But the protests escalated and became ugly with looting and rioting, accompanied by all sorts of new and escalating demands that were obviously totally unreasonable to China, which has always regarded Hong Kong as part of China -- as it is.
These are exceedingly subjective statements.

As I said earlier poking your dragon with a stick is never going to have a happy ending.
Still, many live under situations where it is their only option, or it is the only option they see. I don't remember many fairytales where the dragon didn't have to be defeated. Again, not advocating violence, but I find that the world is far more complicated than how you and @muhammad_isa portray it. you'd support China over US?
You know many of us object to this binary, so don't frame it this way.

US is not exporting deadly viruses ..
We all are, unless you're making vague accusations on Chinese intent.

US is not a dictatorship
Democracy does not make the US good.
Dictatorship does not make China evil.
Judge them by their actions. Looking at any super-power, any nation even, and you find both good and evil, more of one depending on your disposition I would wager. You advocate for submitting to the lesser evil, that is fine, many do. I do not.
We in India can go along with Trump. We will go along with Biden and Kamala as well. Containment of China at this stage is necessary, otherwise things will go out of hand.
I disagree. I think it's the other way around. Trump is deliberately provoking China to boost his own supporters and of course using the coronavirus as a way to do it..

You infer it's all about "Republican politics"..
It's not!

“Democrats believe the China challenge is not primarily a military one, but we will deter and respond to aggression,” the draft platform reads. “We will underscore our global commitment to freedom of navigation and resist the Chinese military’s intimidation in the South China Sea.”

The only thing on China that is being criticised by them is about 'going it alone'.

"Democrats believe that if the United States does not work with its allies and partners to shape the terms of global trade, China will shape them for us—and American working families and the middle class will pay the price,” .. “That’s why we will work with our allies to mobilize more than half the world’s economy to stand up to China and negotiate from the strongest possible position.”

..and regards the covid issue, those that are losing their jobs are more likely to lean towards the Democrats.
I very much doubt whether the majority don't see China as having at LEAST some blame in not containing the virus.
Still, many live under situations where it is their only option, or it is the only option they see. I don't remember many fairytales where the dragon didn't have to be defeated.
Clever comeback, lol ;)
But sometimes with some people, it's 'softee softee catchee monkey' that's more useful? Unfortunately these protests turn to violent looting, the original purpose is lost and the demands become impractical in the real world.

You infer it's all about "Republican politics"..
Not really. Hillary Clinton as Obama's Secretary of State was a hawk against China; she wanted to rename the Pacific The American Sea. Obama's Secretary of Defence Ashton Carter was fiercely hawkish against China and the 400 US military bases now encircling China were stepped up during the Obama years. In a way Trump has just picked up where Obama left off -- but Trump as an unprincipled loose cannon is in a class of his own. Especially with an uncertain election so close.
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I said:
US is not exporting deadly viruses ..

We all are, unless you're making vague accusations on Chinese intent.

I'm not accusing China of deliberately spreading covid.
I AM accusing them of negligence.

They have had problems with public health for quite a while now.
I'm not surprised that a nation hell-bent on economic supremacy,
with its materialistic, anti-theist dictator-policies cannot control disease.

3/4 of meat consumption in China is pork. Their pork "industry" is heavily diseased,
and the smaller rural farms have been replaced by sprawling caged factories.
[ much like govt. policy on people ]

Their treatment of animals is "inhumane" .. as is their treatment of people.
They eat snakes, dogs, cats .. you name it.

It is well-known that China attempts to cover things up, and distract attention away from
fact & reality.
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That is an unfounded accusation. In the absence of evidence, you sound as reactionary and ridiculous as Trump. It's racist..

..see my previous post..
It's nothing to do with race .. unless you consider HongKong Chinese a 'separate race'
It's about govt. policy and its supporters.

America has had its day..

You dare to say that to "the beast"??
Not yet it hasn't!
The west is still a formidable alliance!

All China wants, as the strongest economy, is the respect that position deserves..

Pff .. you should know better! Manipulation of money is NOT respectable.
The founders of communist China would "turn in their graves" if they saw what China has become.

Trump has declared he's done more for civil rights and the black communityetc. etc.

Forget about Trump! It's not about Trump .. it's about the growing threat to the world from
China and its despicable behaviour.
Containment of China at this stage is necessary, otherwise things will go out of hand.
Don't worry .. the world won't let you down.


More than 400 US bases
What you and he are effectively saying is that US is "the beast" ..

Obligatory Interfaith Joke: Followers of the religion of Thelema will of course point out that this is incorrect, and that to them Aleister Crowley was the beast.
OK. What's your solution?

It's more a matter of what I think is decreed.
US has a Pacific coast. They were attacked at Pearl Harbour. They have, probably, the strongest
Navy in the world. They will be watching.

What would be their intention?
I would have thought to prevent China getting control of the South China Seas.
.. it's too close to home, and they have good reason not to trust them, imo.

Both countries are guilty of misinformation through the media.
Nevertheless, US is UK's greatest ally [ apart from God ], and I am not a traitor.
It is not that we are afraid. We have a brave army..

Hmm .. we live in a technological / nuclear age.
It is not just about whether nuclear weapons might be used,
but about conventional armies meaning much less than they once did.
It's more about missiles etc, and which nations are your 'friend'
I disagree. I think it's the other way around. Trump is deliberately provoking China to boost his own supporters and of course using the coronavirus as a way to do it. I don't believe people should be taken in by it..

I didn't vote for brexit .. I didn't vote Conservative .. talking about Trump or Boris, as if they are personally
mismanaging foreign affairs is mere political rhetoric, imo.

I am not "using coronavirus" to promote a particular agenda.
My agenda is purely for God. I am merely saying "what I see".
The UK is involved. Criticising US policy is not going to get the UK anywhere.
It doesn't matter what leader we have.

Is anybody suggesting here that we should NOT give our support to US?
What would that mean, in light of brexit?
Do you think that if the UK voted again, that they would reverse brexit?
I doubt it .. so, we are just a small island with a more-or-less collapsed manufacturing base?
If some nation decides to, they can conquer us .. unless some other country objects, that is..

Now .. you may say that 'Europe' still "likes" us.
How do you know that 'Europe' isn't on the brink of collapse?
I didn't vote for brexit .. I didn't vote Conservative .. talking about Trump or Boris, as if they are personally
mismanaging foreign affairs is mere political rhetoric, imo.

I am not "using coronavirus" to promote a particular agenda.
My agenda is purely for God. I am merely saying "what I see".
The UK is involved. Criticising US policy is not going to get the UK anywhere.
It doesn't matter what leader we have.

Is anybody suggesting here that we should NOT give our support to US?
What would that mean, in light of brexit?
Do you think that if the UK voted again, that they would reverse brexit?
I doubt it .. so, we are just a small island with a more-or-less collapsed manufacturing base?
If some nation decides to, they can conquer us .. unless some other country objects, that is..

Now .. you may say that 'Europe' still "likes" us.
How do you know that 'Europe' isn't on the brink of collapse?
I was saying don't condemn that China builds a single runway in the South CHINA sea without perhaps making the observation that the US already has more than 400 bases in the area? Look ...
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They eat snakes, dogs, cats .. you name it.
We westeners only like to eat vegetarian animals. Hence the dichotomy about pork. Some cultures believe they absorb something of the nature of the animal they eat. Different peoples ...
They eat snakes, dogs, cats .. you name it.

If you are into eating cadavers, I find the lines carnivores draw as to what they will not eat hilarious. It is all just dead flesh...even if you knew it's name.

US hasn't spread any deadly diseases?

I guess we can't count the millions of deaths from our military equipment disposal methods.
I head out into the jungle with my bow looking for dinner. I don't get a pig but end up with a few slimy white beetle larvae from a log for supper --most of the time -- or not even this ...
This is the HEALTH section of the forum and this thread is supposed to be about Corona. If you guys want to rant about China/US world relations please start a new thread in the POLITICS and SOCIETY section.
This is the HEALTH section of the forum and this thread is supposed to be about Corona. If you guys want to rant about China/US world relations please start a new thread in the POLITICS and SOCIETY section.
Conversations evolve.

This one appears to have moved on quite a bit ago...but to return to topic.

Our Resident along with those in England and Brazil.have failed their citizenry in leadership.skills dramatically in tjis crisis.

My cousins kid just posted a story about her bout with covid...she is 30...she isn't hospitalized but is still fighting it. Got it from an symptomatic housemate. The docs are explaining to her the littany of ailments and symptoms that she now needs to watch out for the REST OF HER LIFE @30! Forget that.this is mostly killing people with prexisting this bug sets you up now to be killed by it later.

170k dead USA so far and no current end in sight...winning!