The Return of an unfamiliar Jesus?

Just an aside that seems related to the topic:

One major problem mankind faces is that our life's span is relatively short so that positive innovations in one generation don't always get absorbed by the next. One question Jesus openly asked was "When the son of man comes, will he find faith in the earth?"
So in answer to Jesus’ question, “When the Son of man arrives, will he really find the faith on the earth?” mee can confidently say, Indeed he will! (Luke 18:8) May mee hopefully prove to be among the many who daily demonstrate the value of a living faith!

even though Jesus is now a reigning king in the heavenly kingdom goverment since 1914 Daniel 7;13-14

he has yet in the future to seperate the sheep from the goats, and yes he will find the faith alive and active

so the question is ...... are we acting like a sheep or a goat are we doing what Jesus wants now ,or are we digging our heels in like a goat.
New Person, I agree. I believe the Return of Christ is a New Person. The return of the same Sun, the same Light, not the same individual, the same person.

WOW! Another real one!

Far and in between; be them of integrity.

Correct, the next per se 'dude' is of the same 'light' soul, compassion, love, kindness and intent to 'do' rather than simply believe, kind of guy; all the same a life within this 'existence' called God; but a man.

No different than any, just with a chip on his shoulder that nothing can stop the truth from existing for the tomorrow. Not a religion, a government nor institution can own what each try to control; the knowledge.

It is for everybody; free! and to see the good news, maybe to continue the knowledge is good for all? Maybe to begin the children with pure truths, then as they grow, the compassion of Love and God in truth can overcome the corruption of secularizations.

It seems it's a good time to learn.
He didnt call him God, he recognized that he was a good teacher, but Jesus knew that it was JEHOVAH that had taught Jesus well ,and he knew that the most high is the one to be kneeling down too.

Jesus was setting things straight and always put over the correct way

mee sticks to what the bible really teaches , Jesus is not God ,
You are the first JW i have ever come into contact with who could say (write) what you did.

WOW! A real good start being able to share that in open public! As what you thereby have done is bring equality to all teachers of knowledge. Which is like having appreciation to all of God's children rather than retain focus to one interpretation that can build an inert isolation if allowed.

but many have been misled by manmade trinity doctrines.
As even in the Hindu, many a trinities exist as well and although there is a trinity that combines a pure rendition, the statement made is quite true; doctrine can misled.

sticking to what the bible REALLY teaches means ACCURATE KNOWLEDGEjohn 17;3
Another quality statement!

But having faith in God (jehovah) is having faith in existence. So to honor existence than we must observe what many flavors of understanding (knowledge) God shares. Then in combining many frames represented, then the truth reveals itself.

And you know as well as any; 'in the beginning there was light'
You are the first JW i have ever come into contact with who could say (write) what you did.
why ?
All Jehovahs witnesses know that Jesus isnt God ,and they all know from the bible that Jesus himself never taught that he was God, he taught that he was God son :)
WOW! A real good start being able to share that in open public!

no problem :) Jesus isnt God , just as the bible tells us . the bible tells us Jesus is Gods son and he was taught by his father (Jehovah), a good teacher he had , indeed only the best .

Jehovah first became both Father and Teacher when he created his only-begotten Son, the prehuman Jesus.

This one is called "the Word" because he is Jehovah’s Chief Spokesman. (John 1:1, 14; 3:16)

The Word served "beside [the Father] as a master worker," and he learned well from his Father’s teaching. (Proverbs 8:22, 30)

no problem :) Jesus isnt God , just as the bible tells us . the bible tells us Jesus is Gods son and he was taught by his father (Jehovah), a good teacher he had , indeed only the best .

Jehovah first became both Father and Teacher when he created his only-begotten Son, the prehuman Jesus.

This one is called "the Word" because he is Jehovah’s Chief Spokesman. (John 1:1, 14; 3:16)

The Word served "beside [the Father] as a master worker," and he learned well from his Father’s teaching. (Proverbs 8:22, 30)

And if the Lord is of all mankind, then the teachers can be of many cultures and understanding. The duty of each is not to isolate a set of literature but to find the theme God represents in each.

In the beginning there was 'light' .....

so to honor existence and know that light is the life upon mass, in time. Then the trinity of God reveals itself as the 'total' of existence.

We are 'light' in the midst of things (mass) observing in time (our period of life). As we experience, we can understand life and put to mass (write) the words; we (sentience) do create.

The total is what we exist within (God) so in a sense all words are of God, but experienced within the period we observe them; knowledge.

The over all objective in as time progresses knowledge evolves.

Eventually God's children will be able to comprehend existence in total; Equally. Such is the promise of all faiths.

As to know "GOD" and how each choice we make is alive in existence, and then that each choice is our ever lasting life, as energy we impose that continues, beyond our period of choice; then responsibility to existence can be a made of 'continuing life'...... Good!

Imagine each being pure to GOD?

Be just like; Heaven on earth!
Imagine each being pure to GOD?

Be just like; Heaven on earth![/quote

or even paradise on earth :)

A Pure Language for All Nations

"Then I shall give to peoples the change to a pure language, in order for them all to call upon the name of Jehovah, in order to serve him shoulder to shoulder."—ZEPHANIAH 3:9.

JEHOVAH GOD is accomplishing in our day a work that is truly marvelous. He is uniting people out of all nations. As he long ago foretold in his Holy Word, he is doing it by teaching them a new language.—Zephaniah 3:9.

and it is the PURE language of TRUTH:)
mee;150183 [CENTER said:
A Pure Language for All Nations[/CENTER]

"Then I shall give to peoples the change to a pure language, in order for them all to call upon the name of Jehovah, in order to serve him shoulder to shoulder."—ZEPHANIAH 3:9.
And what is the only pure language that is universal to all?


and it is the PURE language of TRUTH:)

So in order for all mankind to have a single set of knowledge that combines the truths over the span of history, then it must include the comprehension of life; in mathematics; the universal language.....

and if there was a math line that defined life in pure form as well could describe how the galaxies turn meaning the framework could define and combine the very small with the very large, then it will basically be the name of GOD.

THE NAME: in a universal language!

and to some the only real application is
2 for attaining wisdom and discipline;
for understanding words of insight;

3 for acquiring a disciplined and prudent life,
doing what is right and just and fair;

4 for giving prudence to the simple,
knowledge and discretion to the young-

5 let the wise listen and add to their learning,
and let the discerning get guidance-
6 for understanding proverbs and parables,
the sayings and riddles of the wise.

7 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge,
but fools [a] despise wisdom and discipline

The faithful despise wisdom, 'as it is just too much'
The faithful despise wisdom, 'as it is just too much'

The Biblical sense of wisdom lays emphasis on sound judgment, based on knowledge and understanding;

the ability to use knowledge and understanding successfully to solve problems, avoid or avert dangers, attain certain goals, or counsel others in doing so.

It is the opposite of foolishness, stupidity, and madness, with which it is often contrasted.—De 32:6; Pr 11:29; Ec 6:8.

and as Jesus said in matthew 24;45-47 he would be feeding the FAITHFUL ones with lots of Good spiritual food .

so i would say that the faithful really like to take in wisdom and they really benefit by it.

and they are always asking for more because it is so good for them.

and not only that, they love giving it out to others because it will benefit others too .

now that is good .:)
The Biblical sense of wisdom lays emphasis on sound judgment, based on knowledge and understanding;
Tell us all why knowledge and understanding proves women did not come from man's rib.

Explain why evolution is a quality representation to the progression of life.

the ability to use knowledge and understanding successfully to solve problems, avoid or avert dangers, attain certain goals, or counsel others in doing so.

First, you have no business counseling as anyone who teaches fibs where some dude will undo your sins, which is completely false, both in comprehension and physical fact; then please stay away from the children!

Second, since faithful teaching (as you promote) contradict understanding that successfully defines phenomenon, then the professing of faith to oppress knowledge is a crime to humanity!
thats the bibles job

2 TIMOTHY 3;16-17

Then specifically share where the works of Darwin are remanded as false within doctrine; not interpretations.

Meaning where in the book is the word 'evolution' suggested as false?

Such that if it's the 'bibles job' then why are you on this forum abusing God with your subjective interpretations?

How can you fib and have no care of the damage you impose?

One minute Jesus is the last word, next it is John, now it is Timothy and then when asked for your commitment to follow the words, you sidestep with anothers opinion.

Funny people!
Meaning where in the book is the word 'evolution' suggested as false?

quote] where in the bible is evolution even mentioned?

Jesus Christ in praying to his Father, the Great Creator, Jehovah, declared:

"Your word is truth." (John 17:17)

Though hosts of critics, evolutionists, atheists and religionists have toiled relentlessly to try to discredit the truthfulness of the Word of God, that statement by Christ Jesus stands true. Everything found in the written Word of God, the Bible, is truth.

Jehovah’s first creation was his "only-begotten Son" (Joh 3:16), "the beginning of the creation by God." (Re 3:14)

This one, "the firstborn of all creation," was used by Jehovah in creating all other things, those in the heavens and those upon the earth, "the things visible and the things invisible." (Col 1:15-17)

John’s inspired testimony concerning this Son, the Word, is that "all things came into existence through him, and apart from him not even one thing came into existence,"

Jehovah has supplied an abundance of truth in his Word.

Though the Bible is not a science textbook, it is scientifically accurate.

"How many your works are, O Jehovah! All of them in wisdom you have made. The earth is full of your productions." (Psalm 104:24)

How can you fib and have no care of the damage you impose?

Bible prophecy explains the meaning of world conditions

The Bible enables us to understand the purpose of life

The Bible shows how we can have the very things that lovers of righteousness desire most

and its very good and most beneficial with no damage done at all

It explains that God’s Kingdom, his government, will remove the present wicked system (Dan. 2:44), and under its rule mankind will be able to enjoy perfect health and eternal life.—Rev. 21:3, 4; compare Isaiah 33:24.

The bible is filled with prophecies reflecting detailed knowledge of the future—something impossible for humans


'''where in the bible is evolution even mentioned? '''''

Jesus Christ in praying to his Father, the Great Creator, Jehovah, declared:

"Your word is truth." (John 17:17)
Doesn't make sense in your context;

as 'evolution' is a word. And then you share John quoting Christ in payer as if he heard Jehovah's declaration....

Though hosts of critics, evolutionists, atheists and religionists have toiled relentlessly to try to discredit the truthfulness of the Word of God, that statement by Christ Jesus stands true. Everything found in the written Word of God, the Bible, is truth.
How can you say that; it is written in your same book

Jesus said to him, `Why me dost thou call good? no one [is] good except One -- God;

the commands thou hast known: Thou mayest not commit adultery, Thou mayest do no murder, Thou mayest not steal, Thou mayest not bear false witness, Thou mayest not defraud, Honour thy father and mother.

and your representations offer a whole bunch of other stuff....

If JC is your teacher then why continually dance around what HE said; using contradictions written by another all within the same book?

Jehovah’s first creation was his "only-begotten Son" (Joh 3:16), "the beginning of the creation by God." (Re 3:14)
Now you are using revelations to redefine Genesis? Combining a few words from each chapter to suggest what you are preaching..... WOW! Walking on the wild side!

Jehovah has supplied an abundance of truth in his Word.
Not to you as it seems all that was ever written in every language on earth, is within God and an abundance but you only like what One book and one of the newest revisions of the revised revision; has all the answers.

Though the Bible is not a science textbook, it is scientifically accurate.
Which revised revision revitalized this revision to rational?

Knowledge is the quest of all mankind and why words are used in the first place; to convey thoughts, ideas and knowledge.

"How many your works are, O Jehovah! All of them in wisdom you have made. The earth is full of your productions." (Psalm 104:24)
Not to you: it's only after 1914 and the new newly narritated version of the newly named God; the J man.

All within a new witnessing program.
Jesus is giving people worldwide the opportunity to accept His rulership.

thats what Jesus is doing
(none of us can tell Him what to do)

If He wants to send someone else in His name and call His followers by a new name... In fact, didn't He say He would come with a new name?
Jesus is giving people worldwide the opportunity to accept His rulership.

thats what Jesus is doing

when you can talk to him about what he is doing, then you can claim first hand knowledge, otherwise remember you have a responsibility to fibbing.

and from what i can see, with all the atrocities happening in his name; its a good bet he be unhappy