Just disregard I said it. But one day the world will look back upon this overreaction to basically a quite mild disease -- as serious diseases go -- with a relatively low death rate and which does not affect the working age people who are the backbone of the economy -- as one of mankind's greatest follies. Imo ...
Covid belongs with herpes as a threat to the survival of humanity imo. If you don't want to get it stay home nobody's making you go out
Yes but you have to look at deaths per million, not deaths overall of people who have previously tested positive for covid, and the US is a very big country.
Yeah...we are in the top 10 out of 200 nations... You guys are beating us...

We are watching it go thru the rural areas the population centers are tapering off. Will that happen worldwide...will we get the infection back going in other countries and then see it return?

They told us to watch out for fall...and here we are...secondphase before we get out of the first?
Just disregard I said it. But one day the world will look back upon this overreaction to basically a quite mild disease -- as serious diseases go -- with a relatively low death rate and which does not affect the working age people who are the backbone of the economy -- as one of mankind's greatest follies. Imo ...
I don't know...if we could have shut down for a few weeks and instituted testing and tracking like other nations did..we would have less than a third the deaths and be back at it with isolated quarentines of those that came in contact with infected.

As it is in the US it is the fourth leading cause of major deaths... Only the World Wars, Civil War, and Spanish Flu killed more...We were at war in Vietnam for a decade, and Middle East 2 decades...and we've only been at this 8 months...We ain't done yet.
I don't know...if we could have shut down for a few weeks and instituted testing and tracking like other nations did..we would have less than a third the deaths and be back at it with isolated quarentines of those that came in contact with infected.

As it is in the US it is the fourth leading cause of major deaths... Only the World Wars, Civil War, and Spanish Flu killed more...We were at war in Vietnam for a decade, and Middle East 2 decades...and we've only been at this 8 months...We ain't done yet.
What you are looking at is over the past six months just under six deaths per 10 000 people tested positive for covid at some time in the past, but who are mostly elderly with many other contributing factors.

For this you are devastating the jobs snd businesses of working-age people. Is this right and just?
Again...if we had reacted...we wouldn't be having this conversation now....Countries that were proactive and shut down are now reaping the rewards whereas our countries and Brazil and the half dozen worse than us are not.

Now that we are opening up schools and churches we are seeing more and more people below the age of 65 infected and dying....worse than that is getting it is not over. The antibodies only stay in our system for 90 days it looks like...we are now encountering people hospitalized and some dying from Covid the second time around.

The tricky disease also appears to have lifelong lasting repercussions from infection...with folks having lung, heart and neuroligical problems that provide them with the contributing factors that may lead to death the 3rd or 5th or 10th time they get it.

Covid is the common cold, we have some therapeutic remedies to reduce its impact when we get it...but no vaccine, no solution to completly avoid it. While we have learned a ton about may be decades before all the repercussions of current actions are realized.

our lack of action intitially regarded as follie...I'll go along with that... local uni here just had to quarantine a dorm...23 cases...after they been open for a week.
our lack of action intitially regarded as follie...I'll go along with that... local uni here just had to quarantine a dorm...23 cases...after they been open for a w
And ... What happened after that? Out of the 23 who showed symptoms? Who got sick? How sick? Who died?
The tricky disease also appears to have lifelong lasting repercussions from infection...with folks having lung, heart and neuroligical problems that provide them with the contributing factors that may lead to death the 3rd or 5th or 10th time they get it.
I dispute this in the majority altho it may be true for a small percentage, especially for those who have been on a ventilator for instance?
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And ... What happened after that? Out of the 23 who showed symptoms? Who got sick? How sick? Who died?

I dispute this in the majority altho it may be true for a small percentage, especially for those who have been on a ventilator for instance?
Hopefully the kids quarentine and it doesnt get worse...and they dont go home and kill their parents. It just happenned...end results yet to happen.

My nephews conditions....wasnt hospitalized...but now months later fighting symptoms that wont go away and

I also have friends working at.John Hopkins and am in conversation with the head of.shocktrauma covid/ecmo icu...on the front for 8 months now....they are all concerned about the future od this.
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Thank the PtBs for at least one level-headed expert! Tony Fauci's in da house!

He risked his voice to counteract all of the malarkey being spread (literally!)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Since we don't have someone representing the perspective of Chinese citizens.
Since we don't have someone representing the perspective of Chinese citizens..

Yes .. I believe that China has controlled the spread of covid better than many western countries.

Because, as I think is quite obvious, the most important measures in controlling outbreaks
is by putting in place strict lockdowns i.e. quarantine

Let's take the UK .. are the ports strictly monitored? I don't think so .. I'm not sure whether it's
very practical to do this when we are dependent on overseas for our food .. just a thought..

Are people prevented, or even encouraged, not to leave their localities? I don't think so.
No .. as usual, it's the poor who are being held responsible. eg. fines for non-mask wearers .. stay at home if you aren't key workers etc.

Is it REALLY the poor who are responsible for the transmission of covid?
I would say NOT. Poor people don't leave their localities very often .. they can't afford to!
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Yes .. I believe that China has controlled the spread of covid better than many western countries.

Because, as I think is quite obvious, the most important measures in controlling outbreaks
is by putting in place strict lockdowns i.e. quarantine

Let's take the UK .. are the ports strictly monitored? I don't think so .. I'm not sure whether it's
very practical to do this when we are dependent on overseas for our food .. just a thought..

Are people prevented, or even encouraged, not to leave their localities? I don't think so.
No .. as usual, it's the poor who are being held responsible. eg. fines for non-mask wearers .. stay at home if you aren't key workers etc.

Is it REALLY the poor who are responsible for the transmission of covid?
I would say NOT. Poor people don't leave their localities very often .. they can't afford to!

Not just what you listed; China has a different political system that most Chinese people have lived with for most of their lives. They know what could happen if they broke the law! Plus, their government is run by people who aren't wastes of a good evening of adult entertainment (like here in the United/"United" States.)

Poor/impoverished people need to go out so they don't lose their homes or end up starving (if they haven't already lost their homes because they haven't been able to pay their rent/mortgage or they have some underlying condition that has caused them to lose their home.) Oh, and then there are the natural disasters/man-made catastrophes that cause people to require emergency shelters...

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Poor/impoverished people need to go out so they don't lose their homes or end up starving

I quite agree that unless there is a strict lockdown in place, we all need to go out of our homes.

I believe that in China, for example, the military / police would have check-points on all roads to & from an infected area.
Nothing like that has happened in the UK. I think that the airports were actually very quiet during the main lockdown in spring,
but the airline-lobby is very powerful .. it is also a major part of UK economy.
..with a declining manufacturing, tourism has actually become more significant.

US is a large continent .. and I think your port controls are more stringent than ours.
UK has become dependent on foreign import, including much of our food.
It is a relatively small island with a large pop.
..and then there is brexit etc. .. tricky!
The Resident and first lady test positive.

I hope all the therapy and treatment is effective amd realisation that the most protected couple in the US is vulnerable..
The Resident and first lady test positive.

I hope all the therapy and treatment is effective amd realisation that the most protected couple in the US is vulnerable..

They're going to find out first-hand about the lingering effects of the virus, even if neither of them get the full-blown disease. Hell, Drumpf will require checkups on his heart, his brain and his circulatory system to check for blood clots, strokes and cardiac arrhythmia (oh, and he'll be required to take several pills as well as modify his diet!)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
If it was still Obama, would you still write that?
Obama is a civilised gentlemen. I don't recall him continually insulting other people.
Politics these days is more about selfishness than anything else. The vast majority of people vote for the party they think will make themselves better off.
This increasingly rude, political divide shows how society is becoming more ignorant and selfish, imo.

Turning the tragedy of covid into a political circus is just another pathetic immoral tactic.
How people can vote for a person who can stoop so low beats me..
..there again, I suppose it's a case of the blind leading the blind.

Isn't it just a show? Your fired! your fired!
How sad, when the "greatest" country in the world is in the hands of a tv tycoon :(
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If it was still Obama, would you still write that?
Obama is a civilised gentlemen. I don't recall him continually insulting other people.
Politics these days is more about selfishness than anything else. The vast majority of people vote for the party they think will make themselves better off.
This increasingly rude, political divide shows how society is becoming more ignorant and selfish, imo.

Turning the tragedy of covid into a political circus is just another pathetic immoral tactic.
How people can vote for a person who can stoop so low beats me..
..there again, I suppose it's a case of the blind leading the blind.

Isn't it just a show? Your fired! your fired!
How sad, when the "greatest" country in the world is in the hands of a tv tycoon :(
This turned political quick!

Though I have no love for the President, I don't wish him sickness. I also hope he gets well soon.