The Return of an unfamiliar Jesus?

As far as this discussion goes

You are posting on the Christianity Forum... you have the burden of proof here... not us. As far as this forum is concerned everything we are saying is TRUE and FACT. That means that everything you say contrary to that is an OPINION that we respectfully allow you to have. All we ask is that you respect us in the same way by understanding that this place belongs to those who follow Jesus Christ.
And you call this type of defensive comment from the compassionate teachings of 'those who follow JC"?

Thats just the way it is... you are welcome to take yourself to another of the many forums on this wonderfully diverse site if you have a problem with the way it is here.
Not interested in your advice, but thanks.... for the kind consideration you show for your brethren.

Btw you arent the first and you definitely wont be the last person that hates Jesus Christ and His followers that comes here.

So now I am an anti christ ... because I do not believe the corrupted interpretations of the biblical teachings (NT) are what Jesus Christ intended.

I will assume you never read the Book of Thomas

The Gospel of Thomas

It seems the idea of what Jesus represents is quite 'unfamiliar' to you.....

meaning if the label of an AC is to be slung around, please take a peak in the mirror as I will bet you cannot walk on water either.
The Sign of Christ’s Presence its all happening since 1914

Jesus Christ’s kingly rule began in 1914.

Now is the time to "pay more than the usual attention" to the enthroned King, Christ Jesus. (Hebrews 2:1)

He admonishes us: "Keep awake, then, all the time making supplication that you may succeed in escaping all these things that are destined to occur, and in standing before the Son of man."—Luke 21:36.
The Sign of Christ’s Presence its all happening since 1914

Jesus Christ’s kingly rule began in 1914.

Now is the time to "pay more than the usual attention" to the enthroned King, Christ Jesus. (Hebrews 2:1)

He admonishes us: "Keep awake, then, all the time making supplication that you may succeed in escaping all these things that are destined to occur, and in standing before the Son of man."—Luke 21:36.

Seems the 'let there be light' was the before 1914. Seems much of all the quotes you make came from well before 1914.

And since this is 2008, is there anything of compassionate knowledge that is new that maybe can be shared?

Have you kept your eyes open for the truth as the final knowledge may seem unfamiliar yet, true all the same.

Allow your inner soul to recognize what is in front of you is what every single soul alive has been awaiting; the truth!
God loves you, Bishadi.

Not concerned with how much god loves me rather than how much I love god.

The idea that I am safe by god is irrelevant but that I honor god (the total) over and above my own self.

That is the program!
Seems the 'let there be light' was the before 1914. Seems much of all the quotes you make came from well before 1914.

And since this is 2008, is there anything of compassionate knowledge that is new that maybe can be shared?

Have you kept your eyes open for the truth as the final knowledge may seem unfamiliar yet, true all the same.

Allow your inner soul to recognize what is in front of you is what every single soul alive has been awaiting; the truth!
DANIEL 12;4 its all happening especially in the last days , and the start of the last days was 1914, and now we are well along into the time of the end , and the light is getting lighter and lighter and brighter and brighter. mee is very focused to the abundance of true knowledge .:)

And as for you, O Daniel, make secret the words and seal up the book, until the time of [the] end. Many will rove about, and the [true] knowledge will become abundant."DANIEL 12;4

Many before mee has done lots of roving around the bible and now that true knowledge is abundant indeed. and mee is being well fed :) matthew 24;45-47 and it is all good bible based spiritual food

:)and mee thinks it is very good :)
Not concerned with how much god loves me rather than how much I love god.

The idea that I am safe by god is irrelevant but that I honor god (the total) over and above my own self.

That is the program!
The conclusion of the matter, everything having been heard, is: Fear the [true] God and keep his commandments. For this is the whole [obligation] of man. For the [true] God himself will bring every sort of work into the judgment in relation to every hidden thing, as to whether it is good or bad.


He that has my commandments and observes them, that one is he who loves me. In turn he that loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and will plainly show myself to him." jOHN 14;21

The conclusion of the matter, everything having been heard, is: Fear the [true] God and keep his commandments. For this is the whole [obligation] of man. For the [true] God himself will bring every sort of work into the judgment in relation to every hidden thing, as to whether it is good or bad.


He that has my commandments and observes them, that one is he who loves me. In turn he that loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and will plainly show myself to him." jOHN 14;21

Sorry but like I will never fear my father as I know Love exists; likewise fear of god is not an option.

Only them insecure with their beliefs retain fear. as no matter who screams a name, not a one ever was saved from being responsible for what they do.

Fear your own negligence. As to misunderstand 'good and bad' as it applies in all existence, then know the ignorance is self prescribed by the choice of each.
Sorry but like I will never fear my father as I know Love exists; likewise fear of god is not an option.

Only them insecure with their beliefs retain fear. as no matter who screams a name, not a one ever was saved from being responsible for what they do.

Fear your own negligence. As to misunderstand 'good and bad' as it applies in all existence, then know the ignorance is self prescribed by the choice of each.
"The fear of Jehovah is the start of wisdom."—PROVERBS 9:10.

In Biblical usage the fear of God is a positive concept. (Isaiah 11:3) It is a profound reverence and deep respect for God, a strong desire not to displease him. (Psalm 115:11)
The fear of Jehovah is the beginning of knowledge. Wisdom and discipline are what mere fools have despised.PROVERBS 1;7

Many examples of God-fearing men and women are recorded in the Scriptures "for our instruction." (Romans 15:4) :)

Indeed, acting with genuine fear of God is always the course of wisdom. It is also the source of true happiness. (Psalm 34:9)
that's three

three errors of words within a single period with you; my fault, still not ready.

that's three

three errors of words within a single period with you; my fault, still not ready.

All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work.
2 timothy 3 ;16-17

the bible is most beneficial to mee:)
All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work.
2 timothy 3 ;16-17

the bible is most beneficial to mee:)

Then what page shares how to fib all day on a computer just to continue the mee me interpretations?

Meaning without the evolution of knowledge no one here would have to continue observing how ignorant complacent understanding is within a forum and technological platform that would not exist if 'your' theology was in control of knowledge.

Remember if christianity had not controlled knowledge and continued the submission as 'we cannot know' or if the inquisitions had not existed and destroyed milleniums worth of knowledge..... I would bet we could all be vacationing on the moon by now!

Nice to see that a few stepped outside the box all in the care of contributing knowledge for the evolution to continue; Darwin we thank you!
Darwin we thank you!

When we view the exquisite loveliness found throughout this wondrous earth, surely we must exclaim: "How many your works are, O Jehovah! All of them in wisdom you have made. The earth is full of your productions."—Psalm 104:24.

"Your word is truth."—JOHN 17:17.
I've read somewhere that Jesus wouldn't be Catholic enough for the Catholics, nor Lutheran enough for the Lutherans. He wouldn't be Orthodox enough for the Orthodox nor Anglican enough for the Anglicans, etc. But I think it's bigger than that.... He wasn't Muslim enough for the Muslims, Christian enough for the Christians, Jewish enough for the Jews, Hindu enough for the Hindus, Buddhist enough for the Buddhists. Yes, I believe He already returned.
I've read somewhere that Jesus wouldn't be Catholic enough for the Catholics, nor Lutheran enough for the Lutherans. He wouldn't be Orthodox enough for the Orthodox nor Anglican enough for the Anglicans, etc. But I think it's bigger than that.... He wasn't Muslim enough for the Muslims, Christian enough for the Christians, Jewish enough for the Jews, Hindu enough for the Hindus, Buddhist enough for the Buddhists. Yes, I believe He already returned.
To say he wouldn't endorse any particular religion, is correct (save the caring for widows and orphans). To say he is already returned, true. He never really left. I mean, Jesus bodilly rose up and away, and the Holy Spirit arrived (and hasn't left since). We call it the "pentacost"...
After a cloud caught Jesus up from the disciples’ vision, the angels said:

"This Jesus who was received up from you into the sky will come thus in the same manner as you have beheld him going into the sky."—Acts 1:9-11.

Jesus’ departure was observed only by his loyal followers.
there was no public display the world in general was not even aware of what had occurred.

The same would be true when Christ returned in Kingdom power.
(John 14:19) Only his faithful anointed disciples would discern his royal presence.

Even before 1914, a small band of anointed Christians began to grasp important truths about the Lord’s return. For instance, they discerned that it would be invisible, as implied by the two angels who appeared in 33 C.E. to the disciples while Jesus was ascending to heaven.

its all happening in the last days

And it had a profound effect on them, culminating in the gathering of millions who would become Jesus’ earthly subjects.—Revelation 7:9, 14.

I've read somewhere that Jesus wouldn't be Catholic enough for the Catholics ...

John Henry Newman, as an Anglican clergyman, began a book entitled "Essays in Defence of Christian Doctrine" ... it took him ten years to write, and half way through he converted to Catholicism.

At one point he noted that if the Early Christians came back to day, the only expression of faith they would recognise as close to their own was Catholic.

Archaelogical evidence of the recent past has uncovered much of what has been lost for centuries, and notably has provided concrete evidence that many of the affirmations of the Reformation, on liturgical practice for example, were quite simply wrong, and are no longer tenable. Unlikely to change anything, though ...
