If it happens it happens. If not: it's just another person projecting end-of-days-in-our-time from various biblical documents, and nothing very special about that, imo
"They did not understand until the flood came and took them all away, so shall the coming of the Son of Man be" (Matthew 24:39). Those who do not "understand", would be the "wicked" (Daniel 12:10)/lawless/followers of Paul, followers of the false gospel of grace. It will creep up on them and take them unaware, for they do not heed the testimony of Yeshua (Revelation 14:10-12), but followed the precepts of men. They shall drink from the "cup of his anger", but they have surely been warned. The precepts of men will provide them no protection in that day.
An extreme viewpoint, imo.
Paul was one of the few to preach to non-Jewish communities. Not an easy task at the best of times.
..to suggest he was knowingly "in league with the devil" is highly debatable.
That's one of the big problems with human beings. We accuse others, while we ourselves have no manners
and wisdom.
Yes .. the original message from Jesus, peace be with , has been warped by the evolution of a Bible canon that came from a time when the Jewish temple in Jerusalem was destroyed by the Romans. Modern Christianity is more than about Paul
What is so hard about following Paul's message? Like with the serpent/devil, he promised everlasting life, whereas they shall be saved, and "surely shall not die (Genesis 3:4). They didn't have to worry about Jewish law, and simply had to call upon the name of the lord to be saved. Romans 10:13 It didn't work for Paul and his contemporary followers, for they all died and are in the grave, but his present day followers still hang on to their lawlessness and false hope (Jeremiah 31:30). The fact that they do not generally know the name of the lord Yeshua, nor know what the name means, kind of leaves them in a limbo, or what the Catholics might term, a sort of Purgatory of the mind. Not in heaven, but still among the walking dead.
As for Paul knowing that his benefactor was Satan, according to Paul, it was Satan who gifted Paul with his poor medical condition. Peter, Paul, and Judas were mentioned in Zechariah 11, and as being chosen by the lord for a mission. Judas didn't know before hand what his destiny was, or did Peter know that he was fulfilling the destiny of being the "worthless shepherd" (Zechariah 11:17), nor did Paul know his final destination. They all fulfilled the roles prophesized, and the role for the devil/serpent, and his minions, shown as Gentiles/nations who persecuted Jacob, is "destruction" (Jeremiah 30:11). Paul said he was sent to the Gentiles/nations, whereas depending on the quote, Peter was described as being sent to the nations/Gentiles. The role of the nations/harlot, ceases after "many days" (Hosea 3:3). At that time, the nations come under the thumb of the "Word of God" (Revelation 19:13-15). Christianity is more about the church of Rome, sculpted in 325 AD and legitimized in 380 AD. According to Luther, it is nothing more than a harlot daughter of Babylon, of which his religion would be a daughter of a daughter of Babylon.