Your Daily Rant

I can't decipher what that means...

Looks like gps controlled equipment...we're they manned or unmanned?
Son gets up at 4AM, drives the lead combine until 8, has breakfast then heads off to school. We don't use GPS guidance on our farm. Too unreliable they tell me. All of our stuff's manned. That pic's not from our farm though. Just used for illustration.
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I know it's a commercial farm and all that, but damn, do we really need to run the combines at full tilt 4 in the morning? Son wanted to get 4 hours field time in before school. Nothing louder that a bloody 8 meter combine at 4AM!

Except maybe 5 of them!
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You lazy bum! You should have gone out and helped the boy.
Ah so the 4 am insanity and noise was intentional...
Harvest time's insane. Especially this year. Had some wonky weather a while back and the fields aren't in the best of shape.
You lazy bum! You should have gone out and helped the boy.
Not me mate. Shoot, he's out there, pop in one hand, mobile in the other, cutting a row straight as an arrow. Me, even if I had both hands on the wheel and both feet on the pedals, my row would still look like a Grand-Prix snake bend! They don't let me anywhere near the big stuff. Especially when they drive in formation.
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Can I rant about politics for a moment?

The Conservative party — and Govt — is seen as the party of the rich elite. David Cameron was independently wealthy, and he and most of the cabinet were ex-Eton schoolboys (as is Boris Johnson). The media called the Govt. 'The Notting Hill Set'.

The Brexit vote was, as I've said, primarily racist inspired — against immigration — and a complaint about declining social conditions, and a finger in the eye for what the rest of the UK sees as a London-centric government (about which they're largely right, and it's a London-centric media, too.)

So incoming Prime Minister Theresa May's keynote speech at the Party Conference was to declare her administration a 'party of the people' and made the outstanding commitment to defend the rights of the populace against the interests of Big Corporate ... all the media said 'we'll wait and see' as the Conservatives are the front for Big Corporates.

It was, of course, a move by a right-of-centre party to capture the Middle Ground, now that the Labour Party is engaged in committing hara-kiri in such drastic fashion. (The Liberal Party has likewise self-destructed and has made no signs yet of recovery ...)

The echo of that promise had hardly died away when the Conservatives over-ruled a local council who refused to allow fracking in the region, and granted the licence against massive public discontent.

Today the Home Secretary has announced there will be no review into what is called 'The Battle of Orgreave' when the police were employed as a political weapon to put down a demonstration by miners that horrified the country by its violence against what was a peaceful demonstration.

This, after having promised there would be a review ...

The party line is a review would achieve nothing. Nothing, that is, except demonstrate beyond doubt that the police were used to bludgeon the populace into submission to further the aims of the Conservative Party to destroy trade unionism and wipe out workers' rights.

Now there is a move to further reduce benefit payments to the poorest in society by a further £30 per week.

Last week the government complained bitterly when a newspaper journalist claimed some 3,000 people had committed suicide as a direct result of having their benefits withdrawn in a system that leaves them with no money, no means of earning money, no voice and most importantly, no means of complaint or redress against faceless corporates to whom the measures had been outsourced, and an online system that was so time-consuming, banal, obscure and obfuscating that its near impossible to work without error that sends you back to the start again...

The journalist checked the figures and apologised. The proper figure was 2,980.

What gets me is not the hypocrisy of politicians. OK, they lie, what's new.

It's the apathy of use, who let them get away with it ...
It's the apathy of use, who let them get away with it ...
over here we are not seeing a choice... those who run for office are cut from the same cloth.... oh they might have some ideals when they start but in order to work the system you become part of it.
Turns out there is something louder than five combines running full tilt at 4 in the morning. Three 8 wheel tractors trying to one out of a bog at 6AM!:mad:

Sounds like you "need" a shot or three of 151 rum (or something stronger.) :kitty:s wouldn't help because the noise would scare them. :(

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
More fooking politics! Can't wait for the end of political season (nor can my furred managers.) This upcoming Tuesday's the day. *facepalmheaddeskwallbuilding*

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Speaking of our favorite subject. Went to early voting today. As I was getting verified, the guy next to me also getting verified offered this pithy piece of news to the young woman who was helping him "I know there is massive voter fraud...."

To which she snapped "NOT in THIS county."

Never being one to keep my yap shut, I leaned over and said to the guy "There really isn't. You are being conned". The guy just looked at me but the worker said in a very exaggerated way "THANK You!"
Speaking of our favorite subject. Went to early voting today. As I was getting verified, the guy next to me also getting verified offered this pithy piece of news to the young woman who was helping him "I know there is massive voter fraud...."

To which she snapped "NOT in THIS county."

Never being one to keep my yap shut, I leaned over and said to the guy "There really isn't. You are being conned". The guy just looked at me but the worker said in a very exaggerated way "THANK You!"
Sure there's voter fraud. It's called the Electoral College.:D
