Did Most Early Christians Believe The Divinity of Christ?

I sometimes ponder on why eating pig is a no-no, but eating sheep is OK.

But then, that's another topic altogether.
For my part, I would rather reason than rebuttal.

Jesus said "I am the Lord of the Sabbath" (Matthew 12:8, Mark 2:28, and Luke 6:5). That speaks volumes to me.

Where we depart is in a belief of what 'Sabbath' is and means; not on what day of the week it is celebrated.

To the Christian, Our Lord Jesus Christ is the Sabbath. It's as simple as that. We celebrate the Sabbath in Him, for He is our rest, as spoken of at length in Hebrews 4, and succinctly in John 14:27: "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you ... "
I think you are confusing two meanings of the English word "rest".

You say, "Jesus is our Rest"; we say "God is our Rest". As in your belief, Jesus is somehow God, this will probably be equivalent in your eyes. In this context, "rest" means "support", the base on Whom we rely.

But the Shabbat as the"day of rest", is not the day of support, but the day of the break, the day of calm, reflection and openness, a pause in our busy lives. In Islam, we have those breaks in the times of prayer. The Jews have it for a whole day on Saturday, and Christians on Sunday. As I am living in a Christian country, I actually have both. Those breaks are important to our mental and spiritual health.

Both meanings are connected in that we use our rest/break to remember our Rest/Support, but they are not the same.
Well, I have my own viewpoint..
Let me see if I can try this again. It doesn't matter your viewpoint, it is a matter of Biblical Law.
I personally don't think that Jesus and his disciples ate pork, and did not teach that it was alright to eat pork.
Re. circumcision, it became optional, and not obligatory .. as many Jews saw it,
to become a"Jewish Christian" for want of a better term.
At the risk of stereotyping, have you ever wondered why so many Attorneys are Jewish?

They've been arguing Law for 3500 years or more.

The Law is very clear...the Mitzvoh only apply to (at this point) "Judah." Judah is the broader term that includes the tribes of Judah, Levi and the remnant of Benjamin. All the rest of the tribes are lost to history. Trying to forcibly place kosher on Gentiles is direct violation of Hebrew Law.

Kosher is what sets the Jews apart from the rest of the World as G!d's Chosen People.

Paul did not Hellenize Christianity. Paul did not force kosher on Gentiles per Biblical Law.

One has to look at this from here to understand Peter's vision of the sheet and the unclean animals. None of the Apostles were teaching anybody to eat pork, they realized Kosher Law did not apply, and those Gentiles that ate pork continued as they long had already.
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The Law is very clear...the Mitzvoh only apply to (at this point) "Judah." Judah is the broader term that includes the tribes of Judah, Levi and the remnant of Benjamin. All the rest of the tribes are lost to history. Trying to forcibly place kosher on Gentiles is direct violation of Hebrew Law.
It is not a question of forcing anybody.
No faith should be forced on anybody .. it is counterproductive.

Kosher is what sets the Jews apart from the rest of the World as G!d's Chosen People.
G-d chooses whomsoever He wills .. guides aright whomsoever He wills.

Paul did not Hellenize Christianity. Paul did not force kosher on Gentiles per Biblical Law.
Paul was an educated Jew, with origins relatively far from Jerusalem.
Paul used his common sense, in bringing faith to Gentiles, in a time of political uncertainty.
This is not incorrect. However, in the Jewish paradigm "G!d's Chosen People" has a very specific and exclusive meaning. Like a club handshake or something.
It always worries me when others lump believers into God's "Chosen people" that is very specific to Jews. Gentile believers are a very short section of the entire scriptures. It started with them and ends with them. His promise to them fulfilled in the millennial reign. Hallelujah!
It always worries me when others lump believers into God's "Chosen people" that is very specific to Jews. Gentile believers are a very short section of the entire scriptures. It started with them and ends with them. His promise to them fulfilled in the millennial reign. Hallelujah!
The Millennial Reign is for everybody.

Once again...it isn't about what you believe, it is about what you do with what you believe.

Do you practice your faith in your daily living, or do you bang others over the head with what you think it all says? (Not aimed at you personally, what I throw out here applies to me too)

The Millennial Reign, the Promise of Isaiah, is the opportunity for all peoples to be brought together as one, where the Lion shall lay down with the Lamb, and the little child shall lead them, and the toddler will play on the nest of the poisonous snake and not be hurt.

But first we have to pass through the Valley of Dry Bones
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The Millennial Reign is for everybody.

Once again...it isn't about what you believe, it is about what you do with what you believe.

Do you practice your faith in your daily living, or do you bang others over the head with what you think it all says? (Not aimed at you personally, what I throw out here applies to me too)

The Millennial Reign, the Promise of Isaiah, is the opportunity for all peoples to be brought together as one, where the Lion shall lay down with the Lamb, and the little child shall lead them, and the toddler will play on the nest of the poisonous snake and not be hurt.

But first we have to pass through the Valley of Dry Bones
I agree the Millennial Reign is for everyone but can I not be overjoyed for the promises of God to be fulfilled for His people?

Do I practice my faith daily? I try to. Do I bang others over the head with what I think it all says? Maybe.. but a one sided discussion would be quite boring. What makes this place so interesting is the differences in what everyone thinks it says. In spite of all the differences I still find things in common with everyone. I'm not sure why you put that tidbit in the midst of your comment directed to me.. as much as you deny it was directed to me 😂.

If God wanted all people to be the same He would have made it so.
It always worries me when others lump believers into God's "Chosen people" that is very specific to Jews..
What do you mean by that?
Why did G-d choose the Children of Israel?
Wasn't it because they were oppressed by Pharaoh?

G-d, the Most High, always takes the side of those who are oppressed..
..as long as they remain steadfast in faith.

G-d does not look at our colour .. or race .. or faith .. He looks at our hearts.
If G-d Almighty wishes to reward someone, He causes them to appreciate religious knowledge.
It's value is greater than all of the wealth the world contains.
I rather think we are all God's "chosen people", each and every one ...
If G-d Almighty wishes to reward someone, He causes them to appreciate religious knowledge.
It's value is greater than all of the wealth the world contains.
I'm right there with you all the way up to here.

Knowledge....most especially in this context....means doing. I hesitate to speak for G!d as if I understand His mind, but I really, really don't think He much cares which religious paradigm you observe so much as the point you do in fact observe. He will not favor a Christian over a Muslim, or a Muslim over a Christian, based solely on what they believe or what "religious knowledge" they proclaim. It will be based on how one conducts their day to day life.

Jesus even said there will be those attempting to enter Heaven saying "but we cast out devils in your name!" And Jesus tells them to leave as He never knew them.