I think you have missed the point. The "contradiction", double mindedness, hypocrisy of "Christianity", is based on the leaven of the Pharisees (Matthew 16:11), or more to the point, the leaven/hypocrisy of the Pharisee of Pharisees, Paul.
It might seem that Paul is a hypocrite, but I'm not so sure. The Bible canon has been chosen with an agenda.
An agenda that makes the gospels be interpreted in a certain fashion.
..and then of course we have the gospel of John which includes its own theological ramblings.
The Law/commandments, such as you shall have no other gods before me, is made "obsolete" per some unknown author of Hebrews, whom is often identified as Paul. As for there being many gods, of course there are gods, or why would you need the 1st commandment. The point is that they are not "before"/equal to God..
Yes, indeed. That is the accusation of the Nicene church. That Arians effectively believed in more than One God.
I don't believe it for one minute.
I don't think that Arians were stupid people. I think that they realised that the first commandment was important, and they
did not believe in a "literal son", despite the accusations of their adversaries.
i.e. The Father [ God ], the Son [ Jesus ], and the Holy Spirit [ God's presence ]
They are terms which are being manipulated.
Though Arius was also accused by his opponents of being too liberal, and too loose in his theology, engaging in heresy (as defined by his opponents), some historians argue that Arius was actually quite conservative, and that he deplored how, in his view, Christian theology was being too freely mixed with Greek paganism
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