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Hate is evil

Evil behaves hatefully

Hate fuels evil, those that hate what they believe is evil become what they hate

Jesus did not say in the Sermon on the Mount, “Hate those you disagree with, for you are omniscient and know the hearts and minds and motivations of other human beings, hate and you will enter heaven.” Again, Jesus did *not* say this or anything like it, anywhere in the received texts.

When you get to heaven, and Jesus asks “What did you do for me?”

If your answer is “Well Lord, I hated everything that was evil, I hated vigorously in Your Name, I hated on behalf of all that You stand for!”

And Jesus will say, “There is no room in heaven for hate. I’m sorry, you must leave.”

Nothing I have written in the past few days, or in fact ever at this site, has been motivated by hate. My motivation was to end the hate. I don’t care you disagree with me, I invite you to challenge my positions, a blade grows dull without honing, and I want my sword sharpened for G-d. That is metaphorical, those who would take it literally have an evil agenda.

I am not without sin, there are two people in this world I hate, with all my being. I hate the faceless, nameless person who robbed me of my beloved step-Father, brutally murdered in his own home. I hate the woman who emasculated me, and stole my dignity and confidence, and did everything in her corrupt power to drive a wedge between me and my family. These two persons, and these two only, have earned my hatred.

But I know my hate for what it is, it is a burden I carry and a sin I will account for.

Hating what you disagree with only makes you the monster you believe you are fighting. Hate feeds that monster, hate feeds evil, evil thrives on hate.
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What about a man who drives a wedge between nations and people?
I'm not fond of most politicians; there are some I loathe and despise. Ok, not hate, perhaps. Too strong a word for the present despicable potus.

But there are the far more sinister ones. There are political monsters. There are wicked politicians fully deserving of hate.
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What despicable self-serving liars the huge majority of them are. Make no mistake, the rest of the world see Trump standing over the middle east tinderbox with a can of petrol in his hand.
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No exceptions - hate is evil

Any man of the cloth who would teach to hate anyone - for any reason, is not worthy. If hate was preached from the pulpit I would stand up, turn my back and run from that church.
Ok. What about loathe and despise?

Fortunately I am not a man of the cloth, lol
I have the exact same feeling about our own politicians. Especially our new PM. I want to throw the radio across the room and vomit. Sorry. I just can't help it. It's visceral.
Interesting topic!

My personal experience of hate seems to be around situations and people who caused me embarrassment, humiliation, indignity.

I sometimes wonder what those who hate me see in me, and whether I may remind them in some way of past embarrassment they suffered, and whether they hate out of an impulse to protect something they love, which they want to spare from being (potentially) debased.

And there is the whole fertile crock of shit where self-hatred comes from...
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Ok. Well 'hate' in Latin is 'Oderum' -- Oderous.

So there is a distinction between the vicious hatred of wanting to tear someone's guts out with my own bare hands and rip them up and throw them down in the dirt and stamp on them -- and the emotion of disliking and despising a person so much that if they had never been born the world would be a better place, as far as I personally am concerned?

On that level, I cannot think of anyone I personally hate that much. Not now. I may have felt that strongly once or twice in my life.

But of course there are more than a few that like a bad smell I think the world could be a better place without -- especially many/most greedy, lying, power hungry and venal politicians?
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I'm with RJM in several respects. I don't truly hate anyone, though find Trump the most loathsome politician ever and that's saying a lot as I, too, tend to find politicians in general to usually not be worthy of respect. But, do think you used the term "hate" too loosely when you went off on the Trump-specific thread recently. It's not "hateful" to point out what you find deplorable about a particular politician or political point of view. If that were true, you'd have been guilty of spewing plenty of it in your responses.
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... you used the term "hate" too loosely when you went off on the Trump-specific thread recently. It's not "hateful" to point out what you find deplorable about a particular politician or political point of view ...

To Caesar what is his, and to God what is his?
To Caesar what is his, and to God what is his?
A portion of hate to Ceasar and a portion of hate to G-d?

Actually, there may be more truth to that *in context* than you realize. What does Namaste mean?

Did not Jesus say "Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?" John 10:34

So when you hate another, you hate a piece of G-d.
Ok. Well 'hate' in Latin is 'Oderum' -- Oderous.

So there is a distinction between the vicious hatred of wanting to tear someone's guts out with my own bare hands and rip them up and throw them down in the dirt and stamp on them -- and the emotion of disliking and despising a person so much that if they had never been born the world would be a better place, as far as I personally am concerned?

Hate vs contempt? One is hot and angry, damaging, but acknowledging the other by the sheer rage directed their way, the other one cold and annihilating, dehumanizing, obliterating any recognition of the other?
It's not "hateful" to point out what you find deplorable about a particular politician or political point of view.
Remember you said this, when I stick you with a reBUTTal, unless you're a homophobe? It's just another expression of love... ;) *smooch, smooch* Gonna ride that donkey! Yee Haw!

If that were true, you'd have been guilty of spewing plenty of it in your responses.
Only in self defense, and only to end the hate.

As long as you are OK with a thread that offers insight to the abuses levelled by the left without calling any and every participant a hater of one brand or other, I'm good. Like I said, 3 years of catching up to do.

Stuff like the witch hunt lynching cabal being conducted now by the gutless Adam Schiff. Before you get all sanctimonious about the use of "lynch," bear in mind: Joe Biden, John Kerry and several African American congressmen used the very same term to describe an impeachment proceeding, that of William Jefferson Clinton in 1997. The difference between then and now, Clinton's was conducted in the open, for all to see. He had the benefit of legal counsel, cross examination, rebuttal, witnesses for the defense...standard legal stuff, stuff being denied Trump. And Schiff is so cowardly, he scattered like a cockroach when the light comes on when his peers - not a busload of professional provocateurs from out of state - people he supposedly works with every day, demanded to witness the proceedings.

So if you are OK with a thread like that, cool. If you are going to resort to ad hominems, false accusations, and other assorted underhanded methods of shifting attention away from the facts and otherwise casting aspersions upon any and all who participate in an attempt to shout down and shut up the content, all bets are off.
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BTW....I'm a deplorable.

Keep in mind who brought politics to the philosophy board, but as long as the "peace and love" crowd chase me around the boards their comments will not go unanswered.
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I've no problem with how Trump used the word "lynch." It's the other thousands of deplorable and yes "hateful" things the man has spewed over the past 3 years.:cool: