“Everything that is good is God. Whether it manifests in nature or through noble qualities in human beings, it is God whom we are beholding. God the Beautiful is manifest in the synchronised scenery of nature. His breath is heaving in the wind, His divinity is smiling at us in the flowers. The qualities of love and peace and joy that grow in the garden of human hearts are reflecting His goodness, His beauty.
He who looks for evil sees evil everywhere. He who looks for goodness sees goodness everywhere. Let your eyes behold only that which is beautiful, so that the ugliness of evil will disappear from your consciousness. By seeking out evil, by being negative and affirming to yourself negative thoughts, you see this world as a forest of fear.
By seeking goodness, being good, and affirming good, you see this world as a garden of beauty. The Bhagavad Gita teaches that he who thinks negatively and beholds evil in the world is the enemy of his Self, and the Self acts as his enemy. And he who beholds only goodness is a friend to his Self, and the Self acts as his friend.[BG 6:5-6]
… So in this world seek only that which is good, do that which is good. Constantly seek God instead of indulging in negative thoughts and actions, and you will find peace of mind and happiness in your life. Sometime you will have to rid yourself of evil. Why not now?”
Yogananda Paramansa
Self Realization Fellowship Temple
June 1 1947
The Divine Romance
Vol 2
So I am not in disagreement that for many people 'see no evil' is their way to God. My problem is when anyone claims theirs is the
only way to God. I believe God knows every heart and guides every soul that turns towards Him. Regardless of place, time or faith.
Best wishes