How Was Your Week?

Exactly. I’ve seen snow in May in Chicago once and that was weird enough. True summer snow would be trippy.
In Carson City Nevada over 10 year time span, I saw snow at least once every month of the year. One time we got three in on July 3rd oh, July 4th it was 80° and not a sign of it, except in parking lots where they plowed
I had some fun with my current caseworker yesterday.

As "everyone" knows, I had to "spend down" over $1,200 (American) so I wouldn't end up penalized. I asked to get both a new skirt and a choli for ATS belly dancing, and had her use the credit card she uses through the agency.

The moment she saw the skirts, she started squeeing, telling me that she wanted to go on her own personal shopping spree for several skirts on that site (whether she did or not, I have no idea.)

Anyway, if I get my new skirt before the 20th, I'm going to wear it to the agency party (keeping it away from my furred purrson plural/:kitty:s in case there's someone there allergic to the "superior species".)

We're also scheduled to take Tovarish to the vet (it's been too long since she's had the basic stuff done that I'm hoping that she's okay.) I'm going to pick up some "Feliway" spray Tuesday to help get her into her carrier and the like, and my caseworker's bringing her set of clippers to trim Tovarish's claws (she's also "owned" by :kitty:s, so she's familiar with their proclivities.)

Will update after everything's collated. :)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
The past two days have been rather :mad: for Milwaukee and Wisconsin.

First, we had the quarterfinals for American football (Green Bay won their quarterfinals [couldn't get away from all of the MMQs {Monday Morning Quarterbacks} either on public transportation or in the apartment complex] and the :kitty: trio earned their treats along with an extended viewing session of :kitty: TV for their efforts at distraction.)

Second, we had two events that pretty much shut down a large section of downtown: a Milwaukee Bucks game at the same time that there was a Trump rally right across the street from the basketball game. The protesters around the rally didn't help matters much, either. It would help if the rallies were held some other time than exactly when a sports event is occurring (or at a different venue than across the street from it, but that's my opinion.)

I felt sorry for the air traffic controllers at Mitchell International airport, but I guess that it kinda helps train them for the DNC that's going to occur later this year...

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Not a bad week all things considered. NE ridge of our property got singed a little, but that tract of protected species gums we got fined for taking out last year, kept things from getting worse.

Packing me gear as we speak for a fortnight in Puerto Rico. Hitched my wagon to a film crew doing a little doco on the relief effort. Yeah I know, but figured I'd trade our disaster for one I get paid to see. -;)
Got back from my first day of a new class (archery) to find out that I might be required to drop one of my doctors.

If I do, I'll withdraw from a particular program that I was enrolled in and tell everyone involved to do something with said program (what and how, I'll leave to everyone's imagination. :D)

My archery instructor found out that I have a couple of "slight disadvantages" in the class, those being my eyesight and the fact that I'm the only one who uses a left-handed bow (the only left-hand bow they had in stock was a 20# draw compound bow.) I also was four arrows short because three of them required new nocks and one required two new vanes. He's going to chew out the previous class's students for not letting him know that something was wrong with them (he's also going to check every arrow for more "duds".) To think that, before today, the last time that I participated in an archery class, the president of the United States was someone named Ronald Reagan...

My shooting partner today was a reenactor and her group's "shieldmaiden". A different student was shooting rather randomly, her arrows going pretty much everywhere but her target.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Never know where to stand with people like this. Probably by her target is the safest spot to be.

Right in front of the target might be better, but I might get chewed out by the instructor due to standing on the range.

Anyway, I'm going to ask the instructor to have me on the very end since I fire mostly with my left hand (I'm actually ambidextrous, but I find it easier to use my left in archery.)

The "Valkyrie" and I chatted a bit after class about that student, and she told me that she wished that she could shoot left-handed as well. I told her that she should be grateful that she couldn't see what the other student was doing (I nearly let the water fall on the floor after an arrow came flying in my direction!) I dread her stint as an instructor

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Found out that I had to go with the "basic package" when ordering my new glasses (plastic frames, regular bifocal lenses.)

"Why?" you ask?

My prescription is still too strong for wire-frame glasses and I would've had to pay $110 American when I placed the order to get hi-index lenses (those are the thin/lightweight lenses that make it possible to use wire frames when one has a "coke bottle bottom" prescription. Worse yet is when one's insurance won't pay for rimless glasses...

I spent roughly two hours at the ophthalmologist's office and four hours at the optician; my pupils are still dilated nearly twenty four hours later! (That's a kvetch for some other time.)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Miserable 2 weeks in Southern, Puerto Rico. What a bloody mess! Houses rocked off their foundations with people still living in them. Businesses trying to operate with collapsed walls and roofs with aftershocks still ongoing! Biggest problem though, bloody media outnumbers the relief workers. Hard to point your camera without getting someone else's team in the shot. -o_O

That and rising crime. Muggings, looting, you name it. Speaking of which, some of our crew and myself had a little run in with a few of the local street punks just before we left. Well, apparently those blokes have never done business with anyone from downunder. -;)

Any road, glad to be home again. Getting too old for this a... stuff! -:cool:
Miserable 2 weeks in Southern, Puerto Rico. What a bloody mess! Houses rocked off their foundations with people still living in them. Businesses trying to operate with collapsed walls and roofs with aftershocks still ongoing! Biggest problem though, bloody media outnumbers the relief workers. Hard to point your camera without getting someone else's team in the shot. -o_O

That and rising crime. Muggings, looting, you name it. Speaking of which, some of our crew and myself had a little run in with a few of the local street punks just before we left. Well, apparently those blokes have never done business with anyone from downunder. -;)

Any road, glad to be home again. Getting too old for this a... stuff! -:cool:

Enuram. Perfect word for what you wanted to "say".

Iowa's dealing with that this weekend, too, albeit not the same ("political season" has arrived!) Can't "powder your nose" without some reporter from some news outlet sticking a microphone in your face.

Why can't these news/"news" outlets fooking wait to start interviewing the victims or, better yet, why can't they send some volunteers to go with the different relief organizations assisting in the devastation?

What's even worse are the bloody con artists posing as legitimate relief workers and asking for donations/"donations".

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Found out the next movie-of-the-week: A Simple Plan (I'm not going since it doesn't sound like my cup of tea.)

We're also expecting the four-letter word that causes more four-letter words (s-n-o-w.)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
You know, it's been a pretty good week. Photo projects are on hold, but business as usual on the farm. The best part, nothing's open. When the work day's over, everyone goes in and spends time with their families. I mean, I actually had a meaningful conversation with my wife! I could get use to this. -:)
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