When the Reapers Gather


Shades of Reason
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Here! Where else?
I view it like when we put away our garden corn. We pull the corn from the stalks, separate the corn from the husk, then discard the husk and preserve the corn. In some ways, the fires refine the corn, ripen the corn, sweeten the corn … like alchemy of the spirit, turning one form from glory to glory until time for harvest … until it's time for the reapers to gather.

Another way to help articulate the way life operates. The same is true for humans. We are being prepared for something … well, for what I can't exactly say, but it might have something to do with a meal and the circle of life, which is pretty much common sense, or would it be uncommon sense … err … Ummm …. When a person finds comfort in that view?

To be perfectly honest, I have found immense pleasure in the whole two souls becoming one thing, so no ... I don't fear the reaper.
Who are angels … and if angels who, are much like us, then they may be who we need to honor too. I like the movie legion. I guess because I can understand it, or rather how they must have felt. Through us, our sensory perceptions and what not they feel what we feel. Some well, get numb so to speak, after being hurt so badly due to our ways, after which can get pretty mean.

In short, we misused and abused our position here on earth, so … as it has always been, when it's time to go to work, they do. Now, and just like in times past, some are chosen to carry on and help God … the angels, and those on earth now and also for those who are not yet here.

I'm guilty of causing myself pain, and others also I'll assume … given what I stated above. I'll try to refrain from here on out, being it's in their happiness and satisfaction that we find our own. Who made who ya know, and who made you too, and guess what? We are one together - with other who's, who know us like we know ourselves too.


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Some people fear so much and sometimes these same people who fear so much, fear the very one's and things that stand with them and fight for them and do all they can to make a way for them … to know and live an abundantly happy life. Some people fear snakes, others fear birds, others fear flies, and messengers, and others fear others too. So much fear in life, and this much is also true, be true to yourself and what you enjoy most in life no matter what you do. An Itsy bitsy teeny weeny itty bitty particle of a grain of sand stands as a mountain in the way.

What do you think that particle of a grain of sand is? It's not mustard, but it has a thing to do with faith … That I assure you.
Suggest we move the shallow memes and music cuts to facebook?
It's an image and a meme, that incorporates all in heaven and on earth, the whole as above so below, and the connection between heaven and earth. It's not the person in the image, but rather what it means. Can you read it, or see it, or understand it?
It's an image and a meme, that incorporates all in heaven and on earth, the whole as above so below, and the connection between heaven and earth. It's not the person in the image, but rather what it means. Can you read it, or see it, or understand it?
That's why I hate facebook. Too much shallow crap...
Manipulation and deceit and shallow views that limit not just me but you and everyone else too. Did that sum it up?
Probably: if it means that the reason I loathe and despise shallow social media and prefer sites like this one, is that here I talk in person with thoughtful others, instead of being flooded with memes and videos
Expression is an art form, from movies to music, to paintings, to words on paper, to the sky above, to the stars in the universe, to the flowers in bloom … It's called the Word some call it the logos ...

Some call her wisdom like myself
Even in understanding there is feeling attached. I'm trying to think of a way to articulate that without leaning on what has already lead me, via words, media, and what not. Imagine a cube of sugar, the scent of a honey suckle vine in bloom, and the sweetness of both and how the sugar tastes on the tongue and the sweetness of the honey suckles scent, and how that understanding makes you feel. It's all God. For example: Also think about the taste of a lemon rind, and the scent with it and how it tastes on the tongue, and how that understanding makes you feel. The contrast is evident between the first scenario and the second, and that understanding has been solidified, yet its all still God.
How about nailed to a cross with a crown of thorns around your head? Is that still all God too?