What's For Dinner?

As I "said" before, "Masochist!"

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Right of passage, sort of. That tribe use to send 'em out starkers and unarmed, charged with bringing back an adult male roo! Nowadays all they have to do is bring back a sack of cactus paddles. Even let 'em cover the essentials and give 'em a big arse knife. Pretty tame stuff compared to days of yore.;)
Right of passage, sort of. That tribe use to send 'em out starkers and unarmed, charged with bringing back an adult male roo! Nowadays all they have to do is bring back a sack of cactus paddles. Even let 'em cover the essentials and give 'em a big arse knife. Pretty tame stuff compared to days of yore.;)

Historically, they were :confused: imho.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
"Veggie Penne Pasta with Chickpeas, Carrots, Red Bell Peppers, Onions and Garlic"

I whipped up some buttermilk biscuits and filled them with vegan sausage mixed with chopped onions and chopped green peppers before baking them. Two were enough for me.

I finished my "dinner" with an apple. Decaffeinated Constant Comment tea rounded out my "meal".

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
been making sourdough... I've got a whole wheat starter and white starter running... made loaves in a bread maker and the oven... crackers, and gonna try noodles. Been making kimchi and some interesting experiments with facon (supposedly a fake bacon) but to me tastes more like chicken skin...and found an amazing veggie burger medium rare at TGIFridays. The fake meat industry is rolling... I've never been that much into it (perfectly happy with just a pile of veggies) but now I have come to realize that it will be only way to satisfy those that "need" meat when it becomes normal not to have any. (space travel, environmentally, regulations, etc)
Food porn during the Nineteen Day Fast! o_Oo_Oo_O
Dinner was a "doctored up" Mediterranean pizza (I added veggie pepperoni and veggie Italian sausage crumbles) and sugar-free spiced cider. Dessert was sugar-free hot cocoa mixed with hazelnut gelato. Sorry, no photos (I don't do that enuram.)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Too bad. Sounds really good. I would like to have seen it all served up.

An easy way to see it for yourself is to get/make a pizza (it has spinach, sliced Kalamata[sp?] olives and feta) adding the pepperoni & Italian sausage (either real meat or veggie.)

What's better is that you get to involve all of your senses instead of just sight ("smell-avision" anyone?) plus you get to enjoy the fruits of your labor. :)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
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Yesterday's dinner was vegetarian bibimbap (I think that's how it's spelled) with tofu, carrots, spinach, mushrooms and a sunny-side-up egg. The Korean chili sauce was quite tasty imho...

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Vegetarian with an egg? At one time in my life I had a Korean girlfriend. Her folks made their bi bim bap with squid of all things.:eek:
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Vegetarian with an egg?
The revision of definitions over time. In the 60's/70s vegetarian was similar to today's vegan. Today Vegetarian pretty much includes dairy (milk, cheese, eggs) or even fish... Where as we used to have adjectives added to what kind of vegetarian if you weren't full lacto/ovo/pescan... The only difference as I see between todays vegan and yesterdays vegetarian is vegan often includes what we used to call 'strict' vegetarian...no leather belts/shoes and no use of honey...