Hey, Aussie —

The word now is mask up because of sneezing.
No worries, dusty as hell down here. What with bush fires and heavy farm equipment going night an day. We were walking around with scarves tied around our faces long before all this happened. Of course, we also have a habit of lifting those scarves and shouting at one another over the noise! -:p
Of course, we also have a habit of lifting those scarves and shouting at one another over the noise! -:p

Good .. semi-normal then.
Would you be happy if aviation declines somewhat?

.. every little helps .. towards getting back on track climate-wise, I mean.
The noise I speak comes from combines, tractors and other farm equipment. No choice, but to scream over the roar when working nearby. -;)
The latest CDC death toll from CV (I checked to see just how bad it was in the US [to justify my position on mandatoy face masks for everyone])::153,027

I think that I might get something strong to drink tomorrow. :(

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
The latest CDC death toll ...
No consolation, but here in the UK we have the worst figures in Europe, and a truly chaotic govt approach that started late, and is now involved in constant backpedaling and self-justification ... country largely confused about what to do, and significant numbers ignoring the advice anyway. Meanwhile, billions of taxpayers' monies, invested under COVID-19 rules which means no tendering and no oversight, are going to friends and conservative party donors ...

At the start of Test-and-Trace, the Little Englanders of the Tory party said we don't need Johnny Foreigners' apps, tools and hospital kit, we're British and we make better stuff quicker, to show the worlds the way ... net result: £Ms wasted on a non-functioning Brit system, £Ms wasted on bad investments. The pro-Tory, pro-Brexiteers who were to lead the way (like Dyson, who championed Brexit, then moved his business HQ to Singapore), made a lot of noise, and have since gone very quiet ...

I think that I might get something strong to drink tomorrow.
My medicine: Laphroaig — The Marmite of Whisky — (D'you have the Marmite love it or hate it thing in the US?)

I live with three :kitty:s. They provide me with hours of laughter due to their antics, plus I have several comedy skits bookmarked on my computer (my flatmates' antics take precedence, though!) The :kitty: delegation here been outdoing themselves with their playing and their causing the random person to scream due to disturbing the :kitty:s!

I don't know what I'd do without the furred purrson plural, especially if they end up with the virus. :(

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
India tried to escape but could not. Ended up third in cases and fifth in deaths.
Cases: 1,695,988, Active: 565,103, Recovered: 1,094,374, Dead: 36,511 - and counting.

Not being strict in the beginning, Opposition parties encouraging workers to travel and leave for home, Muslims congregating for Tabligh and prayers.
..Not being strict in the beginning, Opposition parties encouraging workers to travel and leave for home, Muslims congregating for Tabligh and prayers.

I've noticed the nature of humans.
They mostly want to blame everybody but themselves.
The people who are so quick to blame are usually the guilty themselves!
[ they want their cake and eat it ]

Have you ever stopped to think that whatever we do, people are going to die?
Naturally, some countries have higher death rates than others.
It is quite clear that each nation has different population density, climate,
general health problems etc etc.
My medicine: Laphroaig
But can you pronounce it correctly, lol? It's pronounced Laphroig, I believe. I think it's a little too smoky for some. A lapsang souchong of Scotch malts? I like Jameson or Bushmills.
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India tried to escape but could not. Ended up third in cases and fifth in deaths.
Cases: 1,695,988, Active: 565,103, Recovered: 1,094,374, Dead: 36,511 - and counting.

Not being strict in the beginning, Opposition parties encouraging workers to travel and leave for home, Muslims congregating for Tabligh and prayers.
India is number 73 out of 149 countries for deaths per million at 23. Belgium still top, followed by UK. USA is 8th.
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Have you ever stopped to think that whatever we do, people are going to die?
Naturally, some countries have higher death rates than others.
It is quite clear that each nation has different population density, climate,
general health problems etc etc.

What I often wonder is, yeah they had Corona, but was that really the cause of death? Down here for instance you'll here so and so has succumb to Corona, then later it's mentioned they also had stage 4 cancer. Not downplaying Corona, but I can't help wonder if instances like that aren't skewing the numbers a might.
Not downplaying Corona, but I can't help wonder if instances like that aren't skewing the numbers a might.

Here in Berlin, Germany, we just had a massive demo of Covid deniers, nazis, and hippie-dippie-alternative medicine types here in Berlin. No masks, no distancing, police meekly asking them to adhere to the rules but not intervening until the late afternoon (to be fair, police were busy beating up on simultaneous smaller, leftist demos where people were keeping a distance and were wearing masks).

So, this is a good experimental set-up, right? With a super spreader event like this, people coming from all over Germany to get infected - er, exercising their freedom to display banned symbols hostile to the German state - there will be a noticeable spike in German numbers in about two weeks, I'll predict. And they will not be due to previous stage 4 cancer.
Talking deaths stats. Not the number of cases or how it's spread. Not denying Covid in the least. just wondering out loud how many of those who died while infected actually died from some other condition or would have died anyway regardless.

Bloody mess down here too mate. We've had huge spikes as well. None that I know of in my immediate area though.
Here in Berlin, Germany, we just had a massive demo of Covid deniers, nazis, and hippie-dippie-alternative medicine types here in Berlin. No masks, no distancing..

Sounds like some people are fed up after lockdowns and want to party..
At least they aren't the klu-klux-clan. Masked "do gooders" .

I get it .. people value their freedom .. they don't want to return to harsh state control.
Wearing masks isn't the 'b all and end all'. At the moment, govts. are trying to pretend that it IS.
They are concerned about their economies and are trying to psychologically make people feel safe.
How long is it going to go on for .. that's what I want to know?
Is the world going to adopt 'the mask' for the long-term due to continual pandemics?

covid is not a 'one-off' .. neither is the changing climate .. there's trouble ahead.
Serious global recession and unemployment will cause more division.
Everybody can't expect to continue as before. If the elite [ well off ] try to do that [ masks or no masks ],
they will not succeed. The oil age is coming to an end. The next era is unfolding as we speak.
just wondering out loud how many of those who died while infected actually died from some other condition or would have died anyway regardless.
The death rate is up in general, compared average.

Two relatives of mine, who "died of cancer", didn't have "cancer" as cause of death in their death certificates, but rather, cardiovascular organ failure. So there's that.

For every person who dies of covid, you have several who survive but are incapacitated somehow, increasing the burden on medical and social systems.

Wearing masks does decrease the rate of spreading the disease. I recommend it to everyone. Lets show any dissatisfaction with politics in some way that does not help the d*mn virus spread.

Finally, I'm very glad your immediate surroundings are unaffected. May it stay so.