Your Daily Rant

To Whom it May Concern,

Because you kept pulling on my arm, the part of my scanning thing popped off in my clothes, and I need to contact the company that makes the kit to get a new one without using my pharmacy/insurance to cover it. (I only got it put on Tuesday, and it popped off Friday!) You bloody know that I can't use a "traditional" monitor due to my weird blood! Next time you do this, I'm throwing you into the nearest washer!

To Whom it May Concern #2,

No, I'm not interested in the inauguration Monday. I never was, and I won't ever be! Leave me alone with my feline companions! (I apologize for the political leanings of this particular rant.)

To Whom it May Concern #3,

STOP USING 9-1-1/9-9-9 AS YOUR PERSONAL TRANSPORTATION! My flat overlooks the fire lane, and the blinds don't block out the bloody emergency lights! Oh, and get your van checked by a real mechanic while you're at it! (they park it right outside my flat, too.)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
To Whom it May Concern,

Where and when did you last see your Tylanol3 medication? I never would take it myself due to being deathly allergic to codeine (I found out about that allergy over three decades ago when I stopped breathing while attempting to register at the ER/A&E desk after taking just one dose of said medication...)

To Whom it May Concern #2,

I highly doubt that your vehicle was broken into earlier today at the grocery store where my pharmacy is/was. If it was, why didn't you go to customer service/security to report it? I don't randomly give strangers cash after being financially screwed by a family member at least a score of years ago. If I was better with faces, I would've reported you for soliciting inside the store itself!

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
To Whom it May Concern,

Just because something is on a "digital coupon" doesn't mean that you must purchase it! Hell, the cashier was grateful when it was my turn in line! (I had only three items, none of them were on "digital coupons", and I had the funds for them in-hand...)

To Whom it May Concern #2,

Please keep your leg out of the aisle on the bus! I almost did a bloody faceplant going to an empty seat! It was worse when I almost tripped on your bloody cane. We won't even discuss the young lady that did fall because of you!

To Whom it May Concern #3,

Since when did State Street sound like Washington Avenue?

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
To Whom it May Concerned,

Why did you waste my time as well as your own before telling me that my cardiac medication wasn't going to be covered by my medical insurance? And why didn't you contact me concerning the fact that the physician that prescribed it wasn't part of my medical insurance? If I knew either piece of information, I could've changed physicians ASAP.

To Whom it May Concern #2,

You keep pestering me about what I order each week at the get-together. I'm getting sick and tired of repeating the same bloody information. Next time, I'm going to have the person in charge of the outing order for you until you start listening or you get kicked out!

To Whom it May Concern #3,

Everyone in the complex got the same notification about places that are temporarily prohibited (they are replacing floor tiles and pavement in three building exits and to the second storey laundry room [they're replacing the pluming in the laundry room, as well].) You can use the elevator/"lift" to access the third storey laundry room the same as I do! Oh, and there are three more exits from the building that you can use, too. By the way, the laundromat closest to us has been closed for at least a month (went out of buisiness in November AFAIK.) There're at least a couple more within a two mile radius if you really need to do multiple loads of laundry. At least your laundry doesn't smell like intact tom:kitty: spray! (not that mine does atm [Tomodachi's neutered.])

To Whom it May Concern #4,

You were evicted twice due to abandonment of property in the complex. I'm not risking my flat to let you sojourn in said flat! If I'm not letting my siblings sojourn here, why the fluff would let you? Oh, and I might know a smidgin more about the religion I was raised in, especially the dietary restrictions! (RabbiO would know even more since he has access to reliable sources while I don't.)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
To Whom it May Concern,,

I couldn't undergo my cataract surgery Wednesday because there was a nasty snowstorm complicated by a police event downtown. I would've had to go through that sh!t whether I took the bus or if I took an Uber/Lyft. Hell, the pharmacist that came to the complex cut the "clinic" short because of the storm! Oh, and all of the buildings on campus were locked/events were canceled due to the snow emergency!

To Whom it May Concern #2,

If you wanted to know if the clinic where your doctor's appointment was open, take a few seconds to phone them. It's less expensive/safer than going to said clinic, especially during a bloody snow emergency!

To Whom it May Concern #3,

Why the hell did you thow out the cards for my podiatrist and endocrinologist? And why did you throw out the user's manual to my new cell phone? Next time, I'm thowing out your important papers! Starting with your driver's license.

To Whom it May Concern #4,

My flat overlooks the fire lane, and the clients for your agency have a nasty habit of dialing 9-1-1/9-9-9 for frivoulous reasons. I need my bloody sleep. If you don't like it, find someone else honest to deliver my weekly allotment!

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine