" (water dishes) plus tinned "gooshy" food for extra water.

Several neighbors were complaining about constant hammering and "missing" air conditioners. I just said that the air conditioners had to be replaced due to Freon. One of the neighbors told me that the workers were only doing the stuff due to the manager hating him... I couldn't :rolleyes: long enough or fast enough to express myself (I just told him that I had to go check on my flatmates, not telling him that they are :kitty:s.) Someday, I'll be able to talk with him without having the desire to defenestrate him from a third story window into a parking lot (I'd like to stay in my apartment with Tovarish, Tomodachi and Maneki for the rest of their lives iykwim.)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
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Found out that the lady who is/was my caseworker had a scare recently.

She had an early case of sepsis that required a minor bit of reconstructive surgery of her jaw plus stitches (she's doing okay so far.)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
How did the vid go over?
Had 'em on the edge of their seat mate. Not a dry eye in the house. Teared up myself, couple times. I set it up in the main barn. Couple abbs whitewashed the side wall and we projected the vid right on it. You know, folks weren't too keen on them getting married so far off, but once they saw the vid, well let's just say, you've got your own fan club down here mate. -;)
Glad this week's over. We now have a Silver Fox called "Kitty" living with us! What a nightmare. Seems the little beggar was depressed over the daughter-in-a-law coming to stay permanently and just showed up on our doorstep. Good job he was wearing a collar. Critters like that don't fair to well around here.
Glad this week's over. We now have a Silver Fox called "Kitty" living with us! What a nightmare. Seems the little beggar was depressed over the daughter-in-a-law coming to stay permanently and just showed up on our doorstep. Good job he was wearing a collar. Critters like that don't fair to well around here.
Just found out that my class for this upcoming semester was cancelled due to lack of interest. I was lucky to find another class in roughly the same time frame, but I really wanted to take the cancelled class (ATS belly dancing.)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Milwaukee had the four-letter word that causes more four-letter words. Yes, S-N-O-W. To make matters worse is it was a measurable accumulation! I know about it because I had a doctor's appointment (a blood draw along with getting my ears cleaned out [they needed it.) The doctor was grateful that I had my flu shot already, as were several people in the management office/maintenance crew/general medical staff at both the apartment complex and the clinic/hospital.

I gained weight (I'm nearly 227lbs.) but my blood pressure's within the "normal" range (no thanks to a couple of people on my way to the doctor.) The trio greeted me when I got back home, toys at the ready. Tovarish was on the headboard with "her" catnip mouse, playing Catch-the-Tail (she's the "elder statescat", yet she still plays that game; same results.)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
my blood pressure's within the "normal" range
Glad that you had some good news during the medical visit.

Chicago also has snow. Snow in October is way too soon in my opinion. Let’s hope it isn’t foreshadowing what’s to come.
Glad that you had some good news during the medical visit.

Chicago also has snow. Snow in October is way too soon in my opinion. Let’s hope it isn’t foreshadowing what’s to come.

As long as we don't have the four-letter word in July or August, you're copacetic, eh? :D

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine