"People for 2000 years have been wrong. God wrote the Bible in such a way that not until the 21st century would anyone be able to understand it!"
It's far too extreme for people to claim they and only they can understand the bible. It's amazing how often people imply that though.
"Everybody's wrong but me!"
LOL. It seems that is really what some communities and some individuals present!
People may not all share the supposition that God wrote the bible. After all he is referred to in the third person throughout most of it.
Also, as far as whether or not newer interpretations should be doubted just because they are
As I put in another thread in response to an entirely different conversation, there are indeed things that people have access to increasingly in and over the last 200 years or so that a great many or most people did not have for the previous 1800 years.
Literacy and education.
Plentiful published books.
Reasonable work hours. Artificial light to read after work. (more a feature of the 20th century on)
Religious freedom, freedom of speech, and freedom of the press, at least in many countries.
Rigorous bible scholarship and translations. The existence of people who can devote their lives to these things (bible scholarship, bible translation bible archaeology and church history) and NOT be in the employ of a church defending its doctrines, but present their findings as they find them, and lay people can buy those books and read them.
Modern communications and modern travel, so people can reach out to, talk to, and get together with, like minded people with new ideas, even if they are far away.
So in vastly increasing numbers the average person has been able to pore over scripture themselves, and find various books and people to give them guidance, and they can and do sometimes say "oh no, oh no, now that I really read the bible I feel like we have been told the wrong thing for years, let's set it right!" As I also said elsewhere, though I do not always agree with the conclusions that those people (sometimes self styled new prophets, sometimes just sincere believers who want to get things right) arrive at, I am more than thrilled that so many people have access to whatever they need so they can follow their intellect and conscience.
Referring back to the idea of something being possibly wrong after 2000 years:
A number of religions are ancient. Thousands of years. Does the extended time frame make them right?
Don't get me wrong: I am NOT defending the post you were replying to. I am definitely one of the sternest critics of some of what was said.