To Whom it May Concerned,
Why did you waste my time as well as your own before telling me that my cardiac medication wasn't going to be covered by my medical insurance? And why didn't you contact me concerning the fact that the physician that prescribed it wasn't part of my medical insurance? If I knew either piece of information, I could've changed physicians ASAP.
To Whom it May Concern #2,
You keep pestering me about what I order each week at the get-together. I'm getting sick and tired of repeating the same bloody information. Next time, I'm going to have the person in charge of the outing order for you until you start
listening or you get kicked out!
To Whom it May Concern #3,
Everyone in the complex got the same notification about places that are temporarily prohibited (they are replacing floor tiles and pavement in three building exits and to the second storey laundry room [they're replacing the pluming in the laundry room, as well].) You can use the elevator/"lift" to access the third storey laundry room the same as I do! Oh, and there are three more exits from the building that you can use, too. By the way, the laundromat closest to us has been closed for at least a month (went out of buisiness in November AFAIK.) There're at least a couple more within a two mile radius if you
really need to do multiple loads of laundry. At least your laundry doesn't smell like intact tom

spray! (not that mine does atm [Tomodachi's neutered.])
To Whom it May Concern #4,
You were evicted
twice due to abandonment of property in the complex. I'm not risking
my flat to let you sojourn in said flat! If I'm not letting my siblings sojourn here, why the
fluff would let
you? Oh, and I
might know a smidgin more about the religion I was raised in,
especially the dietary restrictions! (RabbiO would know even more since he has access to reliable sources while I don't.)
Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine